ROUND 3 - Talent:
Here is where you can really let lose. Show us what your talent is. This can be anything. Singing, dancing, playing an instrument, modeling, drawing, photography, writing, designing..ANYTHING. You will have the freedom to show this to us in anyway you want.
You can send us a you tube video, a recording link, real photographs you have taken, drawings, scenery. Anyway you can express your self on the computer and get it to us. If you are unsure. Feel free to ask.
However you choose to show us your the link to it in comments. BE SURE TO CLEARLY EXPLAIN YOUR TALENT!
Last day to post it is Oct 23rd.
Anyone who does not do it or is late..will be automatically eliminated.
10 people will be eliminated and 10 people will go into the final round, but only 1 will win a 1 year SS subscription!
Good luck and we look forward to seeing how talented you all are.