Wednesday, June 19, 2019

New Callie's Picks-Lady Lovelace

Hi guys! Today SD launched a new Callie's Picks. They continued their historical figure theme from last CP and chose Lady Lovelace. Her doll is from the era when Stardoll had a lot of "Role Model" dolls with suites on the site. You can still visit her here. I'm friends with her. lol
The store has been glitching all day and you can't see the whole thing, just this window that you can't click. But the items are available in catalog, except for the Lady Lovelace doll.
Update: It's finally been fixed!
Ada Lovelace was born in 1815 in London, the daughter of the poet Lord Byron. Her mother separated from her father when she was one and was insistent that Ada not become a poet. She raised her as a single mother and taught her math and science, but Ada always kept an artistic sensibility. In the 1830s and 40s, she was introduced to the works of Charles Babbage, an English polymath, and she began a correspondence with him. Babbage developed a calculating engine, but it was Ada that suggested it could be used in different practical applications like generating graphics and music. This is now regarded as the first "computer program."
What do y'all think of this collection? Are you buying anything? Do you like that Callie's is doing this whole doll thing? This collection fits a lot better than the Beatrix Potter one. I personally really love this collection. I want most of the dresses and head pieces. And I'm going to add Ada to my Hall of Portraits.

Post an outfit within 24 hours for you chance to win an item from the release!


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