Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Alex's WOW #2

Hi y'all!

First off, I want to apologize for not responding to you all this past weekend. I went out of town and didn't have the best access but in the future I definitely will be more active!

I was scrolling through instagram earlier and came across my Man Candy Monday. A lot of you probably don't follow American Football, but one of my favorite players is JJ Watt. Not only is he great on the football field, but he is a wonderful person. For instance, a few years ago when Hurricane Harvey hit Houston, Texas, he started a fund raiser and was able to raise millions of dollars for hurricane victims. Both him and his brothers have worked incredibly hard to get where they are today. 

For this Words of Wisdom post, I decided to put a quote by him.

"Success isn't owned... it's leased. And the rent is due every day." -JJ Watt

In the past, I have definitely posted a lot of quotes relating to working hard and success. This quote stood out to me because it blatantly says you have to work hard every day to achieve your goals. I love the connotation of it however it reminds me that sometimes I don't come up for air. I tend to over work and it is something I have done since the start of high school. A lesson from myself to y'all is that you need to take a breather. 

What is one thing that you have worked hard to achieve in life? What are some of your goals whether it be school/work related or moving out on your own! Let me know below!

Like last time, some of you will receive wishlist gifts for participating!

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