The winners of Stardoll's Next Top Artist competition are revealed. Accoring to Stardoll they received a lot of entries, inspired by various things, from the Renaissance era to sculpture. They had a hard job deciding which 31 designs will be released in the brand new Museum Mile collection scheduled for this Friday, March 6. Keep reading if you're interested to see the winners.
Kikinka4.12 and megangoz
eliseroy and EllaManuella
jeremyn2005 and kamuz
katerinakib and Kleeshae
Who are your favorite artists?
If you ask me, there are some amazing works here, but also some that really didn't deserve to be placed so high. I saw few enteries on facebook that were way more amazing that some picked ones. Plus, it's weird that some of these designs weren't even created using Stardesign hair, but - (what surprised me the most - note by Brigitte) using only Minishop items or Jewellery design.
If you entered the comp and didn't win, show us your design in comments.
If you entered the comp and didn't win, show us your design in comments.
Link to the Stardoll article HERE.