Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Easter on Stardoll

Hop hop hurray! Stardoll prepared a lot of surprises for Easter this year. We'll be able to win stuff on egg hunts, get gifts from the gift-o-meter and take part in special competitions. Catholic Easter is this Sunday, April 5th and Ortodox Easter is on April 12th. Doesn't matter if you celebrate any of them or you don't, you can still take part in the fun.

Monday, March 30, 2015

The Price is Right: HB Edition - Dotted Spring Dress

The last Hot Buy of the month has been released! Here are the results for this Hot Buy...

Spring Strawberry Milkshake Makeup Tutorial!

Hello dolls, Nimka here, and I'm finally making another makeup tutorial for you after a busy Stardoll week! Not so long ago, the season finally changed from chilly winter to Spring, the season of pastel colours, growing flowers, new beauty and the beginning of the sunny days. This is why, instead of doing runway inspired makeup I have decided to do my own version of spring look titled 'Strawberry Milkshake' so we can say a big farewell to winter. Let's start!


New Floors of Yacht Club

Two new floor of Yacht Club arrive to Starplaza. Collection is named Bahamas break, and it's beach themed. Prices range from 4 to 40 stardollars. Four items are starcoin items (the castle, the turtle, flying fish and candle). Two items are superstar only (ice bucket and bad with towel) and one royalty only (fireworks). Collection includes two interiors, day and night. 
IMPORTNANT: You can purchase items from this collection, even if you don't have Yacht suite.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Making your perfect room

There can't be better time for decorating your room on Stardoll, unless you spent all your money on Young Hollywood and Wild Candy. Even in that case, 75% sale in Bling Bling and Glamour is the opportunity you just have to take. With over 100 items on sale and prices ranging from 1 to 8 stardollars and under 30 starcoins, designing suites has never been cheaper. Add some freebies and items you already had and you'll get a cheap and pretty room. Just in case you're still unsure on how to do it, here are a few basic tips. 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Price is Right: HB Edition - Tan Cork Wedges

The ninth Hot Buy has been released! Here are the results for this Hot Buy...


Friday, March 27, 2015

Callie's Picks Glamouflage comp winners

The winner of the Glamouflage comp is...


2nd part of Young Hollywood released!

Yesterday we were surprised with a Young Hollywood capsule collection inspired by Kim Kardashian's Paris Fashion Week looks. It consisted of a hairstyle and 2 necklaces (Balmain and Lanvin) but today the limited frenzy continues with not just accessories, but clothes worn by the celebrity couple Kimye. Prices range between 20 and 135 stardollars, nothing is SS only. Surprisingly, Stardoll made a lot of pieces available for this collection again, there are 1800 pieces of the jacket for example.


Thursday, March 26, 2015

HB Acid Wash Denim Skirt comp

 This skirt seems to be pretty versatile, so let's see how you can style it!



Bling Bling & Glamour closing down sale plus new Lady Gaga doll

Sales are back with some decor this time! The staff decided to close down 2 of the oldest stores on Stardoll, Glamour and Bling Bling, so buy everything you like before it's gone! Also, Stardoll seems to be into making new dress-up mini games again, after Kendall Jenner they released a 3rd doll of Lady Gaga, click HERE to check it out. Her doll is inspired by her Oscars 2015 red carpet look and her clothes were chosen from different seasons of older Limited Edition and Antidote.

Are you planning to buy anything from the sale?
Show us how you'd dress up Gaga!


Winners of The Price is Right (March 14-26)

Sorry for the delay, both Oayes and me were busy IRL but we're back with the results of 5 HotBuys!
Here we go:


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Callie's Picks No.37 - Clear Skies Ahead + COMP

 Click on 'Read More' to see comp!

After 2 weeks a new edition of Callie's Picks has been released entitled "Clear Skies Ahead". This is the second collection by Callie dedicated to the color blue, but this time combined with whites, highly influenced by sailor inspired fashions completed with sky-high platform heels. Prices range between 4 and 35 stardollars, plus there are 4 starcoin items.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Price is Right: Hot Buys Edition - April 2015

The April HotBuys have arrived. The selection includes three dresses, a bodysuit, coat, bags and shoes. They are all inspired by Dior and have interesting abstact floral prints and stripes. Now that they have been revealed, it's time for a new round of The Price is Right! 

Let's get started, shall we?

Users submit in their guesses on how much they think each Hot Buy is worth.
When each Hot Buy item is released, the participants who guessed the right price will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win that item!


Monday, March 23, 2015

Interview with SMW's Most Wanted MeDoll of March 2015

Cover graphic and interview by JosephinaA (Agnes)

Agnes: Hi! First of all, congrats on winning SMW's March Medoll of the Month, how does it feel?
Sia: I must say that when I realized that I was the winner, I couldn't believe it! It feels amazing and I am extremely happy, as I wasn't expecting to win. As you can see I am still really excited!


HB Embellished Sweater comp

Time to catch up with things here.



New Floors of Pretty n' Love Decor

Spring has officially begun, on my way home I've spotted lots of almond trees and violets that are already started to bloom (anybody else a fan of violet candy here?!) then I log in to see that Stardoll surprised us with 2 new floors of romantic vintage furniture and all kinds of plants and flowers - how amazing is this? Prices range between 4 and 35 stardollars, there are 3 starcoin items.


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Women's Day poll winners

I had to cut down a little bit on the prizes because of the low participation, I'm so sorry, hope you don't mind!
 The winner of the Women's Day poll is...


Saturday, March 21, 2015

What's in your closet? - March 21, 2015


We're all either searching for good starcoin deals today or selling stuff to buy more Wild Candy items. Therefore it's an amazing time to post what you're selling here.


New shop: Wild Candy Couture!

As you may have seen, two new floors were released in a brand new Wild Candy Couture shop today! All of its items are in starcoins and their prices go from 200 - 900. The graphics are really nice and  I must say that some of the gowns are just flawless!


Thursday, March 19, 2015

New Cute Gothic Styled Outfits

Hey dolls! As I logged into Stardoll today, I didn't expect anything new, just a normal thursday but as soon as I went to the starplaza I was so surprised to see new items had been released in the 'Fallen Angel' store, and I don't usually like the store since I wear all light colours but this one blew me away! Now now, I know you're all very aware because of the last post by our lovely writer LadyAnne Lena, so this is going to be a STYLING post! I will show you different styles, and which items look good together! Please remember that these are just my opinions however, and you can style these clothes any way your heart desires.


New floor of Fallen Angel

Stardoll surprised us with new release on Thursday, which is quite unusual. It's a whole new floor of Fallen Angel. The collection includes two starcoin items (blazer and bat necklace), while the rest of the prices range from 6 to 29 stardollars. One item is superstar only.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Chanel Glitter Makeup Tutorial

Hey dear dolls, Nimka here! 

Today I am very excited as I’m doing my first makeup tutorial for you all, where I will re-create famous runway looks to bring some high fashion fun to your beauty parlour. Today I have chosen the quite simple but SO beautiful look from Chanel Spring-Summer 2014 couture collection to start off with, which is perfect if you want to add some sparkle to your doll. Here it is backstage on a model:


Callie's Picks Decor No.2 - At The Mall

I wasn't expecting so many tributes shopping bags! Callie brought back Sea of Stars' Rose Coco Wilhelmina doll and three animated items (who wouldn't want those Harrods escalators or the Disco ball?) The prices go from 3-26sd and there are four starcoins items.


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

An introduction

A huge hello to the readers of SMW and players of Stardoll! I’m the newest writer for this excellent blog, and perhaps introductions are in order.

You may or may not remember me but my name is Nimka (N1mka4eva), and in fact I wrote for SMW 4 years ago at the height of Stardoll society when the blogging community ruled! Since then most blogs have died, and those the quality of those that live on has gone extremely downhill - however, this beloved site has stayed iconic and true to it’s roots - still holding amazing competitions for you all and writing about the newest updates, which is why I’m so honoured to be back. 

I have always believed that the most important part of blogging is the readers, without you, where would we be? I will be writing a few weekly posts including runway inspired & special makeup tutorials, how to style clothes, reviews, exclusive interviews, trend and anti-trend of the week, and much much more! I’m so excited to see this blog become even more influential, inspiring and entertaining just like the glory days, but we’re going to need you readers to support us, can we count on you? It’s time to come home.

Nimka <3 

PS. If you have any specific ideas you want for posts or makeup/outfit looks please comment so I can take them into consideration. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

HB Corvette Vest poll winners

 The winner of the HB Corvette Vest poll is...


New floors of MS.TQ!

Two new floors of MS.TQ were released today, yay!
The hairstyles look gorgeous. The bases and the buns are just flawless and a big help for the ones who love doing DIY (although they could choose the same colors we have in Stardesign Hair, or allow us to use Dorée for these styles as well) Prices go from 3-11 stardollars and there's a pretty cheap and awesome starcoin item, the Chain Cuff Earring. According to Stardoll's Twitter page, the collection was inspired by beauty looks seen at SS 2015 fashion shows of Rodarte, Chanel and many more.


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Get The Look + New way of choosing models

This time is dedicated to my least favorite article of clothing - the ugg boots. From the early 2000s until today, uggs have been more or less popular. Some were worn by celebrities, some designed by Michael Kors. They're worn by toddlers, teens, grown ups, even some older people. Claimed to be comfortable and warm and therefore perfect for cold fall and winter days, these boots are still worn even with shorts in the middle of summer. Some critize them and claim they're not good for the feet and that they don't give enough of support for the ankles, but yet uggs stay on their peak. 
So lets check two outfits with these so popular boots. 

NEW WAY OF PICKING MODELS: Answer the question at the end of the post, and the winners will be randomly selected. Winner will become an instant model for the next edition of Get The Look. You can only be model once per month. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

New Pêt-à-porter is out!

This one seriously took me by surprise! They're so cute... this is how the store looks right now.
It seems that they will grow, maybe with Starpoints just like the tree in our suites?
Prices go from 9-55 sd, which is way more affordable than last time!


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Callie's Picks No.36 - Pastels in Paris + Comp

Click on 'Read More' to see comp!

The 36th issue of Callie's Picks arrived to Plaza. It was inspired by a moodboard katyperrycupcak made and posted on Instagram. Prices range from 7 to 26 stardollars. One item is royalty only (Sheer Peach dress) and one superstar only (Jessica hair). Five items are starcoins items (blue basics bag, floating feather top, ruffle purse, Niko shirt and earrings).


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A short break

Dear members of the SMW Family,

I've been planning to announce my will for a while, but I think the right time has come today. X Awards was held on Sunday, I'm happy to tell you that I've won Blogger of 2015 and Stardoll's Most Wanted won Best News Blog of 2015. This couldn't have become real without YOU, my dear SMW Family. This award is your accomplishment too.

I'd like to thank my whole staff who's here to support me no matter what - JosephinaA, LadyAnneLena and Oayes for being the best and most reliable contributors I could ever wish for. Theshinystar for helping me out with creative ideas and supporting me during hard times. Crazycharmy and Modmayhem for their generous financial support regarding prizes. And at last but not least, the team of judges, katyperrycupcak, Mirdith, Miss.Privacy, and SkyKam for their great sense of criticism regarding entries.

Blogger of 2015 is the first award I've ever won in my Stardoll journey of almost 9 incredible years. I haven't been the main editor of Stardoll's Most Wanted​ for a long time, but I'm happy to know that my huge effort I've put into this site is getting widely acknowledged. I feel like I've found my right place at this blog and hopefully I'll be able to keep it running for a long time.

However - despite this great accomplishment, I had to sit down and think a little bit about my online life. I don't want to get into details about how it all escalated, but I seriously had to consider how much time I spend here, and how it affects my real life. Lately I started to feel like I'm losing my original energy and liveliness I used to put in editing the blog. A kind of creativity crisis has approached me. I've been running this site for 4 months now, overseeing every little detail, the everyday activity, how people come and people go. It's pretty time consuming and needs a lot of patience, not only when editing the blog but when you have to do the promoting yourself and handle all the social media platforms too. It's super hard to come up with the right impression.

That's why I decided to go on a short hiatus. It won't last for more than 1-2 weeks, I can assure. This means there won't be any comps starting from Thursday, however, store updates and comp results will get posted. I'll hand over the blog to the other writers to post about updates.

I'll be back with fresh ideas and comps. I just need a well-deserved break right now.
- B

Attending X Awards, wearing Vivienne Westwood styled by JosephinaA


Women's Day poll

Decided to do a poll because we only had 13 entries (plus me, but I don't count haha)

Poll is open until March 13 (Friday)

Vote for 2 people!

Please no asking for votes or cheating. Polls are for blog members only.


Stardoll Fashion Week - Spring/Summer 2015 Trend Report

No fashion week is complete without a trend report! It's already been 2 weeks since SFW ended but I enjoyed following the events so much, decided to edit my own little trend report, giving details about 5 trends I spotted. I've also included a special selection of Stardoll clothing for each trend, hope you will find your favorite pieces! Don't forget to show us how you would sport each style!


Monday, March 9, 2015

HB Corvette Vest poll

Poll is open until March 13 (Friday)

Vote for your top 3 favorites!

Please no asking for votes or cheating. Polls are for blog members only.


The Price is Right: HB Edition - Striped Denim Dress

The third Hot Buy of the month has been released! Here are the results for this Hot Buy...

Valentine's Theme Day winners

The winner of the Valentine's Theme Day is...


Alexander McQueen comp winners

The winner of the Alexander McQueen Tribute Competition is...


New Floor of Bizou

After an insane sale frenzy this weekend, the super oldie (BUT goodie) clothing of Pretty n' Love, IT Girls and Bizou is now gone - which means it's time for new collections, so expect to see more releases coming in the upcoming weeks. The first store to get an update is Bizou, inspired by effortless style and Isabel Marant. The collection consists of denim, plaid and basic must-have pieces. Prices range between 3 and 22 stardollars and there are two starcoin items. The Tartan Wool Coat is for Royalty only.


Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sunday Theme Day - Women's Day

What could be a better way to celebrate this precious day on SMW? Let's dress up together expressing our pride of being women! Happy women's day, lovelies!

Create an outfit honouring a woman who inspires you.

You can choose anyone, a historical figure, celebrity, close friend or your Mother, show us how much you're inspired by that woman's personality. You can also include a short explanation/story when telling us you're participating.

Since, this is a Theme Day, you must be wearing the outfit in your suite. No pics in comments, sorry. Let us know in comments that you are dressed for the theme (leave your username). We will take a screen shot and leave a message in your guestbook once finished. Please keep your outfit on until then.


Saturday, March 7, 2015

HB Couture Moto Jacket poll winners

 The winner of the HB Couture Moto Jacket poll is...


60% SALE Shopping Spree winners

The winner of the SALE comp is...


Friday, March 6, 2015

HB Corvette Vest comp


Create an outfit using the HB Vest and post the pic in comments. Don't forget your Stardoll Name.
Entries will be placed in poll for all to vote. 


Museum Mile released - and it's not limited!

I swear I've JUST stepped through my apartment's door to find out the impatient waiting for the collection was completely pointless. Turns out Museum Mile is NOT limited this time, which is an extremely bothering fact after the day was spent in front of the computer by a lot of members. I usually have my Fridays off university but today I had to attend a special workshop which lasted for like 7 hours (been awake since 6 am GMT) and I've been checking Facebook for the latest updates whenever we had a short break.


Thursday, March 5, 2015


Create an outfit using items that are FROM THE 60% SALE ONLY at Bizou, IT Girls and Pretty n' Love!

Win a 50 stardollar SALE shopping spree!
No other items will be gifted, sorry.

Please, PREPARE your wishlists, so I can gift the items to you on Saturday as soon as possible!

Last day to enter March 7, 2015 (Saturday) 10:00 AM, USA EST

NO PHOTO EDITING ALLOWED (other than background)

~ All items must be from the 60% Sale
~ Take a screen print
~ Screen print should be large and clear. Be sure to crop so it only shows your entry.
~ Post pic NOT link
~ Don't forget to leave your STARDOLL NAME
~ You must be a follower (Click the join this site button on the left side bar) of this blog
~ You must have sent a membership request to the club Hotbuys_Bazaar
~ You must have regstered/signed in to Disqus. Guests won't be accepted.

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