Hi guys! How are you? I'm awesome! I can't believe I'm a finalist in Sweden for Miss Stardoll World and I'm soon releasing the 2010 Fall issue of my magazine Donna! And yes, there will be a party! (With a best dressed list and other fun things!) Anyway, I'm not here today to talk about me, really. I just had to get it out.
Do you read street style blogs? I never did, until a while ago when I discovered the wonderful world of street style blogs. I mainly check out a street style blog from Stockholm. It's so inspiring to see how all kinds of people dress all over the world! That's why I'm going to share some awesome street style looks that I've found on different blogs from all over the world. Theses aren't maybe looks you want to copy right away, but looks to get inspired by and maybe the make you think in a different way, fashion-vice.
I'd say this is fashion -for real.
YES! It's Abbey Lee, don't you think she looks amazing in that big fluffy thing?
I love the bag, animal prints!!
I love the kind of masculine feel to it, the tucked in white t-shirt also makes it more relaxed. I love the belt and her braid is so so trendy!

I'm just saying one thing: Bootcut I'm not sure whether to hate
jeans are back! (This is by the way or love this look?
Frida Gustavsson, a very famous
Swedish model!)

Close-up's. I still love the animal prints fever going on (obvious?)
and the fur one.. hah!
I'm sorry if my posts look weird sometimes, I'm STILL trying to figure out how you make it look better, lol! Anyway, I hope you like my posts and there will be more soon, comment!
OMG i LOVE them!
I realy like them even if i'm not a big fan of animal print. lol xD
I like things with fur .. awesome
congrats ... good luck =)
Nice outfits :}
oh my god the first picture with the girl with the long blond hair is so fantastic :D i love it :)
wow, they're gorgeous :D ♥
I really loved this post :) Keep up the good work!
Hm. They looks nice. I like the clothes that Frida's wearing. ^^
they are so brave to wear such bold outfits I could never pull them off but they look amazing....
Now that I take a little more time to look at them, I must say that I like the outfit in the 2nd photo even better. I would totally wear it. ^^
i love them! :D great outfits!
I liked this post. :)Where can I apply to be a writer?
Congratulations! I really like the picture with Abbey Lee. The clothes are fantastic, and I absolutly love the fur. The last picture is gorgeous, too.
the second picture is gorgeous! I like this girl and this glasses ♥
Great outfits!
I love the first one
Cool :)
Yesterday I bought an animal print shirt. It's beautiful!
My cousin was once on it! xD She was just pictured on the street ♥
Not a big fan of the furs or animal print; so my favorite outfits has to be the second picture
I just adore that jacket ♥ [;
Oh lala! Abbey lee Kersahw! Remember when she stumbled down the mcqueen show and fell? LOVE the fendi peek-a-boo btw!
And OMG you read stockholm street style? I DO THAT TOO!!!
Carolinesmode ftw! (I even live in stockholm). I always love to read this blog since you see people from all over the world (not only stockholm)! My favorite person ever to get shot in stockholm streetstyle is Frida Gustavsson (my fav model, also swedish). Her style is AMAZING! although she once said that she wore "pants she found on the street"
Really good post!!!!!!!!!
i love them!;)
I Only Like The Leopard Print Bag.
@ Sakuradream
Of course, Carolines mode FTW! then if you're swedish.. and I'm swedish.. why the hell are we talking english? haha!
♥ These are so nice!
I love the purple fuzzy thingy in the first pic.
I love the green fur coat :D Though I woudn't wear it green – maybe red, gray, brown or white – or the classical black. I have a coat that is quite similar to that :>
♥I adoreee it..
FUR and animal prints are so stylishh ♥
No idea, haha xD I guess it's because other people needs to understand
I never knew you were swedish! That's so fantastic! (not many people I know on stardoll are swedes)
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