Friday, May 7, 2010


Hello now on Stardoll when we create a new doll on the 3 day we can be superstars for 24 hours. Below you can see some pictures that i receive on a new account that i create. I like this idea because now non-superstars can see how is to be a superstar even if it's just for 1 day. They also receive some nice gifts. I like the dress form. Enjoy be superstar for 24 hours and have lots of fun.

So what are you waiting for?

What you think about this?



HazeBlueBaby said...

love it, wish the new account could have buy n sell stuff on starbazaar though! then we'll all be having lots of free stardollars xP


natasha-rox286 said...

Awesome >;]

can u sell and by stuff from starbazzar

FatimaaaaaL said...

Oh, I think its a great idea, for us AND stardoll!


nicole24-7 said...

That's awesome stuff! I wish they had done this earlier! :|
I noticed that new NS members were posting broadcasts so I was like, Whaaat? haha

filipinhamaria said...

No you cant buy anything from Starbazar, look the pictures they explain what can be done.

SdoreMe/Ayumi said...

No wonderrr... I was like shocked as woah when I saw non-ss broadcast too lol..
Thanks for the post Filipa :)

Anonymous said...

that's cool. : )

Vintage-Glamour said...

I already knew this but thanks! I thinks its really nice!

jamie793 said...

Oh wow!
Do you get to keep the superstar stuff you buy?

Wenqi said...

that's awesome! you can totally send SS gift to ur self!

Anonymous said...

didnt i tell u about that?

Cherri Blossom said...

great idea i made an acoount and spent all the money i got in llike 10 minutes!! lol

BershkaGirl601 said...

WOW. Thanks a lot Filipa for letting us know this!

Someone said...

Well, it's so of a scorpion idea , i mean they did that so new people could get attracted to superstars like we all do for the first try and they try their best to get one..

dieBrInI06 said...

It's very cool I think because you can give yourself SS presents.

Sweet.Kitty said...


Mihaela said...


Pandora J ♥ said...

I already know that... I wish they could buy things from Bazaar too... :D We would have sooo much money :] But we can only send SS gifts...which is a good thing too :D


Samantha Tyler said...

nice but unfair for the persons who created an account before that new rule ! :/

_funnyprincess_ said...

OMG! That's amazing for the new members. But I have a spare account which is in her ss day and I can buy anything from the starbzaar!

_funnyprincess_ said...

*I mean I can't buy anything...

Tiina--- said...

Yeah 2 bad we can't sell stuff in the bazzar with these new accounts I had it all figured out ;PP

Kirbybabey said...

I love it,, i made a new account and it now has a HB dress!! LOL

AbiiBabeh..x said...

Is it the 3rd day of every month like 3rd of june ?

Anónimo said...

great! it's a great chance for ppl who don't have money to spend on stardoll!

Anonymous said...

im not a superstar. i created a new account today but im not :( why?? please help me!

Ruth said...

It's nice, just they really should added starbazaar feature too :D

Personally I use this new accounts 24 hours as Superstar for sending Superstar gifts to main accounts. [:

RihannyX said...

That's nice i guess :)
But it's a bit unffair to those who joined before...=/

Okrunio said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chicago3 said...

I saw this and did this on one account...great ideas, but they do not let you buy from the starbazaar, so you can't transfer stardollars to your other account :(

Evita.Sweet said...

:) Great idea.

Fatooni said...

I just wanted to point out that there are 2 of the same skirts in the Starplaza.
One is 8 SD and one is 7 SD.

Fatooni. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't like that, it would be great if old non-ss accounts, like girls/boys who have been on Stardoll for ages could be a superstar for a day or two :( that would be fair, not new accounts,
imo .

No-one in particular said...

Unfair xP

lojain said...

it didnt work for me i went to stardoll and made a new account but it didnt work :( should i click on something?

Sierra Lang (iswim19) said...

I think that's strange.
But I think that it's really a big scam by Stardoll, they want to make the NS members 'feel good' about being superstar so they all russsh to get the superstar memberships. x

Anonymous said...

Why I am not a Superstar! I created a new Account and nothing happened D:

Blahm3 said...

This i a good thing stardoll are doing people will see how it is being a superstar and will most likely upgrade ! :D nice work

Melissakuh said...

I think this is a good idea!
Like that people can see if it's worth the money.

But the stupid is that new members immediately see how it's much better than being non-superstars. They will of course want to remain superstar and buy codes or something. At least, that's what I think.

Rab92 said...

Yeah Good For Stardoll, And New Members.
But For Us, It`s Not. It`s Totaly Unfair!


Anonymous said...

Hmm, I would have loved that when i joined! :P

Oh, i found someone with the 'missing LE' :P


(Im Exxa13)

Mailgirl101 said...

I like it. But people will make broadcasts to just.. vote their REAL accounts cg..

Unknown said...

That's awesome :D
Stardoll just wants money, so it's good for them to do those advertises instead of raising prices

lady__gagaa said...

ahh, too bad you can't buy stuff from the starbazaar. and it's great for new mambers, to be a SS for a day. great.


Nathalie/x-princess_N-x said...

i think it's nice to gove people that chance :D

Saf.Rawrr. said...

It's a good idea for non-superstars

l0nelly said...

that's nice, I love it

cute stuff too

Miss M said...

That's really annoying for SS-but amazing for new members!!! I wonder what they'll invent next...xD

Sierra Lang (iswim19) said...

Stardoll is sad.
Forcing these poor people to 'experience' superstar then to take it away in 24 hours, then they will have to 'pay' for more. Another scam. :(

Anonymous said...

I think it's a great idea (:
But when i create a new doll,I don't do anything with it *LOL*

Sanne Mons†er said...

It's nice that they can try it, but stardoll let them try so they gonna pay money. Stardoll wants much money, right? x

Lea said...

but just for new account.. I want it..

Anonymous said...

Just a question :

- We will can only be ss for 24 hours on the 3rd day ?


Anonymous said...

but when they buy the items , on the next day they take them away because that was a expirience ?

Anonymous said...

u dont bcum ss for a day straight away. u have 2 wait until ur 3rd day.

eg i make an account called Example on monday. i go on the account tues and then on wednesday it is ss.

Got it?

April Eliza said...

I knoww!! I made a new account and i saved up all my money i had like 70 stardollars and then i bought loads of superstar clothing at starbazzarr and makeup etc. they dont do it anymore tho

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