1-Do 5 scenerys each day, even if you do it with just one piece, save the scenery and voila. On next day delete and do this everyday.
2-Do on your album several pages, you just need to add one thing, like a doll, a piece from suite shop, so every time you add something save. On next day delete and do again.
3- Go to Dolls and Games and leave a coment, when you do that you at same time can promote yourself, for example, a Sale, that you have a comp on your Club. People will visit your suite. With your mouse left button do control C and then control V, you haven't to write just copy what you wrote once. I usually do the Superstars dolls, or singers, or models.
4- Vote several dolls, you can vote your friends, you win starpoints and they be happy.
5- Change your Doll clothes, you can change just the shoes, or the hair style, or put another earings.
6- Move a piece on your Suite and save, you can put again on the same place.
If you do this you will have 12 starpoints, in 1 week you do 84 starpoints, on a month you will do 336 starpoints, on a year you can do 4032 starpoints.
On the begining when i join Stardoll i didn't know how to do so many starpoints and best thing its that you can do it in 15 minutes.
So its very easy to do Starpoints, now i have 8253 starpoints almost on 8500.
Thanks, I already know that.
Most easiest thing is just to save 1 doll in album & change hair of your medoll.
That all :)
Yeah I do that everyday :)
Still just over 4000 starpoints ;/
Thank You Filipa! Makes life so much easier =]
Well its easy to do 12 starpoints with wht i say, in 15 minutes i do now im doing to my other account too. When u begin to see tht u have 12 starpoints each day u wont stop, i do everyday, im already think on 8500, if i did this on the begining i could have even more starpoints. But when i began sometimes i did 5 or 6 not 12, so this is a good way to have loads of starpoints.
Thanks so much for the advice. I'm definitely going to do this :)
Thanks, this is really going to help me, especially since I turned non-ss.
tks! i didn't know that
thanks, much needed advice :D
Thanks Filipa :)
Thank you so much! :)
That's alot to do ;(
Thanks! :D
Now, I have about 6800 starpoints :D
Wow thanks alot ;]
Also you can write in Starblog,write long mssgs to other people (you can just make some random doll and write to her xD),write in other people's guestbook,etc....
Great tip! Thanks filipa ;D
thanks !! :D
Thank you!!!!
Thanks! Im sure this will help alot of people!
Btw. Filipa, you should write more! :]
i knew it already but thanks for post it because some people didnt knew about it!
Yes, I do that everyday.
So many people ask me if I spend "tons" of time on Stardoll to build up starpoints so quickly, but actually it's really easy. It only takes 5-10 minutes a day.
But I`ll Just Play The Normal Way.
This is useful :)^-^
Thanks ;3
Really helpful! Great tips!
Thanks! I'll go and try it!
thanks that helps ALOT!!!!!!
Thank you so much Flipa! It use to take me like an hour or more! Now i know how! Thanks so much for your help!
wow, thanks. i really think my starpoints aren't moving much, but i'll try this :)
Ok I will try, but later...
Thanks! I'll definitely be trying this out! :)
Thanks so much!
Thats very useful :D
I'll use this to try and get 4OOO by April :D
[I currently have 3546]
This was really helpful, thanks!
Thanks Filipa.
Love your tips.
They're good for
stardoll new comers.
thanks! its really helpful since i want to get those new awesome hair-s!!
I already know
I almost have 6000 starpoints!
Waw, thank you so much for these tips! :D
I'm defenatly going to use them! :)
I want those new starpoint hairstley! Heh :)
Thanks, I really needed this!
i already knew it, but thx anyway :]
i've been starpointing for 1 1/2 years now ^^
Thanks for the tips. But I don't think I'm going to do this, because I think it's going to be boring after a while and it just becomes routine.
Thanks for the tips (:
Oh! Thx Filipa it help me alot!
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