Sunday, March 31, 2019

WOW #7

Hi y'all!

As I sit here enjoying my Sunday evening watching the last of March Madness college basketball, I think back to my Senior year when I was one of the recipients of the "Jimmy V" award in the department at my University. I was so shocked when I received the award because Jimmy V was an inspiration not only at our University but in the Sports world. 

For those of you who don't know, Jimmy Valvano was a college basketball coach that lead my alma mater, North Carolina State University, to their second title in 1983. He more known for his speech at the 1993 ESPYS. Valvano had found out that he had terminal cancer and in his acceptance speech for the Arthur Ashe award, he took the time to express his love for life and tell others to enjoy it while they still can. I highly recommend reading or listening to his speech because it is inspiring. 

The one quote that people recognize from his speech is "Don't give up... don't ever give up".

One reason why I love this quote is that it is the motto for the Jimmy V Cancer Foundation. One thing you all will learn is that I am an open book. One thing some of you may not know about me is that I had a cancer scare before I entered University. I was 17 at the time and it honestly was one of the scariest moments in my life. I have a fear of the unknown and not knowing whether or not I had cancer was extremely scary. I remember the doctor telling my mom and I that there was a possibility and my mom just broke down. It was one of the moments where I just numbed up and didn't have a response. I was scared as hell but in the moment, I realized that crying wasn't going to help. After a surgery and a summer filled with hospital visits I was cleared and told that I didn't have cancer. Many people don't have the luxury of being told that. But they are some of the hardest fighters I've ever seen. Everyday they put their best foot forward and see things through, not giving up. 

Outside of that, there are many instances in life where I haven't given up, where I've continued to try even when the odds were against me. So I want to ask you all, is there a moment in your life where you've had persevere and keep pushing when the odds were against you?

Hope y'all have a wonderful week ahead!


Tress Up: Designer's Versions vs. Tress Up

Hello everyone!

      I'm Regina, I'm a new writer for this wonderful blog. I've been part of this wonderful community since a few years ago, but I started being active a few months.
I write in my own blog, also I collaborate in Alex's blog, so maybe some have seen some of my posts.
So this will be my first post, and I hope you like it.

      Today I want to compare the original versions of the recent collection of Tress Up, and give a short opinion about them, and of course, you are free to give yours. Because I think everyone has to say something about this collection.
First of all, we have a tiny picture of the winners of this SNTAH number 5. So, I was searching in each winners suite to find a high quality image for you to see all the details.

Also, I want to compare the Tress Up wigs with you, because everyone has different shape of the face.

      The 1st and 2nd place winners are WTP and laurynLaHavas:

  WTP's wig with fantastic and long curls, gives a messy look. She made this exclusive wig for SNTAH, and she luckily won. I think the color is perfect, the shades and highlights make it look very realistic. However, if you compare it to the Tress Up version it looks totally different. I think the wig needed more shadows, and more details. The Tress Up version looks like it was made with poor graphics, because it doesn't look like hair.
laurynLaHavas' wig with this wonderful green tone, really captures your attention, because it's big and so cute. This original version is totally perfect, because it has every perfect shade and highlight. The color is on trend, and I'm pretty sure that everyone these days loves neon colors for hair. The Tress Up version wasn't bad. The shadows are nice as are the highlights. The curls are detailed and its length is perfect. To be honest, I like the way that you can use double earrings and not individual. Also, you can use glasses perfectly.

     The winners of the 3rd and 4th place are missnnokinhas and our SMW member popotje:

   missnnokinhas' wig is totally cute and elegant. It has perfect shades. It has some tones of black for this brown wig, and have some highlights. I think it has the perfect shine and it looks very realistic. On the other hand, the Tress Up version looks totally different. While it is still nice, it gives a square appearance to the forehead which makes it look weird. It's supposed to be rounded, not square. I also think it needs more shadows.
   popotje's wig is one that took my soul. It's totally beautiful, the color, the curls and the messy details makes it realistic. I love the tones of blue and green which give it a cute and fresh look. Unfortunately, the Tress Up version looks quite different.  It doesn't have the perfect shinny details and the blue and green details are almost invisible. I also think it needed to be longer. She posted a picture of her new wig in comments a long time ago, and we probably almost all liked that!

     The winners of the 5th and 6th place are NixieSue and VioletaSare:

   NixieSue's wig is very realistic with this shades and highlights. It gives a messy look and is very pretty in my opinion. It gives an androgynous look and is short enough for me. I like the white details and the hair in the face, but compared with the Tress Up version, it's pure gold. I think the Tress Up version is totally poor. They just give the front part of the wig, so when you put it on your doll, it looks incomplete. So for those who bought the wig, they have to create the back part for the wig, so it can look complete. Also, the details they give are totally out of mind, it need darker tones and that could be perfect. The best thing about it is the cheap price.

   VioletaSare's wig is another of the favs for some, because of the neon colors it has. I truly like the variations of colors on it and the messy style.  The colors are perfectly mixed. It's original and beautiful, but compared with the Tress Up version I think that it is not well made and it's messy. The color tones are weird, not neon, just fake. They also forgot the shinny lights it has. I'm totally disappointed with this results.

     The winners of the 7th and 8th place are ladymariahgirl and MARAL_MARSHALL:

   ladymariahgirl's wig is totally pure and simple. It's straight, shinny and very long. It's also realistic and well made. This designer is one of the favorites of many users. I like many of her designs, and I'm pretty sure that you probably like one of them too. Brown or light brown wigs are not as popular as blonde, black, neon and red wigs, but I think this is pretty one. But let's compare it with the Tress Up version. It looks very pretty, it doesn't need shadows, but totally deserved the shinny detail. I like it, I truly like it. It's one of my favorites in this collection, but I'm not sure if it is for me... or should I try it?

   MARAL_MARSHALL's wig is a very creative wig. This designer is another popular designer, and the details are very realistic. This beautiful wig looks so nice, I can't believe this wig is real. The most disappointing thing is that the Tress Up version is totally a mess. They forgot to give the best details of the wig, the shadows, the highlights, more messy hairs, etc. I don't know, but I think they should have made it better or used another one. What do you think?

     And finally, the winners of the 9th and 10th place are Chanye and LadyBabyFace:

   Chayne's wig caught my attention too. This beautiful and shiny hair is kind of curly and it reminds me of how my hair use to look a few months ago, before I cut my hair. Anyway, this is well designed with it's shiny details and messy hairs. The Tress Up version is very similar. It's just that the shiny details are so soft. I think it looks very good with other colors like blonde or brown.

   LadyBabyFace's wig is a wonderful blonde wig. The design is nice. The highlights and shadows are not shiny, but they're kind of messy. However, the Tress Up version is totally a mess x2. I think it is more messy than it should be. There are no shadows, highlights or very marked messy hairs. I don't like this version at all. I think it is totally poor graphics compared with the rest of the collection.

     Now, you know a little bit of my opinion, what about you? Did you like one or more of them? I really want to see how they look on you. Please post a picture below or you can also post your picture in Jenna's Post so we can see how you styled them.

See you next time! Bye bye ♥

- Regina ♥

Friday, March 29, 2019


The Tress Up store has been released featuring the SNTHA winners. It features designs from dolls like our very own Popotje (Congrats girl!), NixieSue, Ladymariahgirl and many more! Prices rance from 19 SD to 29 SD.

My main gripe as many of you with Tress Up is that it does not accommodate our face masks. I  buy some if that were fixed.

What do you think of this release?

If you bought any, please post a pic in comments to show us them on your doll! 


Thursday, March 28, 2019

"Style It" Section

Hello Dolls, How are you??

For sure you know me already, I'm Lula (Luciana) and I been here for such a long time, more than 5 years now. If you don't know me, nice to meet you, it's a pleasure.

Well I'm kind of "debuting" in this part of the blog as I'm a new writer thanks to Jenna, who offers me this and I really liked the idea and it seemed a good way to incorporate this section to the blog.

As some of you already know, you will have seen my posts, especially in the chat, for a long time I will designing outfits as a whole and share them as a way of showing what can be done with the new items of the collections that come up in the game for these times, which by the way seem to me almost all very very good. Exactly as I have been doing these years.
Well this is what this section will be called, like my posts "Style It Section".

So for the first post I choose a collection that I really like, and aparte from being most of the same I know, sporty style fets perfectly my every day style irl so here we go...
I have some tips I can give for first at the hour of making outfits like these:
 1)Always design outfits following an item as your center.
2)If the upper part looks very loaded, the lower one should be calm and vice versa.
3)Always try to follow the line of what you propose, if it's a sporty collection, try that your outfits show that (fit the theme).

Here you have 6 outfits I did with the past OF collection, so hope you liked them...
First pair: I used mainly white tones, which is a color that although it's maybe dangerous is very sporty, in the second with some details of outstanding orange, always in the sport lines, and personally this transparent top and sunglasses seem to me items that maybe we should obtain since they are very stylish.

Second Pair: I used neon lime and strong pink that at first glance seems a controversial combination I know but fits very well with what the collection proposes, following much the same collection of NicoPanda 2019 mainly.

Third Pair: This is more like a "Neon party" themed pair, using pink again, blue and purple all strong, very striking but as a variente: I find them rather perfect to go out at night to have fun, although always following OF.

Some details that never fail: always wear sunglasses, small bags but striking, matching accessories and comfortable hairstyles to close your idea.

I hope you liked my debut, comment here below what you think about what I propose, if there is one that you like more than another, what other collections you want to see me present for my next posts and know how to excuse me for my english which is not very good.



It's time for our next Trend Challenge!

This spring we are seeing lots outfits hit the runway with all the trimmings! Have a party to go to or simply want to spice things up... add feathers or fringe and you are ready to make a statement!

Gucci, Celine, Givenchy and Valentino
Marc Jacobs, Saint Laurent, The Blonds and Monse
imageSaint Laurentimage

Rochas, Sally Lapointe and Calvin Luo

3.1 Phillip Lim


There are always on trend items on Stardoll.
Here are a few items that are currently in Starplaza.
Browse the plaza and your own closets, you are sure to find a bunch more!

Here are some outfits using this trend that some of you have recently posted in chat!
GeorgieFetch (Arealsymbol), Yuriyuri723 and Lula.Osorio


What do you think of this trend?

Is it something you will add to your wardrobe?

 Now here's your chance to get in on the trend!

Create an outfit using either feathers or fringe and post it in comments.

WIN $50sd

~Don't forget your Stardoll name
~Can be created in Stardoll

~Ends Sunday April 4, 2019
(Open ended until it posts at the Starblog)

*pictures and information credit of

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Stardoll has released the HB Balenciaga Shirt for 29 SD.

I love Balenciaga, but this shirt is not my style. It reminds me of an 80's or 90's top.
I can't really picture how to style it at the moment, but I am sure some of you will find an amazing way to style it.

What do you think of this shirt?


Style this HB to be included in our poll.


Enter in 24 hours to be included in the giveaway 

~Post the pic in comments
~Don't forget your Stardoll name
~Can be created in Starplaza
~Open for 48 hours




Callie's Picks No. 107 - Sunlit Lifts was released earlier today! Sorry for the late post!

It is inspired by the colors of the sunset and prices range from $10sd to $29sd.

It certainly lifts the mood with it's bright colors!

I see re-releases from Off-White, Alexander McQueen, D&G, Balenciaga and more!

What do you think of this release and what is your favorite item? 

There is a comp to create a Sunset inspired outfit at the club. Click HERE

WIN $100 SD

~You can post below if you wish to create the outfit in Starplaza

Otherwise feel free to use your album or blog and comment at the club when complete.

~Ends March 31, 2019

*Blog only

Enter the comp within 24 hours and you will be entered in our giveaway to win an item from this release!

~Comment below once you have entered
~Don't forget your Stardoll name

~Open for 24 hours only 


Related image

It looks like we missed a couple of March birthdays!
I'm not sure what happened I thought I saw them scheduled earlier in the month.

Sending late Happy Birthday wished to Safakyildizi and Mirdith!

March 16th

Safakyildizi started joining comps at SMW about 8 months ago and has since become a staple of style around the blog.

Here are some of her favorite stylings!

Her style is always so fun and creative!

March 13th

Mirdith has been a long time member of SMW although she has only recently been able to become a bit more active again.

She owns a club called FM-Style where they do cycles and a blog called The Stylish Stardoll Sisters that is one of our partners here!

Be sure to show them some love by leaving a belated birthday wish either below or at their Stardoll page! A gift is not mandatory, but always appreciated.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Interview with regikenneth97 (Regina)

Hi everyone! I'm glad you enjoyed the last interview. I'm supposed to be interviewing SoMillie this week, but she's been a little busy irl. So, I've gone ahead and interviewed last week's featured member, Regina! Congrats Regina!
If you spend any time on chat, you definitely know her! She is always there with kind words of encouragement for everyone and a new ootd almost every day! Regina is a 21 year old from Mexico and is studying Law.

Q: What do you look like irl?
A: My eyes are dark brown and my hair is almost black. I don't regularly dye my hair, so it's natural.

Q: What are your goals in life?
A: When I was a little girl I always wanted to be a doctor, but I didn't have the opportunity to study in a traditional university. That is why I'm studying Law online. But now my goal is to live in Ireland or own a boutique.

Q: What language do you think in?
A: Haha. Sometimes I think in Spanish, but I want to practice my English so almost all my thoughts are in English. I never went to an independent English school, so what I know is self-taught.

Q: When did you join SD?
A: This is my first account. I started in 2010 when I was 13. There weren't good moments at school, so I abandoned the game and returned in 2014. Since then I've been very active.

Q: What do you enjoy doing in real life?
A: I love music. I'm always listening to my favorite music. I try to sing, but I'm not very good at singing. haha. Also I play guitar; I have an acoustic one. I used to play bass, but we had to sell it. My father is thinking about buying a new electric guitar and bass because he loves to play too.

Q: What is your favorite kind of music?
A: I love rock and metal music. My favorite bands are Alice in Chains, Tool and the Sisters of Mercy. Also, I love disco, 90s pop, 90s rock, R&B and classical.

Q: What is your favorite TV Show?
A: My favorite TV Show at the moment is Gotham.

Q: Has Stardoll been a good or bad influence for you?
A: I think it has been a good influence. I have met wonderful people with this game. Also, it helps me with fashion and interacting with people. Studying online at home doesn't let you socialize with others, so this is the only way I have to speak with others.

Q: Who is your favorite fashion designer?
A: I don't have a specific one. But I like many brands, like Marc Jacobs, Chanel, Dior and Alexander McQueen.

Q: What is your favorite recent collection?
A: Definitely Alexander McQueen Fall/Winter 2019. This collection took my eyes, my heart and my soul.

Q: Where do you get your inspiration for your looks?
A: At the beginning, it was with fashion magazines. I was trying to follow some trends, but after years I started to have my own style. I mean, I'm not 100% original, but I try to wear the items that I like the most and give some of my essence.

Q: Are you artistic in other aspects of your life?
A: Just in music. I used to create some sounds with the guitar, but I suck at writing songs. haha. I would like to write some stories about my weird dreams. Since I was 15, I started to have weird and terrible dreams and I think that they could be good for horror stories. I love paints, but I don't have talent. My family is full of artists; some paint, some play instruments, but I think that I don't have that gift.

Q: How close is your style on SD to your own personal style irl?
A: Not at all, haha. My doll can use everything, but in real life I only use jeans, a blouse and sneakers. haha. I wish I could have all of the clothes in my SD wardrobe.

Q: Do you collect a lot of clothes/accessories?
A: In Stardoll, I always search for jackets over the shoulder. Since I came back in 2014, I fell in love with those jackets, so I try to look for them to collect all that I can haha.

Q: How would people, in real life, describe your personality?
A: They say that I'm funny, shy, creative and a very kind person. I think I'm just kind and maybe funny. I make my family laugh all the time, but I don't consider myself funny. But, to be honest, I think people must also know that I'm too soft. I cry with everything and I'm nervous.

Q: Do the people in your life know about Stardoll? What do they think of it?
A: My family knows about Stardoll. My mother likes it, my sister doesn't like my outfits and my father never can remember it. I tried to talk about SD with my cousins and aunt, but it was awkward.

Q: Which SD activity do you do the most?
A: Dressing my doll. I have many clothes and I try to wear almost all of them, but I end up using the same clothes as always. haha. Sometimes I lose inspiration and I create a simple outfit, but I like to be creative.

Q: What is a fun fact that we don't know about you?
A: Hmm, maybe it is not too funny, but for me it is. haha. I use to have bad notes in English class in the past. haha. Not because I didn't know the language, my teachers said that I was good, but I'm terrible with exams. So, I get nervous and I ruin everything. haha. Maybe it was not only English, it was Math, Spanish, History, Geography, etc. I was terrible in school.
Thank you so much Regina for the interview. And thank you for always participating in the blog and wowing us with your beautiful outfits!
 You can visit Regina here: Regina's Suite

As always, if you have any questions you would like answered, please leave them in the comments below.

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