Tuesday, November 11, 2014


I hope you haven't forgotten this comp yet haha! Let's continue Design Wars! Here are the results and the next task!

27 people passed on to the 2nd Round. We had to eliminate 2 people because of no response, plus 2 contestants quitted - so we ended up having 23 valid entries.

15 will move on to the 3rd Round, to continue you had to receive at least 3 votes overall from our judges. Because of the long wait, we will notify each person via guestbook, message or friend request.

The contestants making it through to the next round are (in random order):

1. whatsernam3 - done
2. thegalaxygirl - eliminated, replaced by: pandaribbon - done
3. BerryLolitta - done
4. katyperrycupcak - quitted, replaced by: MissLadyAnjah - done
5. daddysgurrl - done
6. bella98twilight - done
7. zhan-zhan - eliminated, replaced by: lara_klc - done
8. minxingmaniac - done
9. lusy19000 - done
10. Prizla - done
11. amy235 - done
12. Dont_read_it - done
13. booklover29 - done
14. liljsweetie - done
15. 1sesy98  - done


*****Please remember, you can only participate in this round if you are one of the 15 people listed above*****

Design all 3 items below. They must coordinate.

Take a screen print and post the pic in comments.
Please make sure it is large enough to see details and clear.

Deadline extended until no certain date yet.

Please remember:

PHOTO EDITING of background or to place clothes on mannequin ONLY

~ You must be a follower of both this blog and member of club Hotbuys_Bazaar.
~ You must be signed in to Disqus and registered in the chat box. Click HERE for details.
~ Screen prints must be LARGE AND CLEAR. Please crop to show only your entry.
~ Post pic in comments, I will not view links.
~ Don't forget to leave your Stardoll Name
~ Only one entry per person or IP address. 
~ Be creative, original and stylish. You want to stand out!
~ It is not necessary to buy items
~ Can display items in stardesign, on mannequin or on medoll
~ Please read all steps thoroughly and follow rules. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.

The designer left standing after round 5 will win $500sd 
the choice of
one of these old HB's from 2006-2007

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