The Amyclaire store is out! Yay! I like the RL clothes, but I think Stardoll has made them look a little to plain. Anyway, I'm buying a few that I like. Did you buy any? If so tell us your favorite piece!
It's here for a limited time only from the 11th -25th (Thanks Evaeclipse)
OMG I love them :) really cute x
my fav is the shorter red dress!
I really like it!
I bought the long red dress and 2 other dress and the red wedges :D
~They are all really nice dresses .. but ii like the lonqq red one (: x
they do look very boring and simple, but that's why I like them :P
I bought only the Strapless Dress, at least for now
I like the strapless grey dress
& long red one
I'll buy them tommorow[:
I love the whole shop, I would buy it all if I was superstar. I think It sucks that I can only buy the black high heels, but their really nice too.
Alexander Mcqueen has died :( read the whole article here http://www.posh24.com/naomi_campbell/shocking_news_alexander_mcqueen_found_dead
I like the red dresses
The Red Dress Is Without A Doubt The Best.
Alexander McQueen is dead :C
He commited suicide and they found him today... Who's gonna design shoes now! He was my favourite designer of all times. :/
The dresses are cute anyways.
I like both red dresses and shoes [:
But I don't know if I will buy the long one, because it kind of doesn't look so great on medoll :P
Others are too gray or not really my style :D
The store is limited, btw. From 11th-25th February only.
They're beautiful!
But like you said, a little to simple. But great for acessorizing! :)
wow this is an amazing store! i love the white ruffle dress and the white beige mini dress its so cute wish i was superstar so i could buy them
and its actually a fair price some items!
I love dresses :)
I will buy some of them for sure x
I love them..I love this red long dress!!
And other items are great too!!
oh yay !!
i couldnt wait and it`s finally here
the clothes are really cute xo
I think the dresses are OK, nothing special :|
...but some of them are cute :)
I like it, but as you said they have made it more plain than it is. And the red dress looks a lot like a red HB dress (which I have said already lol).
I'm not buying any for now. Maybe later.
I bought all of the dresses because they are really cute! I loved them too much, I couldn't leave any behind!
My favourite is the two colour strapless dress, its gorgeous!
Visit me if you like > OllzPollz
Cute basic designs.
Almost every designer has does the red gown. Too simple.
of my opinion are simple but a little elegant
like the long red dress (:
love!!!the shorts!!! coo cute...
i like the clothes. they are simple, and at the same time so cute. i like the shorts and some of the dresses. too bad i'm not a SS...
I really like it!!!!! I bought to dresses!!
Love it! I am going to buy every piece, but hopefully Ican use play and earn so I won't have to pay a lot of stardollars
These are really not that great :(
They don't look like much work was really put into making them...
I might buy a couple pieces though
I really like the clothes and their simplicity. I don't knownif I will buy any just yet though
I love the red gown ;D
I can't buy. But I love that store..
I can't buy. But I love that store..
I love the Red one in the middle ^-^
i like that shop. and the prices arent as expensive like dkny or miss sixty ...
i'll buy some items soon...
The clothes are boring. The same colours, the same shapes... I like the red dress, but I can't buy, because I'm not a superstar and I think it's too expensive anyway. I think these clothes are going to be rare in the future because they're limited.
Some are great... dresses are very basic... but with the correct complements I think you can get an awesome look!
if you want to get amyclaire 2 tone shift dress that is not in the store, you need to go under search and search for gray and dress. it costs 14sd!
I really like this shop.. The long red dress is one of my favourites..
I love everything but it's all for superstar!
I like the Coquelicot Strapless dress.
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