Sunday, July 26, 2009

Stardoll Ain't Gonna Bother...

Stardoll ain't gonna bother changing or removing mistakes...

"Won't Won't"? Isn't 1 enough?

"Whish"? I wish they could spell wish, it's only 4 letters long.. -.-

"Collectors Colletors"? Adding the correct, but why keep the wrong one?

"DNKY"? Maybe theres a new brand called Donna Naran Kew York....


I Exhale Vanilla Lace said...

Wow. That's going to get annoying really quickly. I hate spelling mistakes like that. Silly Stardoll.


Sara/cutie07392 said...

I never noticed that!

Bluegreen86 said...

Haha lol! Well its probably because they cant remove it or something, but thats funny<3

Anonymous said...

so funny and so true i WISH

omgjuciy said...

You'd think they'd at least spell things right if we have to pay for it.

Joanna said...

Lol, Stardoll always makes really stupid spelling mistakes. I hate it though when I see broadcasts that are just "dnky dnky dnky dnky dnky dnky dnky dnky dnky !!!"

_kool_kat_1 said...

LOL that shows im not so obsevert! ive never noticed that before!

bobdude123 said...

hahaha thats funny!!! stardoll is very arrogant in that they don't fix their very simple mistakes, but are too rude (or embarassed) to reply to your mail about it also... i have had sevaral problems in the past where they havn't even bothered to reply

katara4 said...

yes, a time ago i saw this too...

sd_is_da_best / Sinead said...

It's not Stardoll who are the bad spellers it's the people who submit everything spelled badly! :) but Stardoll really shouldn't let the words be used if they are not spelled correctly! x :)

MollyMasquerade said...

lool. not a veryy good example from stardoll for their members there hahaa :D

taranee25 said...

hahaha.i never noticed that. hope they fix that.

Anonymous said...

I never noticed that!
But recently Stardoll is being so lazy, we haven't had any new clothes in like a week!

Liza (elisaveta1994) said...
looks like whish is a sound...but who needs it in a broadcast?

Cali_Beauty said...


This made me laugh so hard!! Donna Naren Kew York! :P

Jinniy said...

Haha x) That's funny
"Donna Naren Kew York"

Aaliyah/hip-hop-girl123 [On SD] said...


Donna Narren Kew York xDDD

Cali_Beauty said...

hahaha this made me laugh :P especially the DKNY comment :Pihamsaleh

2_cutecarla said...

Wow, interesting.

GiveLoveAChance said...

It's because of that suggestion thing where you can suggest the words so I'm guessing other people spelt it wrong.

chicky357 said...

I never noticed that!! :P
I have seen loads of broadcasts with people saying stuff like Dkny sale but i guess it must have actually DNKY sale!! I really don't notice mistakes like that!!

Lol chicky357 xxx

Anonymous said...

I know, Stardoll has more than just broadcasting spelling mistakes. What about clothing items? Like Cloe instead of Chloe and skirt was spelt wrong once!

Valarie said...

I noticed the DNKY thing a while a go, it annoyed me sooo much!

colleenp87 said...

Sometimes Stardoll's laziness amazes me.

Anonymous said...

i have noticed that "whish" mistake myself but yeah, common stardoll :/

Is this another mistake : under the # sign there are numbers and stuff, there are two & (and) signs. Or are they with different meaning ?

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