Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New Hotbuys Released!

The the HotBuys Sandals have been released!
I think they're quite cheap, but I dont like it much.. Im sure people can show it off awesome!

What you YOU think?


john2_el_mejor said...

Very cheap

colleenp87 said...

Personally I love them! And so inexpensive, which is rare.

Bluegreen86 said...

Yes! I love the price and style, they are free if you play a game :D so im down!

_kool_kat_1 said...

Its so cheap! But I don't like gladiator sandals so much..

katara4 said...

yey, they are cheap :D
i like them, and i'll buy them now ;D

I Exhale Vanilla Lace said...

I think they're kinda cute! Paired with the right outfit, they'd definitely be workable.


Anonymous said...

Very cheap!
But Im not sure if I want them or not..
I think I might get them, I dunno? x

Mishka1997/Caroline said...

They're very cheap if we are talking about Hot Buys.
But,I wont buy them,coz I think the are uuugglllyyy!

Cali_Beauty said...

Not my style, but as Mel said they are techincally free! If I don't find anything better to buy with my $5 I'll get these...purple is awesome ;-)

Anonymous said...

They are simple ^_^
I like them, I'm wearing them :D

Aaliyah/hip-hop-girl123 [On SD] said...

I love them!
I'm really happy that they are that cheap, stardoll must be happy today.

Anonymous said...

I think they're cool. And it matches with my outfit.
Check it out:

Sara/cutie07392 said...


Anonymous said...

Luv them and soo cheap! LUV the price especially! so buying them. it is rare for a hb too be under $5!

2_cutecarla said...

Those are fabulous!

Lillyandmile/Lilly said...

luving them and get them fee with 5sd a day!! :)

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