Friday, July 31, 2009

A thank you to my readers! Rares Raffle!

Hey THANK YOU so much to everyone who has supported me during the hard times and to everyone who has remained a loyal/active blog member!

I like to reward loyalty here, so I will be raffling off a few RARE items in the next few weeks.

The 1st is MKA RC BLACK TUNIC.So to be included in the raffle. Sign up in comments and it would be great if you tell long you have been reading our blog, what you like or.. dislike about it and what you would like to see in the future.


*Only people signed up in comments will be included in the raffle as they are being active members!

*See rules on the sidebar and at the club for raffles/comps



I discovered that stardoll has released a new option for the starplaza... a wishlist!
Once you click on the tempting 'Click here!' button, you are led to a page which gives you the option to choose your favourite items from Candie's, Mudd & Abbey Dawn (see below)

After choosing from the huge variety of tee's, dresses, skirts, jeans, hoodies, scarves, shoes, jewellrey and even watches, you can then create your wishlist letter and either print it of or send it to a friend!

Kohls Review!

As Jenna said in her last post, the amazing store, Only at Kohls, has been re-opened with 3 stores of new lines for 2009. As most of you will remember, it was open for a short amount of time last year, with Avril Lavignes' Abbey Dawn and Hayden Pannettiere's Candie's, but then disappeared suddenly, only for the broadcasts to go crazy with superstar members trying to find or sell the items. And now it's back! In this post, I'd like to post a review of the three stores - Britney Spears for Candie's, Abbey Dawn by Avril Lavigne and Mudd.

Level 1:Candie's

It seems as if with a new song comes new opportunities - and that is exactly what has happened for Britney Spears with her hit Radar! Although Britney Spears for Candie's is a line of clothing heavily influenced by the music video for Radar, with cute blouses and cool heels it also has a few other items perfect for any a-list wardrobe including cute scarves and a stunning halter neck top! The pieces are versatile and are the perfect mix between city and country style. The only down side is that the fabulous black and white hat and dress she wears in the video is not available to buy!

Get it while it's hot:

Store Rating: 4/5

Level 2: Abbey Dawn

The first thing I thought when Abbey Dawn by Avril Lavigne appeared onto my computer screen was 'whoa overkill on the red!' However, upon closer inspection, the items are actually quite cool, and the range of hoodies is fantastic! It would have been nice to have even just one pair of shoes, but there is some cool accessories available for quite good prices, so I guess that makes up for it :)
Just make sure you don't team red and red with the same prints together in your outfit - putting the red Plaid Shirt with the Plaid Skinny Pants is not a great idea!

Get it while it's hot:

Store Rating: 4/5

Level 3: Mudd

Ahh Mudd, I think I'm in love! This bo-ho, indie inspired range is just amazing! Although the line is only small, in this case less is more. I'm loving the ankle boots and all the accessories - scarves, jewellery, bags - and all the items are affordably price with nothing over $7! It's a perfect store for summer wear and the Plaid Hooded Jacket is just heaven. I'm not sure what exactly draws me to the store, whether it's the perfect graphics or the warm earthy colours, as it may not be to everybody's taste, but for me Mudd is definitely the best store released in a while - especially if you want to look just a little more unique and different ;)

Get it while it's hot:

Store Rating: 5/5!

Have you bought any clothes or accessories from Only at Kohls?
What is your favourite store... do you like them all, or don't like any of them?
And what are, in your opinion, the best items?

Comment please :D

Thursday, July 30, 2009

It´s Late, but CONGRATULATIONS! & Graphic

Hello readers! As you know our writer Mel (bluegreen86) was the Stardoll Covergirl and I want to say CONGRATULATIONS! I made this graphic yesterday but I couldn´t put it. I´m sure that Mel has a great time because be covergirl is a dream on Stardoll! No?

Do you like the graphic?

*Click HERE to zoom*



Hey everybody! Things are going a bit better so I signed on today and what do I see new Kohls clothes. A new line for Candies by Britney Spears. I like a few of these a lot. Also a new Abbey Dawn line and a few Mudd items! What do you think?
Are you buying it?

COMP: Dress your medoll in the new Kohls clothes. Do a screen print and list the link in comments. You must use at least 1 main clothing item from the new line. Not shoes, purse or jewelry.

Non-superstars or people without money can do a screen print fropm the starplaza.

Ends AUG 8th! Sign up in comments!

WIN $200sd code!

JUDGES: If you want to judge. State it in comments. The day after the end date. Look at all the entries and choose your top 3. Send your results to me on stardoll and I will credit you as a judge when the results are announced.

UPDATES: I am really sorry for all prizes still owed and not being here. As you know my mom is sick and I just haven't been able to be on stardoll. I will get them out to people a little at a time. I can not predict the time frame as I am extremely behind and limited to 3 per week, but it will get to you. I hope everyone can understand and just realize that I have to have my priorities in order.

THANK YOU: To all my friends/writers who have been writing while I am gone! I love you all and really appreciate the help!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hot Buys Platforms RELEASED and FREE!

Faith Platforms has been released today and they´re are now avaiable. They´re for superstars and FREE!

Aren´t the best, but I like them. Do you like them? Will you wear them in your life?

If you are wearing HB Platforms tell me in my guestbook. Click HERE!

HB Jumpsuit Poll

UPDATE: Thanks so much John for continuing this! I hoped either you or Mel would. Yes the winner will get $25sd once I am caugt up.

Hello everyone! HB Jumpsuit is in Starplaza. I do the poll because It´s normal in the blog make it showing you the best dressed. But I´m not sure if the winner will win Stardollars. I tried to contact Jenna but she´s so busy and can´t join Stardoll.

Outfits with H&M Jumpsuit:

Click HERE to zoom


Monday, July 27, 2009

Sale Outfits

First of all, I R E A L L Y need a banner. If you're good at photoshop or at least have better skills than I do, contact me on stardoll. My acount is lgap (click here to visit my suite). Please do the world a favour & make me a banner.

Today, I'm gonna be writing about a very innocent subject (apparently most of you didn't approve of my last post)
Anywho, as you know, the monthly superstar sale is going on, atm.
Therefor, I put together two outfits, using mainly ELLE items on sale.
I'll show you how much you'll be saving if you buy them now (To go to the StarPlaza, click here).
Waiting for the sales, trust me, really pays of.
What do you think? Tell us in a comment! Toodles, Lucie.

PS: About my banner, I really want one, as you must've noticed. If you decide to do one. You must contact me before you do it. For some requirements & specifications.

Hot Buys Jumpsuit RELEASED

Hello everyone! I´m officially back, I was so busy because I´m in a new house and bla bla bla. Ok, the Hennes & Mauritz jumpsuit is now in Starplaza. It´s for superstars and cost $10 stardollars.

What do you think about it? Will you wear it in real life?

If you are wearing it, tell me in my guestbook.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Stardoll Ain't Gonna Bother...

Stardoll ain't gonna bother changing or removing mistakes...

"Won't Won't"? Isn't 1 enough?

"Whish"? I wish they could spell wish, it's only 4 letters long.. -.-

"Collectors Colletors"? Adding the correct, but why keep the wrong one?

"DNKY"? Maybe theres a new brand called Donna Naran Kew York....

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sale in Starplaza!

Yes the Sale of July has officially begun! As Colleen said, there are many wonderful choices this month! For me, when the sales arrive I always try to find the best bargains! I love the things that are of course cheap, but also versatile. I think this sale has a lot of great staple items like shoes, accessories, jackets, and vests, which is great for anyone who is trying to save up their sd yet get good quality outfits! Here are my favorite 12 items that I fell everyone should buy:

My personal favorites in my chart above are the Elle Modern Motorcycle Jacket, Bisou belt, and Voile Ladies Rose Tube Dress!

Will you be buying any of the items I selected? Which 12 items are YOUR favorites?


Recessionista, as defined by Urban Dictionary, is "A person who is able to stick to a tight budget while still managing to dress stylishly." With the economy in a downward spiral, and the need to be stylish exponentially growing, recessionistas are popping up everywhere. Now, you can be a recessionista Stardoll-er as well! The monthly sale this month might not be the most encouraging sale ever, but there are a couple of a cheap and chic items that Superstars should shop and save on.
Paris Dress - originally $8, now only $4. Though it may not be for everyone, I love the lace detailing and girlish full skirt. The olive tone is a color rarely in one's wardrobe, and thus makes it essential to have.
Gaga Dress - originally $10, now only $5. I'm not a Lady Gaga style fan. Her music is great for the clubs, but her style leaves much to be desired in my books. However, at that price, I say go for it, and by the iconic Gaga dress.
Rose Tube Dress - originally $8, now only $4. To put it simply, for the days you want to look pretty and lady-like without a great deal of fuss.
Leaf Print Dress - originally $9, now only $4. A classic black and white sheath dress, with a lovely leaf detail. It is has the 40's elegance that the 00's lacks.
Stereo Print Bag - originally $8, now only $4. $8 was steep for a bag, but the new price makes this ironic bag affordable.
Port Purse - originally $5, now only $2. Because who can say no to an adorable candy apple red clutch? Especially at that price?
Printed Pumps - origninally $5, now only $2. Recessionistas know a timeless shoe when they see one. Black pumps are always stylish, but the print keeps them fresh.
What will you buying?
Update: The Elle collection showed that it wasn't on sale for some reason on my computer. However, the old collection is, for the most part, on sale. There are quite a few good deals there, including the Modern Moto Jckt and Extra Long Modern Blazer.

The Stardoll World is a Wicked Place

First of all, the introduction. I'm Lucie (or Lucia, personally I like Lucie way better) also known as lgap on Stardoll. I, for those of you who don't know, won HotBuys CoverGirl for July.

Back to the what the post is about. I'm sure most of you know how Emma (-inspired-) EXPOSED (MTV much?) Linda/Vanessa (Star_Awards) in her OWN blog, after Vanessa dumped her for Ryan (Ryan-Neal). Apparently Vanessa & Emma had been e-dating for various months, 6 according to The Star Dose. Check out the story here & Vanessa's confession here.

So Stardoll really is a Wicked Place ! What do you think about this event? Tell us in a comment!

I hope you liked my first post & if you read this far, I really need someone to make a good banner for me, given that I don't know how to use photoshop so well & my banner is very crappy.



August Hotbuys

The August Hotbuys List was posted! ;D
Sunglasses: <3 FAB!
Jacket: Its okay, nothing too special really...
Earrings: Also okay, but not Im a fan of, tho if the outfit matches, why not?
Pink top: Err, no comment -.-
Shorts: <3 They can look awesome as a a part of a cute Summer/spring outfit
Cupcake Bag: <3 1 word: SWEET!
Sweater: Its TERRIBLE! Look at it! It looks like a little boy's pyjama sweater!
Skirt: <3 Ah, GORGEOUS!
Socks: Matches the pyjama sweater... no other comment needed... -.-
Shoes: I dont really like it but I guess it can look good with certain outfits.
What do YOU think?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New Hotbuys Released!

The the HotBuys Sandals have been released!
I think they're quite cheap, but I dont like it much.. Im sure people can show it off awesome!

What you YOU think?

Aliens Invade...With Ashley!

Another day, another new club. This time, stardoll have created a club for HSM star Ashley Tisdale, sponsored by her new movie Aliens In The Attic.

UK members (not sure about members who live elsewhere) can also get a free item in their suites by going to the start page to the Pick of the Day. It's an alien that looks as if it is sat in a powerpuff girls backpack! It can be seen below:

So will you be joining the club?
What do all you Ashley Tisdale fans think about the new club?
And finally, what's your opinion on the free alien?

Let us know in the comments :)


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hello Everyone!

My name is Mel, but most of you already know me as Bluegreen86 on stardoll. I am very pleased and honored to announce that I will be writing for HotbuysBazaar! I will be doing my best to bring my own view of things to this website, and trying to update it as much as possible with my fellow writers to keep this blog active when Jenna takes the break she so rightfully is taking!

Throughout my posts on this blog, I really want to know all of your honest opinions! I like to know what you all really think, so if your an opinionated reader speak up!

Look forward for more posts from me soon!

PS- I really want to thank John for the amazing banner that he did for me! Isn't it amazing!? You are so talented John, and I really appreciate the time you spent on it!

Re-Released... HARRY POTTER!

Thats right, Stardoll re-released the Harry Potter clothes. To be honest, even though I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan, I am somewhat "disappointed".

Reason: I have bought two of these items for $60 (Maroon robes and Harry T-shirt), and I almost once bought the red and grey sweater for $60 as well!

But in any case, Im still happy for the rest! :D

Will you be buying them?

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