Friday, January 27, 2023

This Week on Stardoll Nº29

Hello dolls! This week Prada hit the plaza for the tribute season. I confess I was very hyped for this release because I'd love to add some Prada bags to my closet (and some clothes ofc) but for my surprise the collection isn't kinda good... 
We received 5 floors of questionable items, I even don't  know what to say about most of the pieces.

Overall, I only liked the combat boots (thanks Vulacano for choosing the best item in this collection), the golden and green sets on the 3rd floor are true atrocities they look even worst than the rl versions.

The other items aren't much my taste but I've seen some cool outfits with them, but nothing made me change my mind about buying anything other than the boots I've mentioned and some of the bags.

Other store released this week was Callie's Picks decor, this time themes "Timelessness".

I've said it before, but I'll say it again, the stardoll team sometimes comes up with great themes for Callie's Picks, but they disappoint in the choice of items, it seems they always have the same limited number of items to choose from...
I'm not saying that I don't like this release because I did but the pieces were re re re and re released over and over again. 
I'll be buying most of the store because I don't have any of these items lol

To close the week with a diamond key, we got a new Royalty collection. The store have 3 floors and it's a mix of versatile and statement pieces.

I'm tempted to renew my membership just to buy the cape with gloves in the last floor, which again was designed by Vulacano.


- All you have to do to take part in this giveaway is comment in this post your thoughts about this week's releases along with your doll name.
- The winner will be chosen randomly using an online name picker.
- The prize will be an item from the Prada tribute, so make sure your wishlist is updated.
- In case the winner don't have anything from the stated store in their wl, I'll be raffling another winner.
- This giveaway is open for 48hr.


Sunday, January 22, 2023

Chat #194

 Hello dolls, hope everyone can have an amazing week ✨

For this chat feature we have this dazzled outfit with one of the latests dresses from Young Hollywood made by...


Don't forget to nominate your favorite looks or decor to the next chat feature using the tag #featurethis


Friday, January 20, 2023

This Week on Stardoll Nº28

 Some weeks ago Stardoll made us choose between Gucci x Chanel, and it's a win for Chanel!

This Monday we were gifted with an amazing, at least in my opinion, Chanel tribute. The store came, at first, with six floors but only three of them were supposed to be released, cause the other three were from a previous tribute season. Gladly Stardoll already fixed this mistake.

I love most of the items, especially the accessories but I wish the belts were separated from the main items. 
There's anyone here that would prefer the Gucci tribute instead the Chanel?

The second release was Archive, and I think it was just a gap filler, because the collection is just meh...

I don't get what are the criteria they used to choose which items to recolor this time, as they looks more random than the other recolor collections... Tbh I'd like more if they brought back an old full collection from any brand to this Archive instead "new" recolored pieces.

For Friday, they have prepared a new limited collection, Young Hollywood with outfits inspired by the Golden Globes 2023 red carpet.

None of the looks from the awards really caught my attention, so I wasn't excited for this collection, but I can see that people really liked it, especially Jenna Ortega's dress. But I ended up buying the black gloves idk why...


- All you have to do to take part in this giveaway is comment in this post your thoughts about this week's releases along with your doll name.
- The winner will be chosen randomly using an online name picker.
- The prize will be an item from the Chanel tribute, so make sure your wishlist is updated.
- In case the winner don't have anything from the stated store in their wl, I'll be raffling another winner.
- This giveaway is open for 48hr.


Sunday, January 15, 2023

Chat #193

 Proving that the Punk isn't dead, it was just taking a break, this week's featured member is...


Don't forget to nominate your favorite looks or decor to the next chat feature using the tag #featurethis


Friday, January 13, 2023

This Week on Stardoll Nº27

 This week we officially welcomed the long awaited tributes season! 

The first collection to arrive was a tribute to Vivienne Westwood, the brand wasn't in the voting polls that Stardoll did last week on instagram, but it was expected that they would bring some form of homage to this greatest fashion icon that left us recently.

All the items are gorgeous (and expensive) but I've to give more highlight to the Carrie dress, it looks amazing and very well made and detailed comparing with the one who was released a time ago in the MM collection!
I hope they keep the quality in the next tributes...

The second release this week was Vinyl, and it was another hit!
If they're trying to make up for the removal of recent floors, I'd say they're succeeding...

The middle manequim in 1st floor is by far my favorite, but all the items looks pretty good. I really hope they don't remove this collection any time soon, because right now I'm prioritizing buying the tributes. 

This friday they were tired and decided to release anything... Someone might thought that they may put some leftovers of past collections or even items that were also released before? 
As far as I remember, Fever used to be a seasonal summer store, but this time they've add puffer jackets and high boots, like, excuse me!?

The first thing I noticed when I visited the store was the holo boots that were released on wild candy for sc and here they are being sold for sd...
This collection is a total miss for me, but I might change my mind if I see any of you slaying with any of these pieces.


- All you have to do to take part in this giveaway is comment in this post your thoughts about this week's releases along with your doll name.
- The winner will be chosen randomly using an online name picker.
- The prize will be an item from the Vivienne Westwood tribute, so make sure your wishlist is updated.
- In case the winner don't have anything from the stated store in their wl, I'll be raffling another winner.
- This giveaway is open for 48hr.


Sunday, January 8, 2023

Chat #192

 I hope everyone is having a great new year so far 💖

We're only in the 2st week of January and you all are already serving looks 🔥

For this week's feature we have a haul of outfits with latest Underneath Stardoll pieces by...


Don't forget to nominate your favorite looks or decor to the next chat feature using the tag #featurethis


Friday, January 6, 2023

This Week on Stardoll Nº26

We always start the weekly recap on monday but this time we'll rewind to sunday, when some stardoll bug decided to release some old graphic items. Bugs like these are "normal" in the site but this time what made it unusual is the fact that the items were actually available for sale!
But we could buy only the stuff that actually had a price, the ones stated as 0sc weren't available for purchase, unfortunately, and it was limited buying one piece of each for doll, with the exception of the christmas glitter, which we could buy how many we wanted.

This random crazy sale lasted about a day, and after this we had one more bug: 3 items that were for sale were gone from everyone's rooms, after sending a message to Stardoll support I had my starcoins refounded as they aren't going to replace these items, thats sad because I really wanted those pieces.
Have you logged in time to buy these old graphic items? Or you don't like them and prefer the new stuff?

Now we'll actually start talking about this week's official releases. Starting with what everyone thought that was the first tribute from the season, a Dilara Findikoglu tribute that turned out to be a Underneath Stardoll collection. I was sad about it because it would be great having new names as a tribute store and not more the same old same old from every year...
The store have two floors and the pieces aren't actually underwear items

Tbh the only thing I liked about it not being a tribute are the affordable prices bc I want to buy 90% of the store.

I didn't wanted to mention this but for wednesday Stardoll presented us with a new Callie's Picks collection themed black is the new blackIt's kinda a good theme but the clothing choices, well...
It only have one floor and it's more than the necessary.

Callie girl, where your head at when you're picking the items to be released in your store? The fashion police should have shut this down years ago!

For friday they prepared a new decor release in Minimalism store.
The are two floors of new items, one with living room and other with bedroom stuff.

I like the fact that the color scheme matches with the items from the other two floors that were already in plaza.

Can't wait to read your thoughts on this week releases!


Sunday, January 1, 2023

Chat #191

 Happy new year to the most beautiful dolls in stardoll land! 🥂

I hope 2023 can be an amazing year to us all, full of accomplishments, love, peace and positivity. Let's wait for Stardoll to bring to us some good stuff as well...

To start this new year in a good mood, we don't have one but two featured look, and they're:

Velve & WildChrissie

Don't forget to nominate your favorite looks or decor to the next chat feature using the tag #featurethis

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