We always start the weekly recap on monday but this time we'll rewind to sunday, when some stardoll bug decided to release some old graphic items. Bugs like these are "normal" in the site but this time what made it unusual is the fact that the items were actually available for sale!
But we could buy only the stuff that actually had a price, the ones stated as 0sc weren't available for purchase, unfortunately, and it was limited buying one piece of each for doll, with the exception of the christmas glitter, which we could buy how many we wanted.
This random crazy sale lasted about a day, and after this we had one more bug: 3 items that were for sale were gone from everyone's rooms, after sending a message to Stardoll support I had my starcoins refounded as they aren't going to replace these items, thats sad because I really wanted those pieces.
Have you logged in time to buy these old graphic items? Or you don't like them and prefer the new stuff?
Now we'll actually start talking about this week's official releases. Starting with what everyone thought that was the first tribute from the season, a Dilara Findikoglu tribute that turned out to be a Underneath Stardoll collection. I was sad about it because it would be great having new names as a tribute store and not more the same old same old from every year...
The store have two floors and the pieces aren't actually underwear items
Tbh the only thing I liked about it not being a tribute are the affordable prices bc I want to buy 90% of the store.
It only have one floor and it's more than the necessary.
Callie girl, where your head at when you're picking the items to be released in your store? The fashion police should have shut this down years ago!
For friday they prepared a new decor release in Minimalism store.
The are two floors of new items, one with living room and other with bedroom stuff.
I like the fact that the color scheme matches with the items from the other two floors that were already in plaza.
Can't wait to read your thoughts on this week releases!