Monday, June 12, 2023

Chat #202

Last chat got buried by the releases post, so it's time for another one...

I wish I could make a new chat every week, like it used to be, but besides my little time for Stardoll, and other lasure stuff, the blog movement is very slow as well and we're having low comments so I'll keep making new chats only when the last one gets 'lost' in the stores release posts.

This weeks feature goes to...


Don't forget to nominate your favorite looks or decor to the next chat feature using the tag #featurethis


Velvet Orchid

 A small Velvet Orchid collection hit the Starplaza today,and it looks more from the same we've been having lately... 

The lime shirt dress? We already had the same item in a previous Vinyl release. White chunky sneakers? We have tons of them already.
If I had to describe this collection in one word it would be BORING!
Can't wait for the next release and I hope it can be, at least, good.


Saturday, June 10, 2023


 If i'd saw some of these items in spoilers, I'd never imagine it was going to be a Pearls release...

I think the aesthetic of this collection fits for a Millionaire Mansion or The JetSet than Pearls, I miss when they used to release those clothes that seemed to be taken right from a Gossip Girl epsode.

I'm not a big fan of brown clothes, most of this item will be a pass for me. I kinda liked the floral set, might get it when I feel like doing a summer outfit.

I'd love to see your styling of this release! Some of you might get a lil surprise and get your fav piece of this collection...


Wednesday, June 7, 2023

#OotM - June 2023

 Now it's a tradition every first wednesday of the month we receive a new pack of Outfit of the Month, or simply #OotM.

In its 5th edition the chosen outfits were curated by members MarthaDiamond and megamashytik!

Megamashytik does an impressive work on her doll's social medias doing png clothes, some years ago she started the the @please_stardoll__ where she suggested great pieces for stardoll bring to the game, which they did in some past limited collection, now I'm happy that she got featured in this #OotM! She also have a tumblr where she post the separated png piece, in case you'd like to try some in your dolls. I liked every piece in this look but ig I won't be able to style the motorcycle corset...

From MarthaDiamond's outfit I loved the top, I was really hopping this to be chosen by Vulacano when I first saw it on instagram.The whole look is a yes for me, I think the hardest item for me to style will be the long denim skirt as i usually prefer the super mini skirts.

Like all other collections, the prices are very high, but ig we're all used to this overpricing nowadays.



 An intriguing release came to plaza this monday under the PopShop tag, it's a variety of dishes from different places, unfortunately not all countries were included in this menu...

I liked a lot the idea of this release, hope they can release a 2nd part soon with more traditional dishes from different places.

Which of these have you tried? Is any of them from your country? If there's no plate from your region, which traditional food would you like to see in an upcoming, if there's one, new collection?


Friday, June 2, 2023

Young Hollywood

For everyone's surprise, on thursday Stardoll announced a new Young Hollywood was coming on friday.
According to them we'd get the best of red carpet, and they were right, at least this time... The choosing event for this collection was 2023 Met Gala red carpet, 
which everybody was asking for since the day it happened.

Choupette/Jared Leto fur costume was so far my #1 choice, I missed Doja Cat dress as it was one of the most commented looks. Penélope Cruz and Gisele Bundchen outfits were also iconic and deserved to be in this collection, but we never know how Stardoll choosing method works...
Some people noticed that there's a necklace in spoilers that wasn't released and are supposing maybe next friday we can have a part II for this collection, what do you think?
Have you bought anything from this release? I'd love to read your opinion about this YH! 



Wednesday, May 31, 2023


 We know it's officially summer in Stardoll when a Fever collection arrives to plaza! And today we got 2 new floors in the store.

But the good old days when this store used to be "limited" are gone, as the previous releases are still hangin' there... For those who don't remember, Fever used to be only available for purchase during 1 month and then they were removed from Starplaza until the next summer release.

It was never one of my favourite shops but seems that now it's getting worst in every release. Some separate pieces look nice but as a whole it's a big NO for me.

I'd love to see how you'd style any of these pieces, who knows someone might spread some gifts for the most eye catching looks? 👀


Monday, May 29, 2023

Tress Up

I was very surprised when I opened Stardolls Instagram today and saw the spoilers for the new release because it's been a long time since we had a Tress Up collection...
I kinda liked some of the wigs, like the "black root hairstyle" and "red printed hairstyle", unfortunately the issue beauty parlor hair x stardesing hair items layering hasn't been fixed (and I believe it will never be) so I won't be buying any of them, or I'd have to remove all my face items.

What are your thoughts on this release? Which style do you liked the most? Will you be buying any of these hairstyles or, like me, you like to use masks made by stardesing hair?


Sunday, May 28, 2023

Chat #201

Our last weekly chat was more a monthly chat, sorry 🤭

I hope this time we (or better, I) can back to the normal activity...

This feature chat goes to...


Don't forget to nominate your favorite looks or decor to the next chat feature using the tag #featurethis


Saturday, April 29, 2023

This Week on Stardoll Nº38


The start of this week on Stardoll brought a new Velvet Orchid. It was a small collection, with a mix of neon and black colors.

The only item I liked from this release, at first, was the red corset, other look like items that were released before... I think it's time for Stardoll find new inspiration for the next releases.

For Wednesday, an unexpected release: a Stardoll feat. burlesque themed collection. I didn't knew that there were a World Burlesque Day, but thanks to this release now I know this date is celebrated on April 26.

I liked a lot of these items and was very surprised that they add a nipple cover, Stardoll have truly changed lol
It would be cool if they had add some of the Burlesque (2010) movie outfits as they once released some of them as freebies...

The last release of the week was Trails. Not one of my fav stores but there are for sure some interesting pieces (the pearl top necklace and straw top) in this new collection.

What was the best collection this week in your opinion? For me, it was the Stardoll feat. for sure, I already bought the items I liked from there in the same day, while I'm whaiting for a sale to buy things from the other ones


Sunday, April 23, 2023

This Week on Stardoll Nº37

 Starting Monday with a Spectacular collection, but its spectacular just in the name of the brand because some of the glasses models seems to be released before... So nothing of a big surprise to start the week, but this is just my opinion,  have you liked any of these sunglasses? 😎

On Wednesday we got another Fashion Furniture release, it hasn't been long since the past FF collection was released, but it was good seeing this new arrival in plaza. 📦

Seems like lately stardolls designers are really into redesigning items, see the "Karl who?" bag in 1st floor as an example... I'd love to see how you'll used these pieces to decor your rooms!

At least on Friday, the most expected release of the week: Subcouture! 🔥

For what I saw, this collection was a "love it or hate it", with no mid term. I was one of those who fell in love with the collection, how about you?
My fav floor was the 2nd one, a new denim piece is always good 😉


Sunday, April 16, 2023

Chat #200

 Wow girls, we reached the chat n° 200 😱

I can't believe it! We should have reached this milestone earlier if I had followed the rule of a new chat per week 🤭

And the feature of this special chat goes to...


Don't forget to nominate your favorite looks or decor to the next chat feature using the tag #featurethis


Saturday, April 8, 2023

This Week on Stardoll Nº36

 To start April releases in a good way, Stardoll prepared a new 9 to 5 atelier inspired collection. My fav items from this release aren't the fabrics or tailors but the fashion posters/drawings, I'm OBCESSED with them!

These 9 to 5 floors somehow made me remember of old stardoll items who used to suit this atelier theme as well but now I can't remember the brand, it would probably be suit shop? idk, pls let me know in the comments if you know which items I'm refeling to lol

A new month also means a new #OotM, this time we only had two choosen outfits.

Valentina_cox. all her outfit coasts 126sd
sunglasses and earcuff have bp and room versions, pants and jacket also have male version.

Aphelios all her outfit coasts 124sd
earring comes in both suite and bp version

Apparently the person responsible for scheduling the releases forgot that this week we celebrate Easter because the friday release looks like it wat put up in a total rush!
I feel like this Kitsch collection is been released every year, over and over again... A special shout out to the Hare Lamp that got a tan before being released here again.

I think that Stardoll needs to find some nice new items to get inspiration for next year Easter.

Btw, there's a Easter Quiz and in the description says we're getting a new Gift-o-Meter, but idk if it's true or they just copy/paste it from a past year post

Now I'd love to hear what are your toughts about the latest Stardoll releasses!


Sunday, April 2, 2023

Chat #199

 Hello doll! 

After all this time a new weekly chat is up.

I'm sad for not having much time to the blog and I also see it's very quietly lately, I hope to see lots of people here again any time soon.

I'm really impressed that the last chat was active for a couple of weeks and still the featured look is

MiaColucci (or me!)

Don't forget to nominate your favorite looks or decor to the next chat feature using the tag #featurethis


Sunday, March 26, 2023

This Week on Stardoll Nº35

After some weeks of pause, we're back with the weekly reviews!

This week stardoll started the releases with a new Giardini. The store came with two floors, bringing some cute plants that are perfect to decorate an interior room. 

I liked some of them but I like Giardini best when the releases are flowers and plants that we can use to decorate an actual outside garden... Which does not exclude the fact that I'll probably buy some of these items, when I have time to start decorating my rooms again.

For wednesday the release was Callie's Picks Decor Ramadan themed. Apparently most of the items of this release where freebies, but I must say that some of them I've never seen around in bazaar, so I kinda liked this release.

The last release of the week was Young Hollywood, with outfits inspired by the 2023 Oscar's red carpet.

I personally liked a lot some of these items, unfortunately I couldn't buy anything I wanted because they sould out so fast! One thing that made me shoked again in a limited release is that the number of male items is very limited, 150 per piece... I know every release the male items remains but limiting them to this little number is crazy!


Monday, March 6, 2023

Chat #198

 Have a great new week dolls! Can you believe we're already in March? This year months are going so fast!

Anyways... With a new chat post, a new feature and this time we'll admire this stunning look by


Don't forget to nominate your favorite looks or decor to the next chat feature using the tag #featurethis


Saturday, March 4, 2023

This Week on Stardoll Nº34

 This week we were surprised again by a Basics release, but this time it was Basics Decor. A total of 5 new floors were add to the store, the items colors are a mix of neon and sober tones.

They went for a fashion studio/store aesthetic this time. I really liked the idea of this release, especially the brand logos1 
I confess I spent all my sc there and still haven't bought everything I want... I know the sc are a cheap coin but Idk why they are thinking when decided to charge 3 digits for these products as in the past the used to be WAY CHEAPER.
Anyways... In my opinion it was a good collection and I see it was a success among some players.

With a new month starting on wednesday, Stardoll officially (?) released the #OotM, with the infos that everymonth these windows will be released always in the first wednesday of the mont and that  3 player's inspirations will be picked per month.

This month the picked players were:

Astrid_: all her outfit coasts 124sds 
earring comes in suite and bp version

Dashety: all her outfit coasts 141sds
earring and bracelet comes in suite and bp versions

JoaoSoares: all his outfit coasts 219sds
each piece is avaliable for male and female dolls, with exception of the earring that is unisex of course

When the announced this new "brand" I was very enthusiastic about it but now, seeing how they worked to pick the outfits I'm a little disappointed. According with them, we don't have a due date to send inspirations, but Vulacano said the in the first days they already had made theyr decisions and picked the winnes. Other point he mentioned was the they will take into account outfits created in the previous months too, so, in my head don't make sense keep sending looks if they will pick among the others that were already sent as well.
In my opinion, they should at least limit the amount of looks sent by one player and set a due date to everyone send the inspirations, so everyone could have the same chances. But we know Stardoll isn't a fair place.

It's been one or two months that people were asking for a limited so they gave us a limited this friday and released a new Antidote.
The store isn't all cohesive but at least they separated different aesthetics in each of the floors...

I know everyone is free to dress as they want but I must say that some of these clothes choices are, at least, questionables... Here I ended up buying more that I wanted but so far I don't regret of any of my purchases.

How this week was for you in stardoll? Are you in the team of those who spent all your starcoins in Basics or part of those who went stardollas poor with Anti?
Also, which of the #OotM is your fav? What styles are you expecting to see next month? Have you sent any suggestions for stardoll?

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