Sunday, March 26, 2023

This Week on Stardoll Nº35

After some weeks of pause, we're back with the weekly reviews!

This week stardoll started the releases with a new Giardini. The store came with two floors, bringing some cute plants that are perfect to decorate an interior room. 

I liked some of them but I like Giardini best when the releases are flowers and plants that we can use to decorate an actual outside garden... Which does not exclude the fact that I'll probably buy some of these items, when I have time to start decorating my rooms again.

For wednesday the release was Callie's Picks Decor Ramadan themed. Apparently most of the items of this release where freebies, but I must say that some of them I've never seen around in bazaar, so I kinda liked this release.

The last release of the week was Young Hollywood, with outfits inspired by the 2023 Oscar's red carpet.

I personally liked a lot some of these items, unfortunately I couldn't buy anything I wanted because they sould out so fast! One thing that made me shoked again in a limited release is that the number of male items is very limited, 150 per piece... I know every release the male items remains but limiting them to this little number is crazy!

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