I decided to do a poll for the Valentino comp since there were so many great entries.
NOTE: Please when possible include a single pic of your entry as it makes it easier for us when doing polls. Thanks!
Please choose your top 3 favorite looks!
NEW!!! Please comment voted below.
This is to help me reevaluate this polling system to determine if I want to use it going forward.
Open for 2 days
Eirisandersen, Vogue_Veronica and Armaniala

Singiel, Dobrapogoda and Misgiyonela

Marta-43, CoolRachael and Ayselevi123

Wildchrissie and Carolaina

Rlot, Oayes and Cami-Camilla

Andre1396, Giannoula5 and Teinnn

Giniaparks and Anya-Samantha