Tuesday, August 25, 2015

HB Vinyl Couture Boots poll

Retro lilac dressing rooms for the win!

Prize is changed to 50 stardollars because the boots are no longer available.

Poll is open till September 1


Please no asking for votes or cheating. Polls are for blog members only.



Friday, August 21, 2015



You've got every right to call me a jerk for disappearing. I am so sorry about it. My summer has been literally a HELL, so bear with me till I manage to finish everything on here, for the last time.

I'll start with Design Wars. This comp lasted for a WHOLE YEAR, most of you have probably forgotten about this a hundred million times. Well, the moment has finally come to announce the winner. So, who is it?


Friday, May 8, 2015

Basics competition winners

The winner of the comp is...


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

HB Acid Wash Denim Skirt poll winners

 The winner of the poll is...


Winners of The Price is Right (25-30)

The last 3 Hot Buys of the month of April have been released! Here the results...

Friday, May 1, 2015

Dare to Wear: Sequin Crusted Jeans

About Dare to Wear: we usually choose an item in Starplaza that we thought was odd or could be interesting to style. It could be starcoin, free or just and item we wanted to see what you fashionistas can do with it. Entries will be placed in poll for all to vote.

This time I dare you to wear...


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

HB Acid Wash Denim Skirt poll

Poll is open until May 2 (Saturday)

Vote for your top 3 favorites!

Please no asking for votes or cheating. Polls are for SMW members only.


Halloween Couture comp winners

Spring cleaning has reached the comp archives too! 
This was another long forgotten contest without any results revealed.
The winner is...


Saturday, April 25, 2015

No goodbyes, just hello

I began blogging in 2009, and in that time I wrote for this exact blog. I never got to say goodbye when I stopped in 2011, for reasons unimportant, so maybe this is a goodbye for both times, as yes - I am leaving SMW today. Brigitte will fill you in soon as there is more info to come, but for now I just truly felt that I needed to put my voice out here.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Think Pink Challenge winners

After 6 months it's finally time to announce the winner! Epic moment. She is...


Thursday, April 23, 2015

HB Vinyl Couture Boots comp

 I was surprised to see how many of you liked these statement boots, so I decided to do a comp :)



Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Price is Right: HB Edition - Couture Bodysuit

The seventh Hot Buy of the month has been released! Here are the results of this Hot Buy...

Callie's Picks: Clear Skies Ahead comp winners

The winner of the comp is...


Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Price is Right: HB Edition - Vinyl Couture Boots

The sixth Hot Buy of the month has been released! Here are the results for this Hot Buy...

Friday, April 17, 2015

Basics competition


Create an outfit using items from the Basics store ONLY. 
The twist is: you MUST include an item from the brand new collection released on Wednesday (first two floors)

Be creative! Try to match different colors and layer a lot. Your entry must be outstanding!

Win a 600 starcoins Basics shopping spree!
Last day to enter: April 27 (Monday) Midnight USA EST

NO PHOTO EDITING ALLOWED (other than background)

~ Must use clothing from Basics ONLY
~ Must include at least 1 MAIN clothing item (NOT ACCESSORY) from the TWO NEW floors of Basics
   (Can use other Basics items to complete your look)
~ Take a screen print of your doll head to toe
~ Screen print should be large and clear. Be sure to crop so it only shows your entry.
~ Post pic NOT link in GB 
~ Don't forget to leave your STARDOLL NAME
~ You must be a follower (Click the join this site button on the left side bar) of this blog
~ You must have sent a membership request to the club Hotbuys_Bazaar
~ You must have regstered/signed in to Disqus. Guests won't be accepted.


Thursday, April 16, 2015

HB Embellished Prep Sweater poll winner

The winner of the poll is...


Winners of The Price is Right: April 11-16

3 Hotbuys of April have been released, however, no once could guess the right price of the HB Pleated Dress!
Here are the results of the other 2:


Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Apologies for the incredible delay, I must say I was in trouble with the prizes of this comp. I was hoping that Jenna would return sometime, but now that all of her accounts are deactivated, I want to finish off a few things on my own - including the results of the Pink for October challenge and Halloween Couture comp.

Design Wars ended up being a mess because lots of people left or changed their minds during the half year (!!!) this comp lasted. Here are the contestants who have made it to the 5th and final round:


Monday, April 13, 2015

Callie's Picks: Pastels in Paris comp winners

The winner of the Pastels in Paris comp is...


Thursday, April 9, 2015

HB Embellished Prep Sweater poll

Poll is open until April 12 (Sunday)

Vote for your top 3 favorites!

Please no asking for votes or cheating. Polls are for blog members only.



A whole bunch of new spoilers were revealed today, thanks to Maria-0077 for the picture. There are various items, but majority consists of windblown gowns from all kinds of designers. We're not sure what this could be yet, some say it's new JetSet, while others predict new floors of the Royalty store. Well, I can say that it's not supposed to be limited since the beginning of this week was still for Subcouture (it's so sad that basically every week we get a kind of limited store...)

Feel free to help me look for the real versions!


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Callie's Picks No. 38 - Backstage Style

Newest issue of Callie's Picks arrive to Plaza and as usually it's full of rares. Prices range from 5 to 20 stardollars (wow, I'd say it's cheaper this time). One items is royalty only - YSL logo platforms and two are superstar only  - Modern Blazer (originally from Elle) and YSL lips scarf. Five items are for starcoins (boy's jacket, tennis shoes, one sleeve black shirt, turban and crossover bag).


Monday, April 6, 2015

The Price is Right: HB Edition - Sky Boots

The second Hot Buy of the month has been released! Here are the results for this Hot Buys..

Subcouture comp winners

 Decided to pick 4 winners!
They are...


New collection of Splendid

This morning a few new pieces were added to the accessory shop Splendid. The collection is pretty small, but I didn't even expect a larger release since the Killah/Miss Sixty sale and Subcouture will still remain available for today. You'll find all kinds of jewellery from hairclips to piercings, plus a remake of Lady Gaga's infamous The Fame crystal glasses. Prices range from 2 to 14 stardollars and the ruby lips are SS-only.


Sunday, April 5, 2015

SALE shopping spree winners

The winner of the SALE competition is...


Saturday, April 4, 2015

Looking for writers!

Now hiring writers/contributors!

SMW is looking for members willing to contibute to the blog. Most importantly I'm interested in people who are online a lot and could post about store updates or spoilers as soon as they get revealed. I'm also open to any kind of new article ideas for SMW, like tutorials, trend reports and on.

If you wish to write for us, send me a sample article via

You're free to choose the topic - hopefully you'll be able to bring out the very best of your writing skill this way. I want you to make your article as precise and detailed as you can. I highly recommend to submit a store review though (about a recent release, for example Subcouture or Original Future).


1 You must have been an active follower of the blog for at least the past 2-3 months. This is important since I'd like to hire people who already experienced how the blog works.

2. Past/current blogging experience is beneficial! If you know how to use Blogger well, you have a higher chance to be accepted. Feel free to include any blog links of articles you've written previously.

3. Observation skills are very important. You must have the ability to write more detailed posts if necessary.

4. You must be easily reached and up-to-date. If you own a social media profile for your Stardoll account (Facebook, Twitter etc) make sure to include it in your application.

5. Basic knowledge of photo editing programs like Paint is also a good point.

Please also include the following application form:

Stardoll user:
Joined Stardoll (year):
Member of SMW since (circa):

Thank you and looking forward to your messages!

- Brigitte


Friday, April 3, 2015

Subcouture released + QUICK COMP

Click on 'Read More' to see comp!

Those who have seen the easter campaign during the night might have spotted the easter bunny's surprise for today, which spoiled that a new Subcouture collection was on the way. The brand new range of items are now released, priced between 7 and 34 stardollars, two dresses are superstar only. There's one strange bracelet for 0 starcoins in the catalog, hope it will show up soon! You get a barbed wire bracelet as a gift when you purchase something. The collection will stay in the Plaza not only for the weekend but Monday as well, more than 4 days overall.


Thursday, April 2, 2015

B/W Competition winners

The winner of the Black and White competition is...

50% SALE competition

The Miss Sixty and Killah stores are closing down with a 50% sale this weekend. 
This means it's time for another Sale comp :)

Create an outfit using items that are FROM THE 50% SALE ONLY at Miss Sixty and Killah.

Win a 50 stardollars SALE shopping spree!
No other items will be gifted, sorry.

Please, PREPARE your wishlists, so I can gift the items to you as soon as possible after the comp closes!

Last day to enter April 5, 2015 (Sunday) 10:00 AM, USA EST

NO PHOTO EDITING ALLOWED (other than background)

~ All items in your outfit must be from the 50% Sale
~ Take a screen print
~ Screen print should be large and clear. Be sure to crop so it only shows your entry.
~ Post pic NOT link
~ Don't forget to leave your STARDOLL NAME
~ You must be a follower (Click the join this site button on the left side bar) of this blog
~ You must have sent a membership request to the club Hotbuys_Bazaar
~ You must have regstered/signed in to Disqus. Guests won't be accepted.


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

New Floor of Original Future

We finally have a new floor of Original Future! I personally love this one,
they opted for less colourful pieces and a lot of cut-out details.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Easter on Stardoll

Hop hop hurray! Stardoll prepared a lot of surprises for Easter this year. We'll be able to win stuff on egg hunts, get gifts from the gift-o-meter and take part in special competitions. Catholic Easter is this Sunday, April 5th and Ortodox Easter is on April 12th. Doesn't matter if you celebrate any of them or you don't, you can still take part in the fun.

Monday, March 30, 2015

The Price is Right: HB Edition - Dotted Spring Dress

The last Hot Buy of the month has been released! Here are the results for this Hot Buy...

Spring Strawberry Milkshake Makeup Tutorial!

Hello dolls, Nimka here, and I'm finally making another makeup tutorial for you after a busy Stardoll week! Not so long ago, the season finally changed from chilly winter to Spring, the season of pastel colours, growing flowers, new beauty and the beginning of the sunny days. This is why, instead of doing runway inspired makeup I have decided to do my own version of spring look titled 'Strawberry Milkshake' so we can say a big farewell to winter. Let's start!


New Floors of Yacht Club

Two new floor of Yacht Club arrive to Starplaza. Collection is named Bahamas break, and it's beach themed. Prices range from 4 to 40 stardollars. Four items are starcoin items (the castle, the turtle, flying fish and candle). Two items are superstar only (ice bucket and bad with towel) and one royalty only (fireworks). Collection includes two interiors, day and night. 
IMPORTNANT: You can purchase items from this collection, even if you don't have Yacht suite.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Making your perfect room

There can't be better time for decorating your room on Stardoll, unless you spent all your money on Young Hollywood and Wild Candy. Even in that case, 75% sale in Bling Bling and Glamour is the opportunity you just have to take. With over 100 items on sale and prices ranging from 1 to 8 stardollars and under 30 starcoins, designing suites has never been cheaper. Add some freebies and items you already had and you'll get a cheap and pretty room. Just in case you're still unsure on how to do it, here are a few basic tips. 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Price is Right: HB Edition - Tan Cork Wedges

The ninth Hot Buy has been released! Here are the results for this Hot Buy...


Friday, March 27, 2015

Callie's Picks Glamouflage comp winners

The winner of the Glamouflage comp is...


2nd part of Young Hollywood released!

Yesterday we were surprised with a Young Hollywood capsule collection inspired by Kim Kardashian's Paris Fashion Week looks. It consisted of a hairstyle and 2 necklaces (Balmain and Lanvin) but today the limited frenzy continues with not just accessories, but clothes worn by the celebrity couple Kimye. Prices range between 20 and 135 stardollars, nothing is SS only. Surprisingly, Stardoll made a lot of pieces available for this collection again, there are 1800 pieces of the jacket for example.


Thursday, March 26, 2015

HB Acid Wash Denim Skirt comp

 This skirt seems to be pretty versatile, so let's see how you can style it!



Bling Bling & Glamour closing down sale plus new Lady Gaga doll

Sales are back with some decor this time! The staff decided to close down 2 of the oldest stores on Stardoll, Glamour and Bling Bling, so buy everything you like before it's gone! Also, Stardoll seems to be into making new dress-up mini games again, after Kendall Jenner they released a 3rd doll of Lady Gaga, click HERE to check it out. Her doll is inspired by her Oscars 2015 red carpet look and her clothes were chosen from different seasons of older Limited Edition and Antidote.

Are you planning to buy anything from the sale?
Show us how you'd dress up Gaga!


Winners of The Price is Right (March 14-26)

Sorry for the delay, both Oayes and me were busy IRL but we're back with the results of 5 HotBuys!
Here we go:

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