Newest issue of Callie's Picks arrive to Plaza and as usually it's full of rares. Prices range from 5 to 20 stardollars (wow, I'd say it's cheaper this time). One items is royalty only - YSL logo platforms and two are superstar only - Modern Blazer (originally from Elle) and YSL lips scarf. Five items are for starcoins (boy's jacket, tennis shoes, one sleeve black shirt, turban and crossover bag).
Accoring to Callie this collection is mixture of high fashion glamour and casual chic. It should remind us on models backstage, with make up and hair done, still waiting in their casual clothes or practising the walk in couture heels.
Personally, I like this collection. It's mostly white, black and silver and these colors are simplest to use. There are few cute items, Elle blazer being my favorite. I'd say tennis shoes are biggest mistake of this collection. Callie probably doesn't know you get them for free when you join Stardoll and bazaar is full of them.
What do you like? Will you buy anything?