Friday, April 17, 2015

Basics competition


Create an outfit using items from the Basics store ONLY. 
The twist is: you MUST include an item from the brand new collection released on Wednesday (first two floors)

Be creative! Try to match different colors and layer a lot. Your entry must be outstanding!

Win a 600 starcoins Basics shopping spree!
Last day to enter: April 27 (Monday) Midnight USA EST

NO PHOTO EDITING ALLOWED (other than background)

~ Must use clothing from Basics ONLY
~ Must include at least 1 MAIN clothing item (NOT ACCESSORY) from the TWO NEW floors of Basics
   (Can use other Basics items to complete your look)
~ Take a screen print of your doll head to toe
~ Screen print should be large and clear. Be sure to crop so it only shows your entry.
~ Post pic NOT link in GB 
~ Don't forget to leave your STARDOLL NAME
~ You must be a follower (Click the join this site button on the left side bar) of this blog
~ You must have sent a membership request to the club Hotbuys_Bazaar
~ You must have regstered/signed in to Disqus. Guests won't be accepted.

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