~NEW~I really think the Stardollar auctions have been fun, so I thought it would be great to try a Starcoin Auction! I mean most of seem to have more starcoins then we know what to do with, right?! This will enable me to buy more Starcoin prizes for the blog. Let's see how it goes!~NEW~
Auction will close FRIDAY 12:00PM NOON (USA EST)
Also an easier one: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_US-NY.aspx
WHAT TO DO: Each picture is listed individually in comments. Bids start at 2 STARCOINS and the max is 600 STARCOINS. (See new rule below)
If you are interested in that item simply comment with your bid and Stardoll name. I will update the highest bid as often as possible.
Please try to reply to my comment, not others. That way the highest bid should be at the top. Thanks!
At the end of the auction, the person with the highest bid will win the item.
Please Note: Results subject to change by me. I do try and make it fair. While, you can bid on as many items as you like, you can not win more than 2 items in an auction. If you do win multiple auctions, I will give you the items you bid the most for and the others will go to the next high bidder. So bid with care. If you are a frequent high bidder, you may be limited to 1 item per auction.
The winners will be announced Thursday evening.
~NEW~If more than 1 person offers the maximum bid of 600sc, the item will then be put in a raffle between all people who offered 600sc.~NEW~
~Must be a member of our blog (Click blue join this site button on right side bar)
~Must be a member of our Stardoll Club Hotbuys_Bazaar (at least in pending)
~Must register in our chat box on the right side bar and leave a comment
Click HERE for details.
~Must have the amount of your bid in order to purchase. Auction winners must claim their prize in 24 hours. It is your responsibility to check the blog to see who won.
~Must follow directions and include your STARDOLL NAME
~Be sure to be signed in prior to making a comment
~This is for your main accounts, NOT FOR RESALE AND NOT FOR PRIZES FOR YOUR OWN COMPS, so only enter if it is an item you would actually love to have.