Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Hello everyone, we have a new shop on Starplaza. This shop calls Windows on the World and this time the country that was choose is Brazil. It will be nice to see more countrys on this shop. All clothes are from brazialian designers. I like some pieces, my favorite piece is the black and white swimsuit inspired by P Robba. The prices start on 4 stardollars and go till 12 stardollars so they aren't very expensive. Some pieces are also for non-superstars and that is good that they can also buy.

Do you like this new shop?

Do you intend to buy anything?

What is your favorite piece?



xXCO-COXx said...

not a fan of some of the items, but its generally quite nice and cheap :) xxx

Romana/Romana.Dawn said...

I like the black & White swimsuit

Anonymous said...

Yep, i like the black n' white swimsuit

CL3M3 said...

I don't like !

mojonik said...

i love how theyre non superstar. well some of them

Anonymous said...

It's nice that some of the clothes are non-SS. Usually new shops are just SS.
I like the black and white swimsuit.

Evie said...

I'm not going to buy anything, but it's nice that there's non-ss items in there
They're also quite cheap ^_^

Anonymous said...

I love the Black and white swimsuit too

Maddy2981 said...

Like it(:

Anonymous said...

Love that swimsuit!

Anonymous said...

the sweemsuite is sooo cute..well i like the blue tunic-dress..its really nc..cuz i love blueee!! xD

_JolieAnn_ said...

yes i like it :) its a bit like folk in my opinion

Anonymous said...

They are nice. I like that some are non-ss and they are much cheaper than most new stores. :)

Fairydew said...

I like the rightest dress in the 1st pic :)

Kim/PopStarKizzle♥ said...

I like the black and white swimsuit. :-) But the other items are ok, I suppose.

GoldenHeart Threads said...

I think this is a wonderful idea! I do like and will buy some of the items. Its nice to see some lower prices too! If we buy things at the lower prices maybe SD will get the idea and keep the prices down on future items!!!

Regina said...

i like it very much :)) there are a lot of nice clothes :))

andreea9120 said...

I like the swimsuit...I'll check it out now

Jane said...

I like some of them.

Jane said...

I WISH that black-white swimsuit would be non-SS.

Miss M said...

Um, I'm sorry, but Brazilian fashion is SO much nicer. Wth has Stardoll done with these clothes?!?!

I like the B&W Swimsuit though.

And I think the idea of the store's good.

Anonymous said...

Finnally some clothes that are worth something for non-ss!
imma make a collection, i dont like some of them, but what they hey!!
People would still buy LE if it was ugly

AbiiBabeh..x said...

It's gooooood :)

Jaina said...

Like some, and the items are not that expensive :o)

RobynisDreaming said...

My favourite is the blue dress

Anonymous said...

this store is nice, but serious lol because stardoll always opens up thirty million new shops right before le.

Mekhari said...

I bought skirt.

Invalid said...

I love the black and white swimsuit and the bikini :D

Anonymous said...

there okay. i dont like much but i will probally be buying a few things.

Anonymous said...

there okay. i dont like much but i will probally be buying a few things.

--rihanna---- said...


Anonymous said...

Black and white swimsuit is amazing.. I also love tha fect that they added a lovely skirt for only 4sd for non-ss aswell.

Already have bubble necklase, and thank you for the rest :)


Rhona / rhonacrowley said...

Somethings are nice :)

anaKonda said...

The criss-cross b&w swimsuit is amazing. The rest of the clothes are ok I guess but i think they could have made better choices.

JanaStarlite said...

I bought both swimsuits, and dresses 2 and 4 on the page of dresses. I like this idea of showcasing the designers from around the world!!

Mary said...

I like some clothes, they are stylish.
Nice store :D

miley said...

so cut!! XD

_StarHelen_ said...


kukipopoi said...

not a fan of most of them, they're okay though.

red.girll said...

it is cool...love some clothes!!!!

panddass said...

Love the blue dresss & the black & white swimsuit!

panddass said...

^^^^Too bad its SS :(

lol911411 said...

Do you guys think they'll make floors for more cities, like N.Y.C, London, etc.?

Carolyn (LonnaLang) said...

Ooh, I too like the bathing suit. Though that's about the only thing I like. ;)

Rayko said...

I like some of the stuff.

xoxo_angel13 said...

it's cheap, so i might buy something?!

xoxo_angel13 said...

it's a good thing some are for non-ss!

Kesha_Fan101 said...

its alright... i like the swim suits though! And gr8 prices!

Harsh26 said...

I like the suimsuits and they are non-ss YAY !!

Rab92 said...

I Really Like Most Of The Peices Of That Collection, And Some Of Them Are For Non SS.
Thanks Ever So Much Stardoll! - This Time I Mean It.


Fionne Pham said...

Hmm... I like that some are for non ss. (:

iloveanimals28 said...

I don't really love anything, but I like how that store is ss and non ss

Lemy100 said...

I like most of them! :)

bellajella1997 said...

don't think i will buy

oni_av13 said...

I like some of them :D but i will keep my money for LE

oni_av13 said...

:-s Have you notice that LE shop gone and all the LE are sellable ?

Mihaela said...

I don't really like it :/

♥Petra/Shakira_Avril said...

I like a few items.. ^^

Tina said...

I like them ^-^

daisy-croatia said...

I like the green dress :] So cute

SeancicPoulcic2 ♥ said...

Price's are *woah *.* and the clothes are *WOAH *.* :D

SeancicPoulcic2 ♥ said...

*I totaly like it, I will definetly buy something. My favourite piece is - whole shop! :D

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