Saturday, March 12, 2011

Just take a time-out...

UPDATE: Turned on the news after getting home. Aftershock of 6.0, 10,000 missing, death toll rised to 1,300 and nuclear plants blasted. Aid from foreign countries is on it's way.  

And reflect on something. I think this is something that has deeply affected me, and I want to know how you feel about it too.

I am sure most of you have heard about the Earthquake with an 8.9 magnitude in North-East Japan, that resulted in a tsunami. Most of North East Japan is...well, demolished. There's 600+ people who have lost their lives. Many more will have been injured, too. Nuclear power-plants have exploded, but so far, there's been no serious damage from radiation. The Japanese PM declared a National State of Emergency yesterday, and many countries have already offered a helping hand with aid and rescue teams.

I guess I just want to say next time you whine because you don't have the phone you wanted, or that luxurious handbags, just think of everyone affected by the Earthquake and Tsunami. They've lost their houses, their jobs, their lives. The tsunami is still building-it's hit Hawaii, but it's getting stronger by the second. It's predicted to be as high as Pacific Islands.
I actually cried when I saw these images on BBC news yesterday and today. Yesterday, I woke up at the usual time, and because it was 7am, BBC Breakfast always talks about their main headline. It talked about the Earthquake, and I just sat there, speechless.

I mean, it's not as though they knew. Most the people that died were probably thinking about plans that they had made...plans that will never happen.
I think to me, this was a BIG wake up call. I have so much, and although I try not to take it for granted...I am still human. But what annoyed me is that people were laughing about it. How can you laugh at the fact that hundreds have lost lives, and many more will?

All my condolences go out to everyone affected by the Earthquake and/or Tsunami.

And when you sit there complaining...don't. Think about what you have, not what you don't.The thing is, I don't think this will generate sympathy as much as the Haiti ordeal, simply because Japan has money. I know it's wrong for me to say that, but I think in a way, it's true.

Also, we won't even care after a month or two. I mean, look at the NZ EQ that struck Christchurch. That's already out of the news. We forget about natural disasters so quickly-but the thing is, it's scarred their lives forever. They need help, and I have to say, I myself am ashamed of the fact that I've forgotten about the natural disasters that have happened previously. Haiti's still a mess, Pakistan's people are helpless after the floods, and NZ people are still in need of help. I wonder how long it'll be until we stop thinking about the Japan EQ and Tsunami.

Sending condolences to everyone affected by the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. No-one deserves this, no matter what they've done. The pictures are extremely moving. The tsunami continues. The death toll rises. The aftershocks are on their way. The mourning is just beginning.

But help is on the way.

Stay strong, Japan. Keep faith. Help is coming.

Stardoll members are doing their bit!!

For example, AbiiBabeh..x has created Japan Aid shirts. Show your support!

Many people, including myself, have decorated suites, created pictures, changed presentations...

I have also contacted Stardoll asking them to set up some sort of donation system:
Their offices are closed so I aint expecting a reply anytime soon :(

Also, if you have a twitter, then please tweet #PrayForJapan, make your own or visit someone's twitter and RT a tweet.

I know this isn't related to SD, but there are many members from Japan and it's something that's affected me a lot.

Have you been affected by these images?
Have you experienced any of the disasters first-hand?
Do you have friends and family in Japan?
Are you soon to be affected by the tsunami?

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