Hello!I'm Bruno a.k.a brunoexclusive on stardoll. I'm 14 years old and I am from Portugal. This is my first post here on the greatest smw. I’m very happy to be able to write for such an amazing blog. I won’t do posts like this much. I’ll do mostly interviews and something else you’ll get to know soon.

I just saw this new covergirl thing that stardoll has. I am not sure how it works but I think it’s like:
There is an overall covergirl and a top 5 and this one is one lucky per country wins that countries covergirl. Some years ago there was something similar but with members from Asia or Japan had different covergirls on stardoll.com not on stardoll.tom

In my country only one person got this title and you all know her. She is a writer for this blog, miss filipinhamaria herself. I hope that she will win the actual covergirl title soon