Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Free Rapunzel Wig

The Rapunzel Wig to promote the Disney movie Tangled can be received by watching a video in the Stardoll cinema.

If you are not from ITALY you will need to use a manual proxy.

Manual proxies don't always work right away so keep that in mind before trying this -Example:  I had to try it 5 times before I could get the item.

Suggested manual proxies : port 80 port 808 Port: 8080
(thanks to Houpisonfire / Ruth )

(Instuctions to use manual proxies can be found HERE) <= click

Please clear your browsing history before attempting to use the manual proxy.


Step 1.Clear browsing history

Step 2.  Set up the manual proxy (choose one of the above)

Step 3. Log into stardoll

Step 4. paste this link into the url box and click Enter :

Step 5. Watch the entire video (about the Tangled movie) , then log out.

Step 6. Remove the manual proxy - just undo whatever you did to set up the proxy in the first place.

The item should be in your suite when you log in the regular way.
Tips: If  your first attempt fail , on your second attempt try turning off the manual proxy AFTER you start to log in and the page starts loading.

Here is the Campaign page if your interested in seeing it:
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