Thursday, November 25, 2010

16 days campaign (Free Purple Ribbon)

Stardoll lately seems active for joining and adding different kind of campaigns around the world, but this one is very special.
 So as you should have noticed from stardoll's startpage
stardoll supports a new campaign -
 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence
 starting from today
(November 25-December 10 and those dates are actually chosen because November 25, is an International Day Against Violence Against Women and December 10 is International Human Rights Day, in order to symbolically link violence against women and human rights and to emphasize that such violence is a violation of human rights.)
And the campaign on stardoll is meant to us to learn more about the amazing organizations and individuals working on this important issue.
 And by visiting campaign page on FaceBook you can get the Purple Ribbon, to to raise awareness [:
So here is how to get it:
1)Log in stardoll, Go to the campaign page:
2) You will be re-directed to FaceBook's campaign page, Leave the site, Go to stardoll
Ribbon will be in a starplaza bag in your suite [:

Also stardoll made special designs for this day, cheap and non-ss  (except the bag) [:
By making a 16days design you can spread awareness [: Click HERE to make some [:

So what do you think about this campaign?
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