If you don't know..I'm sure you'll hear. There is a new blog out there called the Hall of Fame. For awhile now it has been showing spoilers about what the blog would be about. At first, I admit I was skeptical. I though oh no.. another A-list. So.. I didn't pay it much attention, but then the spoilers said that the blog would truly showcase people's talent or achievements...so I signed up to follow.
To my surprise when I logged on tonight...I was one of the people on the list! I was very honored to be recognized for all the hard work and time I put into this blog and doing something that no other blog has done (as much as we have)- help the MOST people on stardoll become or remain superstar. Also, constantly provide challenging competitions to help make our stardoll lives more interesting.

I do think that the people running the blog Mary-kate, Ciara, Maggie etc.. want to recognize people's efforts. That this is not meant to be like the A-list. The A-list was in my opinion, about popularity and "elites"....which is a word I dispise. No one is better than anyone else on Stardoll. You may have more talents and you may even be more well known, but it does not make you better.
My impression was that the list would be constantly changing and recognizing different people. I even recommended many more names for the list like Thatgirlsophy, R1ma, Filipinhamaria, Ms. Brigitte, Joanne1305 and Clarapop. So I hope we see different people on the wall as time goes on.
But a lot of people are upset. They think that it is either just like the A-list or that most of the people on it have not done anything special.