Friday, December 2, 2022

This Week on Stardoll Nº21

Proving that they know all the news and everything that happens in the world of fashion, this monday Stardoll launched a mini Balenciaga tribute under the Active store tag. I think that they as company must have a back up plan for when things like those happen, but they couldn't pick a better time for bringing new items from this brand to game.

But anyways... I, personally, don't like Active and I think many other players feel the same as well. And with ugly items as these is clear why this brand isn't a success among us. And I can also point that the boots have zero coherence with the other items here, so I have nothing much to comment, but I'll be happy to see what you have to say about it.

Now, for wednesday they gave us a real release, a new Pretty 'n Love, with few items, I know, but still, they look pretty, cohesive, beautiful... A perfect collection I will say. 💖

My favourite items from the release are the   Ozlana set, I wish they had included the boots, beret, bag and fishnets as well... Hope they can give us more items from Ozlana any time soon, maybe a tribute next season! What do you think about it?

As we already entered in december, it's time for one of the best seasons in stardoll: the holiday calendar time! 🎅🏻

If you revealed the first one you already noticed that this year the prices are a lil bit salty... But I hope they can release some cheap stuff and also some for starcoins.
Also it would be great if they had asked us again on instagram for inspiration items for the christmas decor, like they did last year, I was very happy that they choosed two of the Grinch decor items I sent them and I wanted to do it again this year, with a different idea ofc.
I won't be posting the calendar items here because the main point of it is the surprise 🎁

For this friday, they choose to release a Spectacular collection. 

The glasses aren't a big deal but there are two for starcoins, so it's a chance for you spend some if you have a lot of them... The items aren't out in catalog yet, so I can't say if they have a suite version, as they have in the tag a BP I assume they must have another version as well, I will updated the post as soon as I have more info about these.

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