Monday, September 30, 2019

Chat #33

Please remember to take a moment and nominate your fellow members using #featurethis.  You are allowed to nominate up to 3 people a week! 

This weeks members will receive a gift from their WL. 

I felt compelled to feature 3 members this week who's black outfits were on point and received a lot of upvotes!

Congrats to...

Featured Members:

Lolitak144, Lula.Osorio, and But Debbie... Pastels?
Nominated By:

Enough people who are in mourning over Stardoll. 

Important Info:

There is a NO TOLERANCE POLICY for arguing or being disrespectful to other moderators or members.

ANYONE who breaks these rules will be removed form the blog immediately!

If you experience an issue or have a concern, please contact Jenna (emorox4eva) on Stardoll or one of the moderators.


See new rules post here.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Cycle 3: Judging Sign-Ups!

Hi everyone!
There has been a little time since the last cycle ended and now I'm starting to prep things for the next one!

I want this next cycle to just be for SMW and that will include having Judges that come here from here! I'm looking for about 4 or 5 judges! I understand that people become busy and may not be able to grade certain weeks. Because of this, Judges will be paid 40SD per task they grade. You can choose to receive your payments per task or once the cycle is over!

The plan is to start this Cycle the week of October 13th and for it to go into the beginning of December! 

I want to get an idea of how judges will grade and give feedback before choosing people. Those of you who are interested, I would like for you to grade the following task (A previous one from Task 1) completed by me and send feedback to my email

Task: Real Life Brand
The task is to create three different looks inspired by a real life brand. The goal is to not use actual pieces from the brand nor is it to completely copy the look. Your looks should include pieces that  represent trends found within the collection. You must create three different looks and include your inspo pictures. 

You must include: 3 outfits, the brand and season of the collection chosen and a name for the collection.

Point Breakdown: 5 Points per outfit (is the outfit cohesive, is it full, does it include trends found in the outfit), 5 points for including inspiration pics, and 5 points for following instructions. 

Entry for Grading
My collection is inspired by the Zuhair Murad collection. In doing each outfit I wanted to focus on including the vibrant tones in each outfits.  Below is my inspo pictures!

With all of the information above, I want you to grade my entry and provide feedback. The goal with feedback is provide constructive criticism as well as suggestions on what could be done differently. In grading, it may be useful for you to provide a breakdown of each of the grades. Example: 3.5 points for outfit 1, 2.5 points for outfit 2, 4.25 for outfit 3 etc. 

Email your submissions to me at: with your Stardoll username  This will close October 13th, at 11:59pm EST!

Friday, September 27, 2019


Note: I will be catching up on comps and prize payouts this weekend/early next week.

To start your weekend off right (broke), we have a new Antidote release today! I actually didn't go crazy for once and impulse buy everything in the store (yay me!). Well... I guess I should say that it was partially because my stardoll funds are low (I don't want to buy anymore rn plus I've been spending that money elsewhere shhhhh!) and partially because some things were just meh to me.

UPDATE: I went back :(

Anyway, what are your thoughts on this new collection? What did you buy?

Prices range from 43sd - 99sd before discount.

There is also an Off-White inspired coat that I only see in catalog

Style 1 main clothing item (not accessory) from this release and post the pic in comments.

WIN 50sd

~Min 10 entries
~Don't forget your Stardoll name
~Can be created in Starplaza
~Ends Friday Oct 4, 2019

Thanks Lula, hanalamu and Scarpin

Versace top and pants

Amimono Horinouchi Siouxsie Sioux sweater

Louis Vuitton duffle bag

Burberry coat and hoodie

Dion Lee dog clip belt, bags, boots, dress, bralette, sweater and shorts
Leather Goods  | DOG CLIP BELTAccessories | APEX BAG CROSS BODY

Off-White bag and coat

Miu Miu glasses
Miu Miu MU 57US Silver/Silver image 1

Barragan dress

Demobaza mahatma hood

Zimmerman top and pants

Alexander McQueen corset belt

Garreth Pugh jacket

Balenciaga jacket

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Callie's Picks No. 116-World of Magic--COMP (NOT ENOUGH ENTRIES)

New Callie's Picks today as promised in the Callie Con Hub.

I know some were disappointed, but I was fully expecting it to be pure Magical Emporium stuff that was just removed. could be worse???
I'm definitely going to be picking up a few items I missed from Otherworld.
See anything you like?

-Show me your best magical creature/fairytale inspired look
-Minimum 10 entries
-Can be made in Starplaza
-Win 50 sd
-Ends Wednesday October 2, 2019


Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Autumn Solstice Comp!

I'm a little late, but happy first day of Fall (to those in the northern hemisphere.) I don’t know about you, but I absolutely adore the fall! Chilly days, crisp leaves, pumpkin spice lattes, and Halloween! What about you? What are your plans this fall? What fall activities are looking forward to? What's in your fall playlist? Sound off in the comments below!

It’s not autumn on this blog until there’s a fall themed competition! For this competition I want you to create TWO autumn/fall outfits. Once you’re done, submit your outfits in the comments with your username. The prize will be announced depending on participation.
Deadline September 30!
Image result for autumn leaves gif

Monday, September 23, 2019


Happy First Day of Fall!
Today's release is Giardini. I know a lot of y'all aren't big fans of decor, but you know I am! And this collection is very beautiful. It's two floors. I'm not sure why there had to be clothing items instead of more decor but, there they are.

I really love the garden items and the pumpkin, though I would have enjoyed more of a variety of pumpkin sizes and colors. It would be fun to make a pumpkin patch. Only one starcoin item, a hanger of all things. I think I want almost everything. What do y'all think?

-Create the perfect Fall room, outside/inside, whatever you like
-Ends Monday September 30
-Minimum 10 entries
-Win 50 sd


Chat #32

Please remember to take a moment and nominate your fellow members using #featurethis.  You are allowed to nominate up to 3 people a week! 

This weeks member will be interviewed by Giniaparks and receive a gift from their WL. 

Hope y'all understand, Thank you!

Congrats to...

Featured Member:

Nominated By:

CoolRachael & gameaccount

Important Info:

There is a NO TOLERANCE POLICY for arguing or being disrespectful to other moderators or members.

ANYONE who breaks these rules will be removed form the blog immediately!

If you experience an issue or have a concern, please contact Jenna (emorox4eva) on Stardoll or one of the moderators.


See new rules post here.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Happy Birthday, Lula.Osorio!


This Sunday we're celebrating the birthday of our dear Lula.Osorio!

Lula plays stardoll since 2010 and is a long time SMW's member. This is how she looked back in 2017, very pretty in pink.


She's one of most active members here on the blog, always sharing her outfits and comments about pop coulture in chat section. No wonder she's # 1 in the top blog comments!


Make sure to stop at Lula's suite and wish her a Happy Birthday!

[Gifts are not mandatory, but always appreciated]


Friday, September 20, 2019

New release in Original Future

And there's nothing original about it

There is only one new floor. Prices range between 21 and 11 sd. There are 2 starcoin items

I only like the Pink corset and the Pink belt bag. 
What do you think of this collection? Are you going to buy anything?

Show us in the comments how you would style these new items (:

Happy Birthday, WildChrissie!

Today's birthady girl is Chrissie!!

She's Australian and plays Stardoll since 2012. Also a very active membrer here on SMW's blog.

Chrissie's a big k-pop fan and likes Asian coulture. She could be a k-pop idol herself! 

I love how her style is versatyle, it goes from incredible formal to amazing urban outfits.
She's trully a fashion icon!

Make sure to stop at Chrissie's suite and wish her a Happy Birthday!

[Gifts are not mandatory, but always appreciated]


Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Hi guys, sorry to be M.I.A., but life is really busy atm as always and I had some family descend on me unexpectedly for the week, so it will be really hard to get on until the weekend. Please be as patient and understanding as you always are! Thank you!

Anyways, we have a new floor of Evil Panda this morning. 

Prices range from 9sd - 17sd before discount with 1 starcoin item. There are some cute, versatile items in the collection. Evil Panda is never usually my style, but I know some of you will make it look amazing! 

Style 1 main clothing item (not accessory) from this release and post the pic in comments.


~Min 10 entries
~Don't forget your Stardoll name
~Can be created in Starplaza
~Ends Monday Sept 23, 2019


Monday, September 16, 2019

New in Mr.

This Monday's release is Mr.

There are 2 new floors. Prices range between 20 sd (Oversized sweeater) and 9 sd (Gold anchor bracelet). There are no starcoin items.

I personally think only the brown sweater looks good. 

What do you think of this collection? Are you buying anything?
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