I believe it's that time of the year when we're allowed to ... yes, bring a most basic V-day comp on Earth to SMW!
Ok, ok I know that there's already a comp for V-day, but who ever forbid us to have a double portion of fun?!
So what I want from you is to create a pink outfit (obvi) and take a photo! The majority of your outfit must be pink, but be creative! Make sure your hair and make up are valentine's inspired to coordinate with your outfit.
So, the detailed rules:
- create a mostly-pink outfit on SD;
- take a cute V-day photo;
- photo border is a must, but no other photo editing;
- post that pic in comments;pp
- don't forget your SD username;
WIN $50sd
this can count as 1 of the 2 comps
to qualify for the Vday drawing!
Do I need to remind that the outfit should be V-day appropriate?(:
-open for a limited time...so hurry!
-open for a limited time...so hurry!