Sunday, May 8, 2011

HB poll winners + Goodbye for a while :L

(My very last) polls winners [:
As usual the most of entrants did really great and convinced (at least me) to buy those HBs and proved that you can wear them with any style, for any conditions [: And now let's look at the outfits with the most votes on polls -

The WINNER of HB Dress Poll is
 I can say that I really love this Victorian Gothic look, even though dress was maybe covered a little too much, but still the lace print part looks as the main detail, well chosen accessories [:

The WINNER of HB Tank poll is
 BUT this time I disagree a little with poll results, I mean this outfit did stand-out, the skirt part looks beautiful, but the outfit itself seems not to look that great with tank (I see the tank as not needed detail there, or at least not with that hat) and impossible to have (because you couldn't buy the LE skirt more than once). Though as I said, still beautiful.

So anyways this time there were two absolutely amazing, creative and unique outfits (who got 2nd and 3rd place on poll) and were my favs (from ALL time polls) so I decided to make them as winners too, here they are
The another WINNER of HB Tank poll is

The another WINNER of HB Tank poll is
 I really loved these - black and red Gothic perfection and black laced look, perfect and creative, isn't it? [:

Call this mean/unfair or something, disagree with me, but as this is might by my last poll here, I don't really give a damn :]

When I started to write here (when Jenna - after being a Random Blogger - offered me the chance to become a permanent writer here) I told to her that I would, but not on May. At that time it seemed so far away, but now that time has come. After 2 weeks I'm having my final exams. Yeah, just few exams and I will finish the school, yay :] BUT till then I have to study hard and do the best I can on revising (all that I have learned in past 3 years at secondary school) because those exams are very important for me (if I could get them all on A-B I might even have studies on university for free, or at least get a place there :D) so those exams do affect my future (if I fail, it would be like failing in life, I would have to try to pass them not sooner than next year) and I hope you understand that right now studies are more important for me than stardoll and all about it. So this month don't expect to see my posts here, I doubt I will be much online on stardoll either, as I don't have much of spare time.
My last exam is on 3rd June. Let's see if you will still need me at that time :]
Anyways I love this blog and you, amazing followers, I hope you all will be having great time on RL and stardoll while I will be away and that you will do the best on your exams/tests too (if you have any). And anyways have a wonderful time.
Ruth (Rūta it's how my name is written on my native language) aka Houpisonfire

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