Monday, November 1, 2010

Free Earrings

Hii everyone :)

There are Free Earrings for Poland members.Of course,if you're not from Poland you can get them using proxy.

If you're from Poland,click HERE.

If you're not from Poland,follow these steps:

1. Use one of these proxies: or

2. Paste this into the blank box:

and hit Enter or click Browse (or whatever button is next to the box) and Login at your Stardoll

3. Paste this into blank box: 

or just change "View" into "Finish"

Then go to Stardoll as usual and the earrings should be in your Beauty Parlor

Thanks to our Sister's blog: UnderneathStardoll

What do you think about them?Would you be getting them?Do you like those earrings?
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