Monday, August 2, 2010


* Starting for the month of August, I will be raffling off $100sd or SS for Non Superstars each week to people on the top commenter list!

WEEK OF JULY 26TH (based in last 1000 comments)
  1. Ilovebears9 (25)
  2. FlirtyLady44 (24)
  3. pRiNcEssCRaZy46/Rana (21)
  4. tokio_punk (18)
  5. lil.stargurl (18)
  6. AlexCendraBurke (17)
  7. GothRibbon/Christine (17)
  8. MissLotsaSmiles (16)
  9. Blahm3 (16)
  10. Vintage-Glamour (15)
  11. Brumilicious (15)
  12. Petra/Shakira_Avril (15)
  13. Maddy/maddy65♫ (15)
  14. l0nelly (14)
  15. Melissakuh (14)
  16. Diva6723  (14)
  17. friendofyou (14)
  18. Eva M. (14)
  19. Vmkchick123 (14)
  20. PwincessSara/Sara (14)

All of these people qualify to broadcast (advertise) for this week and have a post made for any special projects. 

To  have a special post for the blog or side bar ad.. you must either have a blog banner or create your own graphic ad.

If you don't have that, you can use the broadcast.

All ads must be given to me by Friday (Aug 6th). Contact me in my GB. One ad per person. You must be the owner of the project you advertise.

*Most ads will not have comments.

*2nd time ads (if back to back) will be on the side bar or in a broadcast.

Click HERE to see original post.


Romana/Romana.Dawn said...

Congrats to all¬¬

333997510 said...


私には said...

Crongratz,But Its Past The 26 July ? :]

Júlia said...

I'm not here :( :D ...Congratz :)

pRiNcEssCRaZy46/Rana said...

Yay!! I am there again. Third place again too. :]

Congrats to everyone else! :D

Anonymous said...

congrats guys :*

Anonymous said...

Congrats :P

Summer said...

:'/ I commented on everything that SMW posted this week. . .I guess theres always next time. . .

Ruth said...

Congratulations [:

daloita said...

congratulations: P you comment a lot, but it is a good idea of Jenna

Anonymous said...

I would have commented more, but I was away, so I waited for this week. I will try to comment more, because this amazing blog does deserve it (:

devays405 said...

congrats everyone! :D

Haute Skinny Latte said...

a great idea!

Maddy/maddy65 said...

Awesome :D
Congrats you all!
And you mean contact you by August 6th, not July 26th (;

daisy-croatia said...

Congrats to everyone :]

44nicole44 said...

Well Done :D

♥Petra/Shakira_Avril said...


Richard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Diva6723 said...

Awesome! Thanks Jenna :)

Blahm3 said...

I am really happy to be in it thanks :)

QT_Yaz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mailgirl101 said...

Congrats to everyone!
Happy commenting this week! Have a nice monday/tuesday! :)

QT_Yaz said...

Good Job everyone!
Keep up the good work!
Congratz :)

Abril. said...

Oh! Congratulations :D I'll start to commenting more ;)

Richard said...

Congratulations :D

αиα-¢нαи said...

Congrats ^^

Vintage-Glamour said...

Yes I finally made it!

coolgirl_1412 said...


friendofyou said...

Thankyou! :D This is awesome ;3

Anonymous said...


Nalco said...

Congrats sweeties!

JessicaVianaზ' said...

Yay I made the 4th place (:

Congrats to all other people who made it and for who tryed it though ^^

MissLotsaSmiles said...

Ooh Yay! (: congrats(:

Anonymous said...

Also, if your a co-owner for a blog, would I still be able to make a post about it?

Crystal said...

Congrats (:

I will try harder next time!

Samantha Tyler said...

congrats !

katara4 said...

congrats to you guys :)

Jule ♥ said...

congrats ! :D
i think they deserve it ;D

Flavia. said...

Congratulations girls!

l0nelly said...

congratz girl

to me too :)

Anonymous said...

Congratz :S

sd_is_da_best / Sinead said...

Well done girls!

Cutiepie80 said...

Congrats Everyone :D

No-one in particular said...

Congrats to everyone on the list(:

Lea said...

I'm in second place.. Thax SMW.. And congratz to all...

rihannaPINK said...

Congrats to all:X!!

Ameena said...

How I didn't get on there I have no idea XD

Well Congrats to all you folks :P


Dloo3t almama said...

Congratulations to all! =)

Miss M said...

Congratulations! I'm on there (Even if I'm at the bottom xP)

@AlexCendraBurke: I think it's top commenters from last week x

Eva said...

yay yay yay yay yay yay yay!!!!! i'm so excited. i made it!!! :) thanks jennaaaa ♥ :)

Maddie_fashion said...

Congrats everybody :D

kitykat4 said...

Congrats girls! Have fun making your own graphic!!! :)

lil.stargurl said...

Wow, thanks:)

.emma.x. said...

Congrats :) Im gonna try to comment on every post now :P xxx

Gwen (ilovebears9) said...

OMG-thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D #1 commenter- WOOT WOOT!

Tej Kohli said...

My Heartiest Congratulation

Melissakuh said...

Yaay, I'm one of the top commenters!

But I don't want to advertise. I have a blog, but it hasn't started really well, and I don't have the time to make anything for the blog, so the advertisement would be for nothing; And my suite isn't anything special either.

And I comment because I want to, not because of the ads. I would comment even if there weren't prizes involved.

Anonymous said...

Congrats =]

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