Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Trend and Anti-Trend of the week!

Hey everyone! Welcome to my first trend and anti-trend segment, I'll be showing you what's in and what's out. These could include - Hairstyle, clothes, suites, dolls, accessories - general trends, you name it! This time I'm going to choose clothes. Let's start on a good note with the trends, shall we? This week's trend is...


Now, stardoll doesn't really have many turtlenecks, downer right? But trust me, there are a few on the site and can be found in shops such as Fallen Angel, Pretty in Pink, and Rio! Those in the picture above are just a few, and as you can see, they're quite simple, which is great.


And now, the anti-trend. FLORAL CLOTHING. Come on people, it's almost Autumn/Fall, why are you still stuck in Spring? Florals are out.


Remember to tell me in my guestbook if you're wearing a turtleneck and I'll update this post with you in it, cool, huh?! What do you guys think of the chosen trend and anti-trend?

P.S. These are just MY opinions, you don't need to follow them if you don't want to, I'm not really a fashion critic or anything like that. :)
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