Friday, August 6, 2010

Super Supreme is out!!

Super Supreme is now out in the Starplaza! I personally liked the last collection better, the Michael Jackson doll is my favorite. They are less pricey than before, though, which is a good thing...

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Which is your favorite doll?

Thanks EmoBella for the tip.


私には said...


Evie said...

My favourite is probably the white cat.

Too pricey for me, though.
And I wouldn't really find a use for them in my suite.

Anonymous said...

I bought the MJ doll as I'm a big fan. Last collection I bought one of GaGa.

Anonymous said...

My favourite is MJ,But since its only a doll and it costs 75 SDS i didn't buy it,but one of my other favourites is the white kitty ;3 I got it!I also love the robot,its sooo cute the way its holding a flower!:'3

Gracieux said...

Aren't the prices the same like last time?
Michael Jackson the best doll ofcourse. But I agree with I-Love-Pigs, I wouldn't find any use for such doll in my suite.

Samantha Tyler said...

Pricey and redundant. New things Stardoll ???

Diva6723 said...

I don't like really any of them. I kinda like the dogs, but I would never spend any money on any of those.

Now last time with the "Lady Bubbles" I would've bought, but it ran out quickly.

nordwalde said...

The white cat its cute (:

Anonymous said...

I bought MJ as of now, but I would really like a puppy. The problem is, what am I going to do with them? :D

JessicaVianaზ' said...

Michael Jackson is my fav too, by the way, as I said in the previous post about Super Supreme, it must be sold out now :]

Anonymous said...

I bought Michael Jackson only xD


MissLotsaSmiles said...

I love the puppies(: They're so cute :D

All About Satrdoll said...

I won't be buying any but I like the MJ doll. It's all just too childish.

Teo / Botsy_pink said...

I bought only the white cat :)

lipgloss_babe91 said...

call me a pessimist, but i really dont see these gaining any value.Another thing that puts me off is their lack of purpose, I suppose you could argue that they are orniments but i dont plan on making my suite look like my nans house.

kitykat4 said...

I didnt get them last time, and I am not getting them this time... I personally think they are a waste of money unless your a collector...

Sierra Lang (iswim19) said...

The cats are adorable!
I bought the white and the blue ones,
They're GREAT for my "Kawaii" room, but otherwise, pretty much worthless. Atleast they're a little cheaper, but I'm not sure how "limited edition" there are.. they could have 50.000 and we'd never know ~ ZERO pricetags! Seriously, stardoll?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I don't really see a point to the Super Supreme dolls. I would much rather spend my 33-75 stardollars else where. xD


Ruth said...

I love the cats [:
I will be getting one, maybe [:
But only if I will give up and make myself as ss :D

BeautyBxxtch said...

Lol, am I like the only one that thinks the robots are the cutest? XD
But sadly I'm not SS -_-

Miss M said...

<3 the MJ doll and the cats...but don't have enough to buy them x]

Mailgirl101 said...

I love that MJ doll... only... Why the hell is it that expensive..??

No-one in particular said...

The MJ doll is awesome(;

sd_is_da_best / Sinead said...

I like the cats, because well I love cats in general anyway :) but I'm not going to waste 35sd on it.

Anonymous said...


Maddy/maddy65 said...

My fav is the white cat :D
I won't buy it though

Blahm3 said...

I liked the last one coz it had Lady GaGa in it xD

Richard said...

Oh,cool I love tha cats and the dogs :p are so nice xD

Evita.Sweet said...

Cute, cute, cute (:
MJ forever!

Cutiepie80 said...

I bougth the Blue Kitty and I <3 it!
The're so cute and cheaper than the last collection! x

Gurliciousbabe said...

I love the cats! all of them!

Gurliciousbabe said...

The white kitty is my favorite! But too bad I no superstar... ! But so expensive but yet so adorable!

Francisca Paulos said...

Yay! MJ <33
But i wont spend my money in those things x-x'

Just opinions!
Visit me: lolipop_girl199 :)

Anónimo said...

i love the dogs and the cats

Mailgirl101 said...

Oh dammit!!! =.=

MJ Is sold out! grr. I missed 3 stardollars... :(

Eva said...

I think it's boring, uninteresting and it's stupid to spend so much on those *ugly* dolls. No offence, it's just my opinion.

Abril. said...

I love the blue cat :D It's so cute ♥

Caitriona (freelife07) said...

Definitely michael jackson but he's gone oh well :)

♥Petra/Shakira_Avril said...

I love them,i bought the kitty xD

Anonymous said...

Sincerely I don't find the utility of this shop :|
It's pretty but buy a cat for 33$ it's a waste of money in my opinion :|

daloita said...

that so funny puppets

Anonymous said...

Btw, I like the white cat xD

Panicfanforever said...

to be honest i don't actually see a point to buying these. I will spend my sd's on clothes i think.

friendofyou said...

I wanted MJ D: He's sold out now though.

EmoBella said...

The MJ doll is pretty cool, and the robots too! But, I don't think they're worth it since we don't even know how limited they are.

For next collection, maybe there will be a Justin Bieber doll or something ;)

Anonymous said...

I bought the white cat and it's my fave but I love the kitty's. [:

JessicaVianaზ' said...

@EmoBella: I hope so! I will break my rules and buy how many sd I can to buy him! ♥♥♥

Jessica/Jay.Pattinson said...

Oh man ):

I'm gonna be superstar on Sunday, by then Michael Jackson will be alredy gonne ):

I'm so so sad!

l0nelly said...


I don't like this collection so much except micheal jackson

the previous was better

and I hope they will put that previous collection on sale cause I couldn't buy the lady gaga , it was finished quickly :(

Teo / Botsy_pink said...

The white cat it's gone :P

RachyFrank said...

I still don't get it. Why would you buy one of these things?

Júlia said...

dogs and cats are cute :)

Lena said...

I think my favourite is the white cat.
But i wont spend my money for them, because i am not sure what i should do with it...

Lea said...

I think they're cute too, but a little bit expensive.. So I think I will not buy it..

Anonymous said...

The mickael jackson doll its the most funny of all XD

.emma.x. said...

Not worth it .. x

pRiNcEssCRaZy46/Rana said...

The MJ one!♥
But I didn't buy it cause I don't think I would use it...

Maddie_fashion said...

My favourite is Michel Jackson :D

Isabella/Hotangel9 said...

I love the little white cat :) x

Chloé♥ said...

Woo :D i bought Michael Jackson :)

QT_Yaz said...

i dont rlly like tht store :S

Clairepop said...

What is the point of these? I have no clue what they are! Please contact me and help me! Im so confused lol

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