Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hello everyone !

Hello ! I am Raluca and I am a guest writer . Hope you enjoy my posts . You won't get bored because I will write till Friday , when I am going to Greece . During my writer period , I would like to have a comp if Jenna allows me . I will wirte about some make-up tips , outfits .

Strange news

As you can see everyone that visits me is a boy . It is something strange I am sure that divalicious_ank is girl , I mean I visited her a while ago . So I wanted to find more about this error .

I went to her page , but when I clicked on her name the link send me to mikael's page . I mean it is very strange .

I think stardoll is updating . What about you?



Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

i like the ıdea of makeup tips!

Anonymous said...

I noticed the changes ;D
I think callie owns the accounts.
Anyway stardoll made superstars more...visiblbe :/

Marie Riverwing/rralucaa1996 said...

@ x_EllzBellz_x

I am glad you like it .

Isabella/Hotangel9 said...

I clicked on my friends name and I went to his page too!

JoystickGirl said...

What exatly do you mean?You lost me with that member thingy :S
Yess!Have a comp it would be amazing!
Perhaps a multi-task comp!

Anonymous said...

Ikr! I clicked on my sısters account and ıt went to him! I was so confused! :S

Anonymous said...

hallo, yes i have this strange Problem , too. I want to visit my Friend Miloba and i come to a page of a ugly Boy. whats that? I think STARDOLL have problems with their software.

Greets SwandkornDO

P.s. great post and grat blog

Isabella/Hotangel9 said...

Then I clicked on my friend again and I was at Callie.Stardoll (Callie) 's suite. I was like WTF?!?!!

♥ Cata.marquesa said...

For now those changes are very confusing, anyways I like the big gold star on our BFF list and GB ♥

Sorry for my english :S

Linnea/.pease. said...

Happened To Me Too s: Some People Pages Still Works, On Some, You Come To A Totally Different User, But On Some, You Come To This Page Where It Stands That Stardoll's Getting Updated, So That's Probably Why The Glitch [: And I Find It Good That They've Done So You Can See If A Person Is Superstar Or Not, It Gets A Lot Easier When You Want To Buy Something From Someone.

And Btw! Great Post! :D I'm Longing For More.

♥ Cata.marquesa said...

I think that things are happening because stardoll is updating... :)

Natoustars said...

When I saw the change, I said :"OMG What's that !" It's very strange because I only see boys profile picture but their are girls. And when I'm visiting someone, my profile picture is a boy. I understand nothing x).

sparklewand12 said...

This has just happened to me too, I was like OMG what have I done?!?!?! But if others are getting it too, I'm not worried :)
Love K xxx

lacestockings/Mary said...

I'm looking forward to your next posts =D

That happened to me too :3
How strangle! :o

Blahm3 said...

I posted this on The stardoll society too :O

Anonymous said...

of course the first member on sd is callie change the id on the side bar for 1 and you´ll be on suite page of calle the rest are boys but something wird happen today when we clicked even on our owns accounts we apear on those weirds and gays swedish pages lol

HilaryMad2659 said...

Stardoll was just updating before. They were adding lots of SS stars to make SS more noticeable. I hate the changes :S

MeRy_3mO_ ♥ said...

Yes, it's a strange problem. It happened to me too. Maybe stardoll's updating to make superstar more noticeable, and the boys in the visitor's list are from the staff. Maybe it's for MSW?

Romana/Romana.Dawn said...

yes, every blog is writing about this ! is so strange

Miss M said...

I do, too. I clicked on ...Electra.... took me to some random dudes page xS

私には said...


Iovanca said...

i think that stardoll is updating too:D
i know those accounts! they are between the oldest sd accounts! i visited them a wile ago

zenn6 said...

I love the idea of make-up tips. I can do the eye make-up on the dolls, but whenever i apply blush it looooks soooo weird. :O)

Iovanca said...

and CONGRATS Raluca!
i can't wait for the contest!

Mailgirl101 said...

Of course it's updating... No problems with it.

sd_is_da_best / Sinead said...

I haven't logged on since yesterday morning so didn't notice and of the weird glitches, p.s. love the make-up ideas.

Hrly said...

like the idea of having a comp.

Sara.Brika said...

Oh yes i click to go to my BF and i went to a boy :OO
i dont know wat is it,,but i think is an update

Unknown said...

So weird. ...

Richard said...

OMG,I noticed the changes like everyone and I love them :D

Laura ♥ said...

not everthing is okay, when I click on my BFF it sends me to some weird boy page :S

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of make-up tips! And I know what you mean about that Stardoll thing, Please erase the 'UPDATE: everything is Okay now' because It isn't! I clicked on my friend from my best friends list and It sent me to a very strange boy! >:(

daisy-croatia said...

Welcome to the blog :]
That problem has been partly fixed

friend94 said...

this are your host from stardoll!!!
just look who you got....

Anonymous said...


--rihanna---- said...


AbiiBabeh..x said...

I have noticed the changes too!

♥Petra/Shakira_Avril said...

Welcome :3

Thats strange and yeah Stardoll is updating again :]

_funnyprincess_ said...

It's weird but I've heard I've seen ''worst'' things in stardoll. I think it's just a typical stardoll glitch, nothing to worry about! :)

Crystal said...

This is really strange...

Anonymous said...


Mary M. said...

I noticed that too and I was a little unsure at first but then I saw that lots of users were directed to those boy pages so I thought Stardoll has just some issues...Oh...and Superstars are way more visible. It's alright, but I kinda think this is another way for Stardoll to get more superstar users. It's quite a psyhological thing. If you're obsessed with shoes or dresses you can become obsessed of the yellow everywhere.

Rock-Godess said...

I know , my friend emofairypunk turned into a bot and its reallystrange because i cicked on it and it look me to someoneCOMPLETELY differant!

.emma.x. said...

Yeyy ralcucaaa !! :D

Anonymous said...

That happened to me too! I was like what? Also, I whoever I click has the same last visitor list as me o.0

somey-1 said...

will ya it happends with me too

nordwalde said...

I dunno.. could just be a glitch..

Anonymous said...

I ended up to callie's suite....

ZelenaRoyalty said...

when I click to some friends I end up to callie's suite and some others it get me back to my suite...

rihannaPINK said...

Happened To Me Too! Was little creepy :D

Nika Pokerznik said...

I hope they will fix it soon ;s

Júlia said...

haha, I'm on the pic with last visitors :D

Unknown said...

Strange o.o

Hepyo said...

Yeah for sure Stardoll is updating lol lol it was VERY strange when i visited people & found them that ugly guy ,, & there are three guy faces u can see that were put instead of their medolls ,, whoa ! i even tried to pay for the SS membership & there was an error ,All cause of updating .. and i am really happy about making the SS more noticeable , first there was an ugly small star next to Ur name & thats all.


Aba's a w.../shake-something said...

The same thing happened about a year ago too..I remember i was veery confused back then. xP

Mihaela said...


This didn`t happened to me :OO

sarafinaxoxo said...

i clicked on superstarkaren4's one of her friends and..
it got to his page too!!! stardoll is tooo anoying!!!

Dloo3t almama said...

congrts and welcome to the blog =)

Diva6723 said...

Awesome. Can't wait to see your posts!

Also, the updates are seemingly small I've noticed them, and I've tried to go to my best friends suites and been redirected to random peoples suites.

Guestbook entries are slightly smaller, and its easier to see who's superstar and who's not. Other than that nothing much has changed...yet.

But yesterday when logging on to stardoll I got a white page that said "It works!"

which was weird. Two other people have told me the same thing.

Diva6723 said...

Not smaller, different, lol sorry!

Marisarisawesom said...

it's like stardoll hates the non-ss community so much that they show SS people a lot more visible. Bad Stardoll. You've been a very Naughty little Girl!

Marisarisawesom said...

When I clicked On bibty, the old owner of FC it led to Callie.Stardoll

afiqsamuel said...

mine was okay, nothing changed when I clicked on my last visitor thingy, but still, it's weird

anyway Raluca Mary, welcome to SMW!

I'll (we'll) be waiting for your next post, and I totally love the idea of make-ups tips!!

Rab92 said...

I Happend To Notice That Everyone Was A Boy That Visited Me Aswell, Even Though I Knew They Were Girls!


lady__gagaa said...

Hah, strange. I hope Stardoll fix this as soon as possible...


Anonymous said...

honestly I didnt notice, that there arre going updates. I am happy, that now PPQ has that lable back, because almost 2 weeks it didnt have a sign PPQ

Shinygirl772-sinead. said...

maybe it's something to do with miss stardoll world.. :o

Athena said...

Creepy :|

callunlover123 said...

I look forward to reading your posts! :D

Lea said...

Very strange..I will check stardoll to look this news...

Anonymous said...

Wow I love your banner who made it?

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