Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Free Extra Stardollars?

Hello everyone! I logged on to Stardoll this morning to find that this message (sent by Stardoll) was waiting for me in my inbox.

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Awesome, huh? Another Stardoll offer of giving you extra 50% of Stardollars for free, only if you buy more SD. There's always got to be a catch 8-)

What do you think of this?


Free Flowers!!!

Hey Everyone! In the suite shop there is a bouquet of orange flowers in a glass vase for free. The flowers were previously sold a while back, but now they are for free. There are no links or proxys, just go to the suite shop and they are right on the first page! Here is a picture:

They are apart of the Ramadan calendar, however it is much easier to purchase them in your suite. So go buy them! Its a great oppurtunity to show off your innovation by making a minishop item outfit without any cost, or to refine one of your rooms with some flowers!

Monday, August 30, 2010


HEY GUYS! I know this isn't one of my segments, but Jenna is away on holiday and of course, I wanna help out! So I'm just here to say that LE IS OFFICIALLY OUT! Yep, you heard it! BUT you can't see it, why? Cause there isn't an LE store! So you'll have to search LE and then it will come up with 6 pages, my friend said it's very ''Where the wild things are'', what do you guys think? Here are the screen shots once more:

What do you guys think of the LE? Will you be buying? I'm for sure getting all the socks, tell me if you're wearing the NEW LE and I'll put you in this post, just tell me in my GB if you are!

UPDATE: Sorry I wasn't able to put everyone on here, you all looked GREAT! I'm just real busy with schoolwork today (what a joy, eh?) and don't have time to update right now! But hopefully later I can come back and put everyone else on!


Happy Birthday lil.mizz.maddi &


Free Vanessa dress

 Stardoll is giving away this cute
Vanessa dress
Which is the first giveaway from The Saturdays campaign [:
From now on every week stardoll will offer one of girl's album cover outfits [:

Luckily this is available for everyone, no proxies needed,
so if you want this dress -
1)Simply Go to contest by clicking HERE
2)Enter it by Dressing up doll
Dress should be in a giftbox in your suite [:

Thanks to TSI for information [: 

 Do you like this dress? 
Are you willing to get other outfits too?

Free E&J Aurora dress

OMG, Stardoll is so generous, they are now giving away
E&J Aurora dress :O
I paid hundreds for it, and now....
Oh well in case you haven't ever had it this is really amazing offer -
If you are from Poland, Go and Enter contest by clicking HERE
If you aren't from Poland, Follow these steps:
1)Go to Poland proxy like
2)In blank box Paste stardoll link:
3)Click OK/Idz/Go (it's up to proxy you use) OR just Hit Enter on keyboard
4)Log in stardoll
5)Now on the proxies URL link box Paste contest link:
6)Click Go, Wait till page loads
7)Leave the proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Dress and shoes should be in giftboxes in your suite [:
Available till 08.09
Thanks to Stardoll-i-my for main information [:
So do you like this dress?
Will you be getting it, or are you one of those who had it already?  
Is it fair to giveaway old rares?



 On Royalty club was made a new topic by clubcreator-
LE is coming today :OO
Thanks to Angel_of_HIM for picture

Start saving and getting stardollars
Among with some good graphic clothes and some weird accessory spoilers :D
I saw LE CHARM, then belt, then tee ;O
It's 100% sure now

I love many of them ♥

So are you ready? 
Do you like them?

So far found RL versions - 
YSL necklace (thanks to Mingaile9)

YSL gloves (thanks to Mingaile9)

 YSL shoes (thanks to Noralie/BabetteCouture)

Takoon Booties (thanks to Noralie/BabetteCouture)

Louis Vuitton Fox tail charm (thanks to Noralie/BabetteCouture)

Topshop Unique Wolf ears and Horns (thanks to Prinzessa)

 Topshop belt (thanks to Mingaile9)

If You know any other Real Life versions -
Let us know [:

JCP Teen in Spoilers

Hi :]
Just willing to post these nice clothes, I mean spoilers that soon will be on starplaza [:
They will be as new floor on
JCP Teen 'Back to  school' shop

Personally, I really like them [:
British theme, Military style, Hot jeans and cool looking accessories -
 Everyone can find something for their style [:
*Though I think - stardoll could have worked more on shapes - many things seem as old re-colored things :S
BUT still they are likeable [:

Here are Real Life versions of them:
 So do you like them?
Are you looking forward to them?

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Hey everyone! As you all know, Jenna is on vacation so me and the other writers will try our best to keep this blog active and alive. Back to the post, the new HB Shoes are out in the starplaza. I actually really like them and the flower detail is interesting.

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~It costs 8 Stardollars

It's also inspired by H&M.

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Thanks to our MEDIA PARTNER: Hotbuys Addicted for the pic.
And also thanks to Emmaxoxo123 for the tip, thanks for being active!

Happy Birthday BeautifulFailur, Allison_Arg, & Bujanqe!


Friday, August 27, 2010

Media Affiliates

Before I went on vacation I wanted to announce the Media Affiliates. You can see them at the top of the page. Just click on their logo to visit each site.

If you requested to be a media affiliate and you are not listed..don't worry I am still selecting people. Also, there are some I just have a question for.

Stardoll's Most Wanted is really proud to be associated with these blogs as well as our Sister Blog/Media Partners shown on the right side bar!

Please if you haven't already, take the time to visit them and become a follower :)

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6. The Stardoll Shiner
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7. The Star Dose
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If you don't like the logo used, just notify me and you can always change it.

Media Affiliates (not partners)..please use one of the logo's below OR our blog banner for your side bar and please don't forget to announce your affiliation with us in a post right away! Thanks

Black Background

White Background

Still interested in being a Media Affiliate, click HERE to see the original post.


The Hotbuys Spring Belt is now available in the StarPlaza! Cheap and only for $5! Reasonable price for a belt, it's been a long time since Stardoll had put up a hotbuys for a cheap price. Surprisingly I really like the belt, the strings are interesting and it can spice up an outfit.

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Thanks kukipopoi for the tip.



The only thing that caught my eye in the Stardoll & The City Store are the preppy 'Shopping Poses'; hands carrying shopping bags, all in the different stardoll skintones. We've always complained about wanting different poses for our medolls, and I think these hand extensions are just right. Remember the coat holding the teacup SD sold in the Starplaza back then?

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The best part? They are only 4 SD - BUT, for superstars only, which is really unfair in my eyes.

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Well you better grab those hands for your medoll!


Looks like all of the clothes from earlier belong to the new Stardoll and the City store! Kinda disappointed it wasn't a Dior Tribute store, but there are some nice items in here! The prices are almost as high as the tribute stores though :P

So what did you buy?

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