Thursday, October 29, 2009

Star_Awards iS back

Remember them?
The once insanely popular awards show that helped to make some of the "elites" famous. Eventually there was much cheating and scheming by people trying to gain popularity and in the end the awards became meaningless because the same people kept winning over and over.

Vanessa ended up walking away from the whole thing a bit stressed and after a lil drama they went to Jeremyn2005. Who after doing a great job keeping it together for awhile..decided that it was time to let it go.

Anyway, this December is the 2nd Anniversary and Vanessa has decided to bring them back for a 1 time special awards show! After not having the awards on Stardoll in so's kinda an exciting thing to look forward too. I just hope this time it's not the same old names ;)

See what she has to say below!
(Graphic made by the Hunnigall)

After thinking real hard about it, I have decided to do 1 LAST award ceremony for old times sake. And what better way to have it on the 2nd Anniversary, which will be on December 18th. This will be my Christmas gift to you.

The nominating and voting will take place all through November.

So what do you think of their return?

To find out more information join the club she made especially for this. club
SAanniversary .

I hope you guys nominate our blog too ;)

Here are the categories.

Best Female Medoll of the Year
Best Male Medoll of the Year
Best Dressed Medoll of the Year
Best Suite of the Year
Social Butterfly of the Year
Best Magazine of the Year
Best Blog of the Year
Best Graphic Designer of the Year
Special Achievement Award

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