Since we reached a 1000 followers..I though that was a great goal to stop at for now. I am now concentrating on getting more of our 1000 followers to comment and participate.
So each month, I will be giving out codes/stardollars and writing jobs to our most active members!
The top 10 will receive stardollars, but there's more...
The top 30 active commenters will go into a raffle! I will choose anywhere from 1 to 5 winners depending on the level of participation.
So more chances to win for those of you who deserve it! The best yet is you can win back to back! You possibly may never need to buy superstar again. lol.
As more and more people participate, I may increase the number of people in the raffle and the number of prizes I give out!
We will also have a new BEST CONTRIBUTOR award.
They will win superstar for 3 months and become a blog writer for 3 months if interested.
This person is someone who has been a member for a while and who constantly contributes to discussions, polls/comps and has good tips and ideas.
*The type of comments you make for all active member comps will be taken into consideration not just the amount!
* 1000 Rafflers winners will be announced tomorrow. Sorry for delay, I've been busy :)