Please remember to take a moment and nominate your fellow members using #featurethis. You are allowed to nominate up to 3 people a week!
Congrats to...
Featured Member:
Nominated By:
Kiame, RadaB, & Alex
Nominated By:
Kiame, RadaB, & Alex
Important Info:
There is a NO TOLERANCE POLICY for arguing or being disrespectful to other moderators or members.
ANYONE who breaks these rules will be removed form the blog immediately!
If you experience an issue or have a concern, please contact Jenna (emorox4eva) on Stardoll or one of the moderators.
Also, in case it unclear of how features are done, I typically go back and forth between those who have more "#featurethis" and those who are active on the blog but haven't yet been featured - or haven't been featured in awhile!
Also, in case it unclear of how features are done, I typically go back and forth between those who have more "#featurethis" and those who are active on the blog but haven't yet been featured - or haven't been featured in awhile!
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