Tuesday, April 7, 2020

COVID-19 Cycle: Task 5

COVID-19 Cycle: Task 5 - Double Season
Hi y’all!
Everyone who completed the last task is allowed to do the next!

Now for the task...

Task 5: Double Season
Going back to a task I loved doing in the past, this one is fitting because in my eyes, we are all dressing opposite of the season. It is currently hot here, but working from home makes me wear sweats. Now for the Task...

You must design an outfit that shows one of the season combos below...

Winter & Summer
Winter & Fall
Spring & Fall

The twist is you MUST use decor in your outfit. It doesn't matter how much decor but it must be clear in your outfit.
You are allowed to use any doll (including mine - boookay), just be sure to give them credit!

Avoid using doll's who are currently in this cycle!

Be sure to state what combo you choose!

You will be graded on:
- Colors, Patterns, Textures : Are the colors you use representative of the seasons you choose? (5pts)
-Complexity: Did you do more than just put a top and bottom together? Did you step outside fo the box? (5pts)
-Decor: Is the decor piece(s) you used visible and do they go with the outfit? (5pts)
-Cohesiveness: Do the pieces you choose flow together well? Are some bulky on the doll? Do the colors go well together (5pts)
-Judges Choice: Would the judge grading wear this? (5pts)
-Did you state what combo you choose? (2pts)

This task will close Friday, April 10th at 11:59PM EST.

Any questions feel free to ask me on Stardoll (boookay), Facedoll (Alex Saab), or tag either me (Alex) or Jane (lolitka144) on here and we will respond!
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