Monday, April 27, 2020

Chat #63

Please remember to take a moment and nominate your fellow members using #featurethis.  You are allowed to nominate up to 3 people a week! 

Congrats to...

Featured Member:

Nominated By:
Orpul-is-me9, regikenneth97, Luciana, Judyellafairy,  Alex

Important Info:

There is a NO TOLERANCE POLICY for arguing or being disrespectful to other moderators or members.

ANYONE who breaks these rules will be removed form the blog immediately!

If you experience an issue or have a concern, please contact Jenna (emorox4eva) on Stardoll or one of the moderators.


See new rules post here.


Thursday, April 23, 2020

Vinyl Releases

Hi friends! How are y'all liking this week's Vinyl releases so far?

They are a little boring to me this week. I like a couple of pieces, like the blue boots and the brown headscarf.

Comment below with your thoughts and username to enter a WL giveaway!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

We are all in this together competition SIGN ON

Hello dolls, how are you? Hopefully at home, safe&sound!
Now I did asked you guys in the chat if you would like a pairing short of competition so I decided to make a sign on to see how many people are really interested.

For those who missed it in the chat: 
In this competition I'll randomly pair you with another person who signs up for the win, so you'll have to work in pairs and get to know each other better. Yay!

You'll have to do a look for your partner based on what they tell about about themselves, how they dress, what colours and styles they like etc and vice versa.

Please write your usernames in the comments if you are interested in taking part!

Please active members only. Only sign up if you will 100% do the look for your partner, whoever they are. 
I would really hate to see one side doing their job and the other nothing. Let's not let each other down, okay? 

Oh well can't wait to see u guys all dressed up


Monday, April 20, 2020

It Girls Comp (Winner Announced)

Hi everyone! Hope you're doing well. It's been hard to do a new release comp with the erratic releases as of late. But there was a whole slew of items released in It Girls, so lets have a little competition!

Choose from the latest It Girls recolors collection and make an outfit:

-Style a MAIN CLOTHING item from this collection
-MAIN CLOTHING ITEM=TOP, BOTTOM, JACKET as a visible part of your outfit
-If you resize an accessory to be a main clothing item, that may be counted
-IF YOU ARE UNCLEAR ABOUT THE RULES, ASK A QUESTION BELOW OR MESSAGE ME ON SD (giniaparks) because I don't always get notifications
-List the name of the item/items you used
-Do not crop your outfit, show the entire outfit in the picture
-Can be made in Plaza
-Please include your username
-Minimum 15 entries
-Will be open for 10 days

Prize: 100 SD

Chat #62

Please remember to take a moment and nominate your fellow members using #featurethis.  You are allowed to nominate up to 3 people a week! 

Congrats to...

Featured Member:

Nominated By:
Chrissie, RlOT, and Alex

Important Info:

There is a NO TOLERANCE POLICY for arguing or being disrespectful to other moderators or members.

ANYONE who breaks these rules will be removed form the blog immediately!

If you experience an issue or have a concern, please contact Jenna (emorox4eva) on Stardoll or one of the moderators.


See new rules post here.


Monday, April 13, 2020

Winners of Spring 2020 Trends Comp

You guys really gave me a hard time choosing a winner! So many amazing entries

The winner is:

Please reserve something for 100 sd for ashleybaby93

Runner ups




They both win a wishlist item for 25 sd each

Winners please contact me with their gift of choice

Thank you for everyone who entered!


Music Video Comp

Music Video Competition!
Hi y’all!
I asked for some ideas and one of the ideas received from Anna was to do a Music Video Competition, so here we are!

For this competition, you must pick a music video and create a look inspired by it! You are allowed to choose any video and basically do whatever! Make an outfit inspired the visuals or the music, the choice is yours!
To be creative, it may be better to use scenery and make a wild look.

When grading, I will be looking at how much you stepped outside of the box, how put together and cohesive your outfit is, and hows it relates to your video!

1st Place will win 200SD, 2nd Place will win 100SD, and 3rd place will in 50SD!

As always, you are allowed to use any doll as long as you give credit!

This task will close Sunday, April 19th at 11:59PM EST.

Any questions feel free to ask me on Stardoll (boookay), Facedoll (Alex Saab), or tag either me (Alex) on here!

COVID-19 Cycle Winner!

COVID-19 Cycle Winner!

As I take a slight break from work, I've compiled the final results along with the prize amounts beside each person's name!

To not drag this out anymore, the winner of this cycle is Giniaparks! Congrats!!

In second place is Bimbacoco! I will be contacting you both about how to recieve your SS!

Everyone else in 10th place and above will receive 100SD. Everyone below 10th place with receive 50SD. Please reserve something or make sure your wishlists are updated and I'll stop by to gift you! Let me know below once you have done either or and tag me!
Check out your scores here!

Congrats to all and be on the lookout for comps!


Chat #61

For this week's chat I decided to use this imagine in solidarity and support of healthcare workers and those all who risk their lives to keep us safe.

Thank you all for your work, even if it's staying at home!

I'm so glad that these hard times only brought us even together, I want to welcome our new and returning member wholeheartedly! We are so happy to have you all here.

Rules are the same as before: be kind, be considerate and contact any mod if there is an issue you have or noticed!

The rules in detail can be found here

With Love,


Tuesday, April 7, 2020

COVID-19 Cycle: Task 5

COVID-19 Cycle: Task 5 - Double Season
Hi y’all!
Everyone who completed the last task is allowed to do the next!

Now for the task...

Task 5: Double Season
Going back to a task I loved doing in the past, this one is fitting because in my eyes, we are all dressing opposite of the season. It is currently hot here, but working from home makes me wear sweats. Now for the Task...

You must design an outfit that shows one of the season combos below...

Winter & Summer
Winter & Fall
Spring & Fall

The twist is you MUST use decor in your outfit. It doesn't matter how much decor but it must be clear in your outfit.
You are allowed to use any doll (including mine - boookay), just be sure to give them credit!

Avoid using doll's who are currently in this cycle!

Be sure to state what combo you choose!

You will be graded on:
- Colors, Patterns, Textures : Are the colors you use representative of the seasons you choose? (5pts)
-Complexity: Did you do more than just put a top and bottom together? Did you step outside fo the box? (5pts)
-Decor: Is the decor piece(s) you used visible and do they go with the outfit? (5pts)
-Cohesiveness: Do the pieces you choose flow together well? Are some bulky on the doll? Do the colors go well together (5pts)
-Judges Choice: Would the judge grading wear this? (5pts)
-Did you state what combo you choose? (2pts)

This task will close Friday, April 10th at 11:59PM EST.

Any questions feel free to ask me on Stardoll (boookay), Facedoll (Alex Saab), or tag either me (Alex) or Jane (lolitka144) on here and we will respond!

Monday, April 6, 2020

It Girls and Old Scenery releases

Hi everyone!

So, as many of you know, Stardoll also got affected by Coronavirus, so they are re-releasing old collections to maintain the regular Monday-Wednesday-Friday releases. 

On Friday, we got a new floor at It Girls, with many cheap starcoin and stardollar items.

Today, they released several old and really wanted interiors. 

How do you like these releases? What items did you get? 

Chat #60

Please remember to take a moment and nominate your fellow members using #featurethis.  You are allowed to nominate up to 3 people a week! 

There were many amazing looks this week, so I want to say a huge congratulations to everyone, who got the #featurethis tag! 

Congrats to...

Featured Member:

Nominated By: giannoula5, Yantan and Kiame


Thank you to all of you who are active blog members! 
Take care and stay strong during these hard times!

Important Info:

There is a NO TOLERANCE POLICY for arguing or being disrespectful to other moderators or members.

ANYONE who breaks these rules will be removed form the blog immediately!

If you experience an issue or have a concern, please contact Jenna (emorox4eva) on Stardoll or one of the moderators.


See new rules post here.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

COVID-19 Task 4

COVID-19 Cycle: Task 4 - Sims Emotions
Everyone who completed the last task is allowed to do the next!

Now for the task...

Task 4: Sims Emotions
I've been playing A LOT of Sims. According to Origin, I've played 50+ hours since I've started playing again and it's only been about 2 weeks.

One thing I've noticed is that my Sim is kinda bipolar, which isn't a problem, but she goes from Happy to Angry in 10 seconds. Anyone who plays the Sims 4, notices that the color changes around your sim and sometimes you can have a mixture of emotions.

For this task, you must pick two emotions along with their colors and style an outfit. Your outfit should include mostly these two however if you need to include others that is fine.

Below are the combos:
Angry (Red) & Focused (Dark Purple)
Flirty (Hot Pink) & Energized (Lime)
Embarrassed (Yellow) & Inspired (Turquoise)
Uncomfortable (Orange) & Sad (Navy)
Confident (Light Blue) & Bored (Gray)

You are allowed to use any doll (including mine - boookay), just be sure to give them credit!

Avoid using doll's who are currently in this cycle!

Be sure to state which emotions you choose!

You will be graded on:
- Colors: Are your colors well represented? Did you keep the use of other colors at a minimum (5pts)
-Complexity: Did you do more than just put a top and bottom together? Did you step outside fo the box? (5pts)
-Cohesiveness: Do the pieces you choose flow together well? Are some bulky on the doll? Do the colors go well together (5pts)
-Judges Choice: Would the judge grading wear this? Did they clearly follow the instructions (5pts)
-Did you state which emotions choose? (2pts)

This task will close Sunday, April 5th at 11:59PM EST.

Any questions feel free to ask me on Stardoll or Facedoll (Alex Saab), on boookay on Stardoll, tag me here @Alex, or tag Jane @lolitka144!
COVID-19 Cycle Task 4 (Poll Closed)

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

MKA Archive Release

So, today we got an Archive release with old MKA items. Ahh, the nostalga. Still some dressed I would like added though. I did read y'all so even more items in the spoilers, so I wonder what will be going on with that.

I am personally loving the revival of Archive. There are so many items that I haven't seen in such a long time or have forgotten about. It's like a trip down memory lane.

What's your favorite Archive theme they've released so far?


Couture Recolor Released

This week in an unprecedented move, SD has released a recolored version of an old Couture Tribute while they deal with the virus. I'm not entirely mad at it. It is kind of making me want to go find the older versions though. I think I like the original colors in almost everything.

What did y'all think about this?
Do you prefer the originals or do you like the ones?
I like how a lot of it was starcoin, right?
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