Saturday, January 31, 2015

Stardoll's Most Wanted MeDoll of February 2015

The title of Stardoll's Most Wanted MeDoll of February 2015 goes to...


Calling all February Birthdays!


If you are an active blog follower please list your birthday and Stardoll name in comments.  
Please, be honest!

Also, if you are a consistently active member of our SMW Community,
meaning you comment often and participate in comps...
(Level of activity is not just for the month of your birthday. It must be consistent) 

...We may send you a small birthday surprise!

Surprises are gifts from your wishlist, so please always keep them stocked :)

Who knows maybe you will get a few extra birthday wishes from our members and that's always nice!

The Price is Right: HB Edition - Rouge Party Dress

The last Hot Buy of the month has been released! Here are the results for this Hot Buy...


New collection of Ink'd

6 new pages of Ink'd tattoos has been added to the catalog. The drawings depict mostly animals and girly motifs. Prices range between 7 and 13 stardollars, there's one superstar tattoo and no starcoin items.

Personally I'm not really keen on sporting tattoos, I like how they look but I'd probably never get one for myself haha. How about you? Did you buy anything? :)


Friday, January 30, 2015

Callie's Picks: Black is the new Black comp winners

The winner of the Black comp is...


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Dare to Wear: Embroidered Ice Boots

I must admit I totally miss polls, seriously, no other HB was worth to make a poll for this month - apart from the Miu Miu coat, but most of you hated that as well haha! So instead, let's try something else. We never do polls for accessories, but I found an item which can be styled in many many ways despite its bold pattern. Task inspired by the heavy snowfall that occured today in my city! :P

About Dare to Wear: we usually choose an item in Starplaza that we thought was odd or could be interesting to style. It could be starcoin, free or just and item we wanted to see what you fashionistas can do with it. Entries will be placed in poll for all to vote.

This time I dare you to wear...


HB Miu Miu Inspired Coat winners

The winner of the HB Miu Miu inspired coat poll is...


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Happy Birthday to Kravisera!

Happy birthday to...

SMW hopes you enjoyed every second of this special day!
Thanks so much for being a long-time member of the blog :) May all your wishes come true!

Callie's Picks No.34 - Moves Like Jagger

The 34th edition of Callie's Picks has arrived to Starplaza. It's inspired by 70s fashion "with gorgeous flowing dresses and hippie chic accessories" - according to Callie. Prices range from 5 to 17 stardollars and there are three starcoin items (jeans, basics bag and necklace). As always, few items which were originally for coins are now released for stardollars, including the super wanted tan pleather platforms.


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Price is Right: HB Edition - Glass Box Bag

The ninth Hot Buy of the month has been released! Here are the results for this Hot Buy...


Monday, January 26, 2015

Get The Look

Hello everyone. It's Monday again, and it's rainy and cold. If I had to pick a day I hate the most, Monday would be the clear winner, without a doubt. To light it up a little bit here comes another edition of Get The Look. This time, I tried to recreate the looks of two Jessicas. One is casual and tomboyish and the other one is girly. If you want to see them, click read more and enjoy your day. 

New Floor Of Dot

A new floor of Dot arrived to Starplaza. Prices range from 4 to 10 stardollars. This collection includes lipsticks, lip pencils, blushes, mascaras, eyeshadows, eye pencils and eyeliners. They come in various shades of pink (I dare to say Stardoll's favorite color), and they seem more natural than few previous collections of Dot make up. 


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Happy Birthday to Ms.Brigitte

Happy birthday to...
Ms. Brigitte!

I'd like to wish happy birthday to you in the name of SMW. You've been an amazing friend and an amazing writer. From the time I started writing here, I'd always look up onto you and ask you for help, whenever I needed it. Thank you, once again, for staying with us for so long and taking care of this blog. 
May all your wishes come true and I hope you had an amzing day. 


Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Price is Right: HB Edition - Crystal Heels

The eighth Hot Buy of the month has been released! Here are the results for this Hot Buy...


HB Miu Miu Inspired Coat poll

Poll is open until January 28 (Wednesday)

Vote for your top 3 favorites!

Please no asking for votes or cheating. Polls are for blog/club members only.


Guess the Designer - January 24

For those who don't know this game: Do you want to know what it's like to be a hunter of real versions? Well, here's your chance! I'd like to involve you in what I do. I've already found out who the designer is of the item below, but this time I won't tell you! I'm curious how YOU would search for them :)


Friday, January 23, 2015

The Price is Right: Hot Buys Edition - February 2015

Now that the February Hot Buys have been released, it's time for a new round of 
The Price is Right! Let's get started, shall we?

Users submit in their guesses on how much they think each Hot Buy is worth.
When each Hot Buy item is released, the participants who guessed the right price will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win that item!


New floor of Opulence

New decor items arrived to Plaza and this time it's a new floor of Opulence. Prices range from 7 to 30 stardollars. Two items are starcoin items and two are superstar only. Items are mostly white and gold, rococo style, mostly inspired by Versace Home.


Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Price is Right: HB Edition - Metallic Dress

 The seventh Hot Buy of the month has been released! Here are the results for this Hot Buy.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

New Floor of Millionaire Mansion

As we saw the spoiler on Instagram earlier today, Stardoll released a new floor of Millionaire Mansion. Prices range from 6 to 20 stardollars and there are two starcoin items. After few winter inspired realeses, this one brings some refreshment with some summer dresses, hats and sunglasses.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Get The Look

My winter break ended and I'm back to school again. It's a little bit hard for me to believe that this is the last winter break for me, and that these few upcoming months are all I have left of high school. I will be little busy, but I'll try my best to create these articles weekly.

You can still apply as a model here and any other suggestions and comments are welcome as well.

Super Supreme released!

This time, the theme is plants! All the names are hilarious and the price ranges from 54 sd to 68 sd.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Rules and Collecting Prizes Guide - valid from 2017

*Anyone who started saving prior to December 2017 is grandfathered
and only has to save up to $250sd.

*The change is to reflect increased costs to purchase superstar codes.

Chanel Tribute comp winners

The winner of the Chanel Tribute comp is...


Saturday, January 17, 2015

Dream Suite - Competition

Deadline extended until JANUARY 30, 2015 (Friday) Midnight USA EST

Do you know that feeling, when you bought some interior items and don't know how to decorate them in your suite? Well, I've got that problem... so I thought this would be a great idea for a competition! Create a room using the items shown below.


The Price is Right: HB Edition - Tipped Fedora

The sixth Hot Buy of the month has been released! Here are the results for this Hot Buy.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Happy Birthday to Juliette116, DennaBM and imsoofy05!

Happy birthday today to...

and happy belated birthday to...


SMW hopes you all had a great time celebrating! Thanks so much for being part of our family ;)
May all your wishes come true!

Strike a Pose is out! + COMP

An item is missing from the store display, you can get it in your dressing room by clicking HERE!

After like a million rumours of other limited collections being released before, the winter themed Strike a Pose has finally been revealed. This time the prices are surprisingly high, ranging between 26 and 160 stardollars. Everything is superstar exclusive. I only bought the Couture Coat, in my opinion it was the only item worth paying so many dollars for. The New York minute pose looks amazing as well but I decided to pass it since it costs way too much.

Did you manage to purchase your favorite items?


Show us how you would wear your favorite Strike a Pose item! (Only ONE item per look)
Entries will be placed in a poll for all to vote.
Win 25 stardollars! Runner-up wins a gift of choice worth 10 stardollars or less.


Strike a Pose coming soon!

UPDATE: Apparently I was wrong, it's coming in a few minutes!
Read more to see spoilers!

You've asked for it, and you'll get it. Hopefully it's not coming today because it wouldn't be fair to release a second limited collection the same week, so I'm predicting that it will be released on Monday.

What do you think? Did you expect to see SAP this early? Or would you rather love a new collection of LE?


Thursday, January 15, 2015

HB Miu Miu Inspired Coat comp

First poll of 2015, yay! I know we're lacking these comps lately but I swear I wasn't sure which HB to choose, I find them all horrible this month... decided to wait until this coat gets released and, well, although I think it could be more transparent I'd love to see what outfits you can style with it!

I'm also thinking about doing a poll for the HB Fairisle sweater because that's another item I don't mind, what do you say?



Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Callie's Picks No.33 - Black is the New Black + COMP

Click on 'Read More' to see comp!

Callie's Picks have finally arrived late today. Some people didn't even expect to see the store updated anymore (which I understand somehow LOL) but honestly I don't think it will leave the plaza in the near future. The theme is not a surprise since it has already been spoiled by Noelani in her latest video where the topic was the color black itself.


Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Time to reveal the new task!

Since last month we had a suite design competition, this month I decided to go for fashion. I got inspired by awards season and I thought of a task where you have to create your dream red carpet dress - we haven't had this kind of comp for ages anyway ;D



Monday, January 12, 2015

The Price is Right: HB Edition - Chainmail skirt

The fourth Hot Buy of the month has been released! Here are the results:

Best Friend Challenge winners

I was really happy to see that you've enjoyed this challenge! I'm sure I'll be doing it in the future as well. Although this was the first time for such comp, you've all managed to style really nice coordinating outfits. You guys always give us a hard time choosing haha!

The winners of the Best Friend Challenge are...


New Young Hollywood

A new capsule collection of Young Hollywood has been released. We though the outfits would be based on the Golden Globes but they are not, hopefully Stardoll will wait until the Oscars with a bigger release. The window consists of 7 pieces overall, prices range between 30 and 145 stardollars.


Sunday, January 11, 2015

DIY comp winners

The winner of the DIY comp is...


Get The Look

Hello readers! I'd first like to wish you all happy holidays once more, since I didn't have a chance before. I hope you all had an amazing time and that you spent it well. Holidays are over and now theweekend is almost over as well, and a new working week is in front of us, so I hope you'll find some time to enjoy rest of it. Maybe some of you will cuddle up in a blanket with a cup of warm tea and enjoy this article, who knows?
Apply as a model here.


The Price is Right: HB Edition - Fairisle sweater

The third Hot Buy of the month has been released! Here are the results:


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Interview with SMW's Most Wanted MeDoll of January 2015

Interview and cover graphic by JosephinaA (Agnes)

Agnes: Congratulations on becoming SMW's Medoll of the Month and happy new year, Nora! The postcard you created was amazing, was it too different from your real life Christmas decor?
Nora: Thanks a lot and happy new year, to you too! In my real life I'm sharing an apartment with some other people and because of the fact, that we're traveling to our families for Christmas, we don't have any Christmas decor in our apartment. But if I would have the chance to create my own Christmas decor, I'm pretty sure that it would be absolutely different each year :)


Friday, January 9, 2015

The Stardoll Awards - January 10, 2015

Awards season has officially begun - not only in Hollywood, but on Stardoll as well!

 Stardoll's Most Wanted is proud to announce its partnership with The Stardoll Awards!

After a few years without award shows, we can now welcome a new edition of Stardoll's golden era ceremonies. The Stardoll Awards celebrates the hottest Dollywood icons in blogging, designing, fashion, modelling and creativity. This year, the event is hosted by Jodie55 (also known as Bianca Delevingne) writer of the blog Underneath Stardoll and Editor In Chief of the brand new Allure Magazine.

This project has been in the works for a while now and there is no better time to present it to you. The ceremony will be held tomorrow, January 10 starting at 9 pm GMT, where all the nominees for each categories will be revealed.

Please, visit The Stardoll Awards' official website for details and the list of categories!

We hope you will enjoy the event!


New release - Winter Peak

As they promised earlier today on their Instagram, Stardoll released new decor items. Two new floors of Winter Peak arrived to Plaza. Prices range from 5 to 21 stardollars and there are two items for coins. You don't need to own the Alpine Chalet to buy items from these two new floors. 


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New floor of Apres Ski

A new floor of Apres Ski arrived to Plaza. Prices range from 4 to 30 stardollars. One of the items is superstar only. Offcourse, it's full of winter clothes, sweaters, fur, but you can also purchase a pair of gladiators or open toe heels. Perfect for winter, right?


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Happy birthday to Lahurina, lovable_emo22 and Rose_Jean!

Happy belated birthday to...


Happy birthday today to...

SMW hopes you all had a wonderful time celebrating! Thanks so much for being our readers :)
May all your wishes come true!

Monday, January 5, 2015

The Price is Right: HB Edition - MiuMiu Insp Boots

The second Hot Buy of the month has been released! Here are the results for this Hot Buy...


New tribute store - Tommy Hilfiger

Stardoll surprised us today by releasing yet another tribute store. It's Tommy Hilfiger tribute store, with beautiful jackets and sweaters. Prices range from 12 to 35 stardollars.

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