Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Opulence Store.

There's a new store out, called Opulence. I'd make a whole post but it's Eid and after a looooooooong day I'm tiiiiiiiiiiiired. Lol. But yeah..looks very abstract, don't you think? And I can definitely see some foreign inspiration in some of the pieces in the promo below:

PS: Been out for ages, but lately been OBSESSED with Nicole Scherzinger's single "Don't Hold Your Breath." !! It's like top 10 in my iTunes ;) Listen:


New Doll

 Good Afternoon ladies ;)
Today we have new doll .. she 39 years old an actress since 1989 , i like how do stardoll made her graphic :D well done 4.5/5 .. if you want to dress up the doll  Click Here

Leslie Mann (born March 26, 1972) is an American actress best known for her roles in comedic films, many of which are collaborations with her husband, Judd Apatow. 
She began her career at the age of 17, with appearances in television commercials. In 1995, Mann was chosen from an open audition of 500 candidates for her first big movie role in The Cable Guy (1996).

Do you like the way she is acting ?

Happy Birthday to ladya


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happy Birthday to ilookpretty123


Monday, August 29, 2011


Miss Stardoll World is back!! This time, we can vote for who we want in MSW. I think they're trying to make sure it's fair this year! Haha. To vote, go to somebody's suite and click on the small crown. This year, if you win, you receive a personalised iPod touch!  Click here to go to the official page.


New Doll


Good morning our readers  ~^.^~
Today 29.Aug .. all stardoll members busy .. you know why ? because of Miss Stardoll World .. i'm waiting the page to open to apply XD can't wait especially last time i didn't join it !  any way today we have new doll from Finland she is singer 38 years old .. I like her graphic but i think they could do it much better !!  i will give it  4/5 .. If you want to dress up the doll click here

Who She Is ?!

Jenni Mari Vartiainen (born on March 20, 1983, in Kuopio, Finland) is a Finnish pop singer. Before her professional musical endeavours, she was a figure skater in her teen-age years and attended the Kuopio Senior High of Music and Dance. 
Vartiainen rose to publicity by winning the Finnish talent show Popstars in October 2002 with Susanna Korvala, Ushma Karnani (currently Olava) and Jonna Pirinen. 
The four formed the band Gimmel that released three studio albums, sold over 160,000 records and received three Emma Awards, accolades for outstanding achievements in music, awarded by the Finnish music industry federation, Musiikkituottajat. The band broke up in October 2004.

  Do you know her ?


Happy Birthday to MissStuhler1996


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Stardoll Lottery - COME BACK!

(Sorry for ugly banner, didn’t have time to make a proper one with nice skin & hair.)

Remember the Stardoll Lottery we hosted on this blog? Well, since Jenna & Carleit are no longer much active, Me (Thefray101 - my old account Larsa_Gurl got deleted btw.) and PwincessSara will be doing it again! Excited? I think so! We have some new rules, but some other important things are in the Lottery section under the header. Here are the new rules, links, our shirts, information, and etc:

Hello SMW readers! I'm sure most of you know about the Stardoll Lottery this blog will present! Jenna has made a post about the lottery as well as putting the logo on top of this blog. I would like to say thanks to Jenna for letting me write on this blog as well as giving us tips and suggestions, and thanks to PwincessSara who helped me do the comeback! :) 

The prizes for this week's lottery are:

SS - $500sd!
NON SS - One superstar code!
We will also pick 2 lucky participants to win 25 stardollars!

So, as you can tell, we have some pretty great prizes!
Here are some questions with answers (If you have a specific question and don't feel like looking for it.. press CTRL and F and type in your question to find what you're looking for.):

1. How much are tickets?

Tickets are now only 5 stardollars each! For non ss, they are going to be 50 starcoins each.
2. How many tickets can I buy?

You can only buy a maximum of 5 tickets each lottery.
3. Why can I only buy 5 tickets?

You can only buy 5 tickets because some members of 
stardoll are less fortunate. It's not fair that they buy about 2 tickets, and you
buy 100 tickets. There will be a clear winner. We just want everything to be fair and just. 
4. How do I join the lottery/buy tickets?

To join the lottery you must be apart of this blog. 
It will help to also join the official Stardoll Lottery blog. View it by clicking here!

Then you go into THEFRAY101'S guest book and ask for how many tickets you want. 

We will put the stardoll lottery item for stardollars/starcoins depending on how much tickets you want. (EX. If you want 5 tickets, we would reserve something for you at 25 stardollars since tickets are 5 stardollars each // if you wanted 5 tickets and you were non ss, we'd reserve something for you at 250 starcoins, since tickets for you are 50 starcoins each.) 
5. Is the shirt for the lottery always going to be the same? 

We've had a few questions along with insults on the shirt. No, the shirt
will not be the same. We are always working on a new pattern/design for our lottery. 
6. Do we only win stardollars/ss codes in the lottery?

No, we do not only give out stardollars and ss codes, we will also be giving out
rares to SS, and NON SS with over 500 starpoints.
8. Do you have any other stardoll lottery accounts?

No, we do not. If there are others claiming to be apart of the lottery, or claiming to be us they are 100% lying to you. Be careful!
9. When do the lotteries start?

The lotteries start every Sunday. The lottery will be a weekly thing.
10. When does the lottery end? When is the winner going to be announced?

The lotteries end Friday, and the winners are announced on Saturday. Then, Sunday, a new lottery starts.
11. How do we know that the winner has been announced?

We will post updates on SMW and the stardoll lottery blog. PwincessSara will also be posting on this blog Sunday to let everyone know it is the last day to purchase tickets / the winners have been announced.
12. How does this lottery work?

Sara and I will keep track of your names and how many tickets you have purchased. Your names will be entered in 'The Magic Hat' depending on how many tickets you buy. (EX: Let’s say you bought 5 tickets, your name will be entered 5 times.) We will then put the magic hat to work and we get our random winner. :)
13. How long does the winner have to contact you?

The winner has 24 hours to contact us at Thefray101 or PwincessSara. If for any reason you
need us to hold your prize, you must tell us and your prize will be given to you at a different time.
14. Do you make lotteries for other blogs? Can I be apart of the lottery?

Sorry, but we don't and no you can't. The lottery is exclusive for SMW, but we do sponsor blogs! Become a media partner of TSL!


*Prizes may sometimes require up to 2 weeks to be given out to RL schedules. Please be patient. Thanks.
*The shirts will now be reserved for people who requested them. It may take some time, we probably will have a lot of participants. 

That's all the questions with answers I have for you guys! 
Have anymore questions? Let me know in the comments or in my guestbook at:

Update: Remember if you want to be media partners with TSL, let me know in my guestbook! We'd love to sponsor you! 

Here are the items we will be selling today (YES, THAT'S RIGHT... TODAY TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE!):


What do you think of these new rules? Are you excited for the new lottery? Will you be buying tickets tomorrow? Do you like the items for the lottery we will be selling?? COMMENT BELOW! (: - Thefray101

Tickets on sale NOW! Go buy on thefray101! Spread the word about the lottery - the more people who participate, the more prizes we get. The lack of participants, the less the prizes... sorry. 


Happy Birthday to Bella_Swan_lol

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