Friday, February 4, 2011


No it's not worth it to me, but maybe someone can use that's why I posted it. I personally think that it is risky to do any of the free items and don't think the risk is worth it unless it is really nice, but we post it for those who don't mind the risk.

To get it you should:
1. Delete your browsing history.
2. Change the proxy on port 80 81,186,105,197
3. Enter
4. Log.
5. Enter
6. Done!



Kim/PopStarKizzle♥ said...

I don't like it and I can't be bothered with manual proxies so I will pass. Thanks anyway though! :-)

Ruth said...

I really doubt someone will use a manual to get it :S

-zoeyspark said...

I wonder why anyone would use their time to get that, tbh.

andreea9120 said...

I'll skip this one

AbiiBabeh..x said...

Not too keen

Ramona D said...

Jenna haven't you decided yet about the new writers?
It looks like you need some help for the free stuff category

Mihaela said...

Ohh :D I'm not really big fan of it.I won't be getting it :/

Miss M said...

Nothing special, and cba using a manual proxy :P

Maddy2981 said...

I don`t like it.. I think that I won`t get it. :s

Anonymous said...

Too simple!

_JolieAnn_ said...

i dont like it too :( but thank you for your effort

Carolyn (LonnaLang) said...

I think I'll pass. :) But thank youu! :D

Anonymous said...

Hey, Jenna, can you please make some more comps? This blog's not the same anymore. If you're short on cash, you could ask MSM if you could use their idea of fundraising tees.


Mollyk123 said...

i think its a bit boring-it'll go nicely with that brown skirt that was free the other day :)

Miss M said...

@Anon: Loooooooooooooooooool. You aint Saku, so nice try (x

Anonymous said...

Definitely not worth any proxy.

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

@ ~SAKU (faker)

I'm not short on cash...sorry

I think we've had a lot since I've been back.

I simply just don't have the time to do more atm

We have some big things coming up, but it takes time to develop as we have partners.

Also we have has a ton of comps going on atm. HB polls, sales comp, dare to wear comp, top commenters, launch my line, valentine's comp..

Plus 2 more v-day things coming up.

All of that takes time and with only 2 judges and myself its a lot of extra work.

Not sure how much more you want..

Not to mention that yeah I am spending less on Stardoll these days as its not really my priority. Sorry

Oh and next time just ask and don't pretend to be someone else.

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

Yeah this shirt isn't worth it to me either, but I thought I'd post it because maybe it was to someone else who needs clothing.

I never really think most of the free stuff is worth it anyway. Proxy or manual.. hate them all

JanaStarlite said...

I agree that it would go with the free skirt from the other day.

However, you've not posted a correct manual proxy for Greece. So I don't think it's worth looking up one just for this top.

Thanks anyway!!

RubyWhimore said...

Won't be getting it, too complicated for simple brown skirt :/

Harsh26 said...

Nope and please don't bother with the manuel proxy

allyguapa said...

i already get it, come on guys is free, can be used to complete another outfit.

RobynisDreaming said...

It is quite plain and manual proxies don't tend to work on my computer :(...

niki-chick said...

i don't like it , the colour is gross

Tina said...


Anonymous said...

"Ruth♡Houpisonfire said...
I really doubt someone will use a manual to get it :S"

Agreed :)

But its great that you posted it at least.

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

If you don't like manual proxies that's need to be rude people.

I don't like any proxies or proxy sites..

but manual proxies are never a real problem for me.

FlowerBlossom. said...

I don't get anything using manual proxies, for some reason. And I don't think that, that top is worth it. But thanks for the thought. ;)

Mursal12345 said...

i think i can make a GREAt out-fit out of this :) THANKS JENNA!!!

Anonymous said...

Im not going to the effort sadly :( Im going to pass :(

Fairydew said...

I am from Greece and I dont think the t-shirt is nice :/

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Sara said...

Looks nice but i don't bother to get it ;)

Anonymous said...


Yeah I'm going to give you my name so the whole fucking blog can spam me with comments in my guestbook? I aint a total arse.

You have FOUR judges, can't you do Maths, poor thing. You've got FOUR names on the sidebar. Bless, the Elite of Stardoll is going to Jenna's head.

I'm sorry for making a mistake, I said IF you're short on cash. God. You can be such a BITCH sometimes; you think the whole fucking world is lower status than you.

Besides, you have to admit, all your followers are leaving and going to Underneath Stardoll, because MSM ASKS the readers what they want and they let readers contribute to the site with the donation tees, Show US your talent and more. THAT'S where the difference is.

So yeah, using Saku's name was worth a shot.

supperstarvanni said...

Thanks, but i wont get it! Im not going to use a manual proxy for such a simple shirt!

daisy-croatia said...

I don't like this one but thanks for sharing :P

Unknown said...

I skip it too...really useless and boring...

Cutiepie80 said...

I don't like it,and you have to use a manual proxy so i think I'll pass on this one :D

Jane said...

I'll pass this.

Rayko said...

Thx, but i will not get it.^^

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

I won't get it.

LaFee-supergirl said...

Don´t like it that much.

Nalco said...

I don't like.

Miss M said...

I'm sorry, but wtfh is your problam??? Jenna's had loads of comps since she got back-in case you've still not drummed it in to that thick skull of yours. Jenna doesn't have to do all these comps! She chooses to! You don't even have the guts to leave us with your Blogger ID or Stardoll username. You're just taking the mick now. Since when does Jenna not let her followers contribute? Maybe you've just missed all these "Random Blogger" and "Top Commenter" competitions. You're extremely selfish. Jenna can run this blog the way she chooses to-not how anonymous people like you tell her to. Jenna ain't a bitch-you are.

Anonymous said...

Why is it risky?

Unknown said...

It's ugly and I don't want it... Also I'm not brave enough to use proxies, I'm afraid to get viruses or similar... But if someone likes it and knows how ti use proxies, he should get it. ;)

miley said...

cool, thanks. jenna it's weird to see you posting about free things!

J-Lee Vuitton/Demi_lavato10 said...

It's to normal, not worth a proxy..

Dominika said...

I'll pass :L

-Margaret278- said...

i got it cause im from greece but i dont like it...

Aaliyah/hip-hop-girl123 [On SD] said...

I don't like it, but ty for the tip.

Daisy April Smith said...

Ahah, skipping this one. :3

daloita said...

I do not like!

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...


I really don't care what you say or rthink. I don't even care people go over to USd. That's there choice.

I do all this from my pockets and if people don't appreciate that then that's fine, I can stop. No problem hunni would save me the money lol. So no I wouldn't be upset. I would actually have lots more time in my RL :)

And hello IT IS OBVIOUS that if I said TWO judges (not including myself) they HELLO that's what I meant. OBVIOUSLY the others are no longer active!!!

So why don't you go on over to USD since you like it better and stop complaining or better yet...actually participate in something and be a help not a hindrance.

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