Thursday, February 10, 2011

Stardoll E-mail

Hello fashionistas!

Today we received a Stardoll e-mail and I'm going to summarize it.
Well, first Stardoll tells us about a safer internet contest. It seems to be a contest for every member about internet safety and its main point is to enhance people's knowledge about internet safety.
Here we have some "basic rules" about internet safety. Click on the image to enlarge.
Then, if you click on the link, it will direct you to the contest where you have multiple choice questions. By joining the contest you win a free t-shirt. If you answer all the right answers, you can be one of the winners of a laptop for your medoll. I'm not sure if that's for everyone, as I haven't joined the contest yet. By the way, I couldn't find the text translated to English. I tried, but all I found was the text in Brazil Portuguese. Click here to go to it
Then you can see the rest of the e-mail. Here Stardoll is promoting the Valentine Gift-o-meter, the valentine pass, the new Sunny Bunny Clothes and is also suggesting you to send a Valentine Gift to your friends.

Well, what do you think about this whole e-mail? What do you think about the contest? Will you join it?


Yasmin said...

i entered it ;DD

Rayko said...

I also got the mail, lol.:)

CL3M3 said...

We must never give your password! Golden Rule

_JolieAnn_ said...

i think its a good thing because then people have to think about safety a bit more :)

supperstarvanni said...

I didnt got the mail -.-

daloita said...

for that is the blog to report! I in this case, do not open my mail :)

Mary said...

I didnt get it :S

Kitty Skrillex said...

i will join the contest :)

AuÅ¡rinÄ— ♥ said...


-zoeyspark said...

i didnt get the mail xPPP

Miss M said...

I got the mail, so I don't see why not-it's not a scenery contest after all (x

andreea9120 said...

Got it...I don't think that I'll join it

MonicaMillgram said...

I didn't get the mail, maybe it;s because I joined this contest a few days ago...

Unknown said...

I like their e-mails. If there's anything I don't know, I found out in them. :) I think I'll enter the competition, I think it's great that they are promoting safe internet.

Mihaela said...

Uhh :/

Anonymous said...

I haven't received this mail 0.o
However I agree with this campaign u.u

Anonymous said...

I'll enter (: Maybe xD If I don't forget.

Dimitrina Georgieva said...

I didnt got the mail -.-

Dimitrina Georgieva said...

I didnt got the mail :/

♥Petra/Shakira_Avril said...

I'll enter.. ;)

RobynisDreaming said...

I better check my mail then ^_^ Did anyone else notice when their valentines bar was full they got no more items?...

J-Lee Vuitton/Demi_lavato10 said...


Carolyn (LonnaLang) said...

I don't think I'll enter... :P

Harsh26 said...

I dind't get but its awesome that stardoll is finally doing something for safety

Anonymous said...

The safer internet is for those stupid people who decide to reveal personal information (or lies) to people they hardly know. May be for attention who knows?

Hannah (iluvmumble333) said...

i'll enter! :)

CChanelCrystale said...

I didn't get a mail.

Rab92 said...

I`ve Entered.


allyguapa said...

I try to enter but i thing is not available for my country :(

sailorlife4me said...

i think its such a good message!

LouiseBabeh said...

I didn't get it...

iloveanimals28 said...

I am not gonna enter...probably :P

Anonymous said...

i entered it :D

Jaina said...

Entered it. And I personnally think it is important to most of girl on SD: never give your password! In the last time I recognize a lot of girls screaming they are hacked, so beware yourself!

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

I might enter the contest and got the mail.

dode56 said...

i don't know if i got that email !

peacetrain said...

it was already under contests in my country. think its good info. for some.

Fairydew said...

Nice ;)
We should all protect ourselves from bad ppl and such. :)

Sara said...

i won't enter ;)

greatdj/jasmine said...

Omg! In my school yesterday wew had an internet safety talk with that company!

Romana/Romana.Dawn said...

What mail ?:|

Kim/PopStarKizzle♥ said...

I never check my email, stardoll and facebook sends me too much. :L

GoldenHeart Threads said...

I have already entered the contest. I think its a good idea to teach people about internet safety and make it fun at the same time.

Nalco said...

Ididn't enter. Let's go

Jane said...

I didn't get it ;/

Stella♥u :3 said...

kwl! i entered but i probably wont win XD but i dont mind!

miley said...

i got the email too..:D

Invalid said...

I never got the mail :( but I think the safety thing is good as we need to know more about it and what to do when something happens.

natasha-rox286 said...

I entered it.
This is a good cause

xXCO-COXx said...

i got it too, its good that theyre promoting safe internet us, especially on a kids site like stardoll xxx

Tina said...

I didn't get the email.

Daisy April Smith said...

I didn't get the email yet. >_>

Nina :] said...

Only if you are ss for valentines gifts
Never give your passvord, email or your name! Golden Rule

maricarsays said...

safer internet is better internet and i don't know if i will enter the contest.

Kitty Skrillex said...

i just checked and didnt get it :(

Anonymous said...

I didn't get the e-mail.

An.Ch.iE said...

i entered it too,and i also get this mail!

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