Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Another Update and my last: Servati's response in comments.
No Servati..dark sense of humor or not. This was not funny and it has nothing to do with anyone being sensitive or taking Stardoll to serious. You took it way to far. Death of someone people know (virtually or not) is not something to joke about. Anyone with any type of decency would feel bad if this were true and be saddened for this person.

As for any Anon peoples who think I am just as bad for posting any of this...shut up. I never said it was true. READ THE POST before you comment. I was not involved and knew nothing. I would NEVER joke about something like this or say someone dies unless 100% true so get your facts straight that's NOT what I said.

ORIGINAL POST: Written yesterday
So just to update everyone.. so some are not worried.

Yes it was indeed a hoax by Servati. Whether Char's involved we don't know yet. See Servati's presentation where the letters H O A X are in grey...

Well we all had our doubts anyway, but seriously this was very distasteful. Really sick.


Hope your 15minutes of fame or whatever was worth it..you'll get no more from me :s

Thanks Loveylovelove23 and Becka, Miki etc..everyone who pointed out all the wholes in this story.


Anonymous said...

Wow how sick & low!

Anonymous said...

This was also written at the bottom of Servati's presentation (it was small print in very light green): "the answer was always here..not 6 days but hours at most from black to grey...It wasn’t a joke...but just a hoax."

Servati deleted her presentation after I mentioned this in her GB.


pRiNcEssCRaZy46/Rana said...

Wow, what a twisted mind. I'm just going to ignore this crap, I won't satisfy her with attention. :|

Maddy/maddy65 said...

What a douche!
That is so sick & horrible!
I can't believe someone would do that ever! >:(

Gabby1822 (Henna) said...

Hey Jenna, I was the first person to give the tinypic of her presentation. Can you check the chatbox?

Baya Nikolas said...

I knew it couldn't be true. I refused in believing it at the beginning.

Ashley1michelle said...

I always knew it was fake, how can Servati tell by just seeing the news that who died and who didn't...A seriously low-life, who doesn't care about others feelings, how would Charolette feel after seeing that rumor...the same way her friends felt.

Gabby1822 (Henna) said...

I hope Charlotte wasn't part of this hoax. That would make this whole thing even worse.

Anonymous said...


does it really matter who was 1st gabby! it a life loser!!

Anonymous said...

She can called it whatever it still doesn't changed the lies. I called dumb, sick and not funny. Someone needs to slap some sense in that girl. And for the some who will it's only a joke, you can only take a joke so far. Not even crazy people do things like that. She's not even a good lier. If she did that in the real world, she would be in trouble.

As a person you don't say or write something like that. I hope she won't sleep well tonight and learn her lesson.


Broke Girl said...

tsk tsk tsk! it's worse that you leech off of your "friend's" status, it's pathetic when you milk you 15 second of fame specially if you pull a stunt like this. looks to me like a lot of people are "in" it on this hoax. well isn't everyone complaining of how "dead" stardoll is this past few weeks. here's your dose of plain old sh!t stardoll back

Anonymous said...

^^Hey I'm not in the majority yes I comment, but only about the headlines and how bad it is. There's always going to be drama. But this whether people know her or not.

It just reads pathetic. She should get deleted or ban just for that foolishness.


Anonymous said...

I have an extremely dark sense of humor, along with Cassandra aka ad.astra, and often am the one laughing at horror movies. I thought, and still think, that this whole situation is really funny. I am not a mean person but my sense of humor.. Black/Dark comedy is often defined as comedy involving a taboo subject, such as murder/death/suicide/body fluids/violence/etc., and no way it would not be taken offensively by at least 1 PERSON. If you think about it, I could of posted a lot of gore pics and bodies strewn across a train crash and pointed it out, telling you who was who, I am not that sick or twisted though. But I DO understand that not everyone has a sense of humor like mine, and that some people are legit upset... And how so many people are very sensitive. I myself am uuber sensitive, and if I was not know Charlotte was OK, which she IS, I don't thinK I would of liked being tricked very much. I didn't mean to make anyone cry or upset though.. That was not my intention. I had no idea it was going to be taken so seriously. I didn't do this to get attention or to get all eyes on me, it was just a joke and it shouldn't of been taken seriously. I mean, if an online friend really did die, you would probably never hear from them again or you know, they would just...disappear. I talked to Charlotte before she left and she knew I was going to tell people she had died, but she didn't think anyone would actually buy it. In fact, we were talking about how most likely, we just THOUGHT it would be crazy, but how likely would it of been anyone would actually buy it? THAT was successfully proven wrong!! Charlotte had no other involvement aside from that, she had no idea what I was even going to do besides joke around. I am not even sure if she knew I was serious. She is not at all one bit to blame in this. Charlotte would of told me not to involve her if she thought it was seriously going to upset or hurt feelings, regardless of how lightly, and I wouldn't of even had a 2nd thought if I knew it would seriously ruin some days... I think it is rude for people to be insulting me, but at the same time, I am not shocked. I would probably be insulting the person who said my good friend was dead if I was not aware it was a joke. People take Stardoll too seriously though. But Charlotte is fine though and she will be back this weekend. I do feel bad for upsetting those I did. I didn't think it would be taken seriously at all. Like so many people that know Charlotte, she is everyone's best friend. She is such a great person and a doll. :) So nonjudgemental and listens to whatever you say, regardless of how stupid it may be. I would never want to like wish something like this on her, or take advantage of her absence for my own gain, I just have a bad, crazy, dark, black sense of humor. This is pretty much all I have to say on this situation. Shame on you if you seriously freaked out for any other reason besides being way sensitive. I have nothing more to say aside from; 'fuck em if they can't take a joke!' x

Princesskeyera/Keyera said...

Wow. Servati just wanted fame. Thats just uhhhh. Well was Char in on it?

Miriam said...

How terrible someone would do that. To give us a bad shock and make us feel down in the dumps, I find that sickening!

Flavia. said...
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Katerina aka Dimitsuri said...
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Flavia. said...

From my opinion it was a very very bad joke!! And i don't think that anyone thought it was funny
And not say that it seems cruel to make jokes like this .

Katerina aka Dimitsuri said...

sick girl. and as i said bfore she needs a doctor.

lipgloss_babe91 said...

Making people believe someones dead is far past a joke =O
If someone told me a friend had passed away and then it turned out she was 'joking' id be pretty mad that what was making me cry was making her laugh' -_-
Im just putting another perspective on it, for those who dont understand, why others can not see the joke in this.

Margaret278 said...

omg really sick!!!its really sad to play with someones life...

Carla/zacluver126 said...

even if I never knew who this girl was all I can say is that this was a sick joke and the peson who made it should belong in a mental hospital.

katara4 said...

thats sick ...

Júlia said...

omg sick

RachyFrank said...

This is the type of drama I try to stay away from on stardoll. In other words: I'm too old for this ****, lol.

Eva said...

This is sick! I understand people do many things for fame, but this was really low!
How could she do that? Wasn't she always kind of a nice person? :|

Anonymous said...

why do u keep posting this sickness???

Fatooni said...

That is sick!

Anonymous said...

The most of you say Servati is the bad BUT I think it was also an idea from charlotte because she became the most fame someone wrote in her Guestbook: "I think we should vote N1MKA4EVA covergirl. It's all we can do. She deserves. " And I think this was it what they wanted...

Hepyo said...

Many ppl are ready to do anything to get fame , ANYTHING trust me & the world is full of them , i am glad i didin't know this girl .. uhh=[

♥ Samantha ♥ Vinnie99 ♥ said...

Pathetic Bitch

Anonymous said...

How the fuck can you say these things about your 'best friend'?

Exxa said...

A person dying is no joke, really, how low can a person go for their 15 minutes of fame, and name in the limelight :L
I Suspect after this, their will be many girls faking deaths, to get their stardoll name over the big blogs :L

Mailgirl101 said...

I am sure servati will pay for that.... And I am being serious. Once my friend lied to me that her dog died, because I loved her dog too much and we spent too much time together-- and the very next day I saw her dog with her and her other friend.. I knew she lie to me. After a month her grandfather died.
Good luck to servati and god bless her, at least.

Mailgirl101 said...

Next time someone lies that Jenna dies and everyone believes it... This is just awful! She lied to us.
If I would be sd staff, I would delete her.
Now she says that it's a hoax, but guys, SHE SAID THAT THERE WILL BE A FUNERAL. She made it all by herself! Nobody helped her.
Sorry, everyone else if this offends you, But she is nothing more than a famewhore..

Unknown said...

You shouldn't play with death.

lacestockings/Mary said...

So pathetic!

Anonymous said...

Writing such a statement in your guestbook or presentation is odd.
It's also odd that you published something that serious without finding out the truth & you haven't deleted it now you're not sure. Classifying people you meet online as friends is very tricky, they come from different backgrounds, have different beleifs & would do or say things you would never do. What may seem right to them might not be to you. We all have to be very careful.

Sara.Brika said...

Torrible presentation ..
Why did she do that ?

QT_Yaz said...

wow! shame on you. That was not funny. Good work to who found this out

Mihaela said...

This is sick.

Richard said...

She wants the FAME just that -.- but I dunno how can she lives after that she said --' NO COMMENT.

Aly // MizzAly said...

This is the most sickening and low thing i have approached on stardoll. this servati person SICK! Death hoaxes aren't funny. This is ridculous, it's just another prime example of the noobs on stardoll. This is really a disgrace. Servati must of had nothing to do with his/her life .... this is so pathetic.

Samantha Tyler said...

O_O AWFUL ! I can't believe that people could be so lame, cruel and disgusting ! You don't joke with those things !!!

♥Petra/Shakira_Avril said...

What a low life h__

Grow up servati :)

nordwalde said...

:O !!

Aba's a w.../shake-something said...

Like it wasn't obvious..
Sick anyways..you really shouldn't have chosen death to "joke" about..

Athena said...

so sick!

Miss M said...

Talk about sick!
I actually cried when I heard that it was fake. What kind of Best Friend fakes your death...??? I hope her 15 minutes of fame were worth it. I've noticed that people go to any extent to get noticed. What twisted person actually comes up with it? Argh! Idk if Char's involved, but if I were her, I'd be REALLY annoyed!

HilaryMad2659 said...

I can not believe somebody would do that. It's not even slightly funny.
Poor Charlotte. She will have a shock when she comes back.

bluebuffy said...

i just highlighted her presentation and at the top it says,


check it out for yourself

GintarÄ— said...

I don't understand why someone should do that? She;s really sick ;s

Anonymous said...

YOU are also at fault here for posting news you're not sure about in such graphic detail. It is your responsibility as a blogger to decide what is right to publish on your blog. Even if or when you've made a mistake it is also your responsibility to delete it. You DONT help spread news about someones life like that. That post is so offensive. I just wonder....

/twilighter70/♥ said...

If she would be killed coz of an trai accident, it would not be written in her pres; Bye,arivaderce etc.
It`s deffianatly fake, she just probbably went on vacay or somethin`. ;o

Maddie_fashion said...

What means HOAX?

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

@ Gabby.. No Kylie did in comments look at the times. Sorry

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

@ Servati...

Dark sense of humor or not there are just somethings you don't do.

It has nothing to do with people being sensitive or taking Stardoll to seriously. When you tell someone your families are good friends etc..people want to believe that someone would like about shit like this.

You took a bit to far for a joke that was not funny to begin with...

hanastacia-M said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

@ Anon shut up. If you actually ready my 1st post you would hve seen from step 1 I didn't believe there were too many holes. I stated all the information and an opinion as to why it's not true while still trying to be respectful if it so happened to turn out that it was...

READ NEXT TIME. Oh and don't be a coward

Dloo3t almama said...

very bad hoax ... really sick girl! *_*

bluebuffy said...

hmm...i kinda agree with anonymous

GintarÄ— said...

Wow, It was really a bad joke. How could you joke about someones death? ;s

HilaryMad2659 said...

You can call it whatever type of humour you like but as you can see, you're the only person who found this funny.

Lizzy1414 said...

That's insane... Anyone with that kind of humor should not be on Stardoll... I just glad that this was just a rumor.

l0nelly said...

she makes me sick

oh god :|

Miss M said...

Dark humour or not, it's not the nicest thing to do. I think everyone was really offended you'd do something like this. You don't pretend someone's dead, even if it is on a virtual site. You seriously worried some people. I don't think anyone'd go that far. You should actually be ashamed. Whether or not it was for attention, you really upset some people.

Anónimo said...

such a bad taste joke! god you shouldn't lie like this! no one should believe you anymore!! liar

egluke said...

Please can you help me? I wanted to be a SS, yet the more I saw that it is a special offer, but I refuse it, because I thought that I get it a second time, but I will not. It is thought that I ordered from your old profile (because there has not yet been visited and offer that I thought would be) so ordered a ss but was not the doll that I wanted to make it ... Maybe somehow you can make the switch from one doll to another? I can write and password. Please Help me, now I am very sad, and now I'm crying ;(

Ruth said...

This was way too much :S

.emma.x. said...

"fuck em who cant take a joke" ??

Get a life :/

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

egluke the only thing you can do is talk to stardoll at


Emorox4eva/Jenna said...



Cutiieee said...

That is so low,
Just horrible she should be ashamed of herself -.-'

pRiNcEssCRaZy46/Rana said...

You tell them Jenna! Speak the Truth!
Let it out!

But seriously Everyone shut the hell up and actually read the first damn post. Why are you ganging up on Jenna with all this shit, and not ganging up on Servati?!?

We should all forget about it because Servati is loving this! This is what she wanted Fame! So why give it to her. Servati will get what's coming to her, KARMA.

Anonymous said...

I know right Jen. Speaking for me, but my sense of humor doesn't include morbid jokes. You can be into dark or gothic things, doesn’t meant you have to always reflect that. I don't fear death and it shouldn't be fear so much. But I still have respect for people who died and so on. And she should also. She crossed a line. I don't care who they're you just don’t play with certain things like that.

I don't get how some can called that having a strange scene of humor or a joke. The story seems strange and unbelievable, but that "joke" wasn't. It went way past humor and went to crazy, and dumb. A real friend wouldn’t go so low to an other just. And even worse she maybe did it just for attention. Especially in such a public way. Glad it's obvious false.
But she needs to rest her nerves!


Jessica/Jay.Pattinson said...

If she knows that she has a really dark humor, and that some pepole are sensitive and would think the story was truth, then why tell it?

This was a really tasteless joke!

Ok, she has a dark humor. But you can't just go arround she telling that someone that is a friend and an ispiration to lots of girls on stardoll died! AND, lots of pepole found out holes in the stoyr, so she couldn't even lie!

This was just ridiculous...

bluebuffy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
S▲LT Y D▲N ™ said...

no offense to you Jenna but it's kinda obvious it was a hoax and you could have easily proven that by looking at European news on any website, I heard about it and looked up if there had been any rail crashes and because there wasn't I did not post it on psg.

Simple investigation would have enabled you to not worry people and not give serviette the attention she craves.

Double fail sorry.

callunlover123 said...

Just, wow.

Rab92 said...

I Don`t Even Know What To Say, Doing Something Like That Is Beyond Low! She Must Be Sick In The Head To Make Something Like That Up.


Curly Made said...


Crystal said...


Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

@ Dan I wasn't worrying anyone the news was already out there including on your blog. I simply asked if anyone else had anymore information or anything. I didn't know the details. I asked. How many times have you done the same. It's what a blog is for discussion of things going on on Stardoll. For Gods sake I didn't say OMG Charlottes dead. I am not in Europe. I am in the USA. I did do a quick search of the internet and I clearly stated that I agreed with Becka there would be some mention of it. I'm sorry..No offense to you either, but considering some of the things you have posted this is sounding a bit hypocritical of you...

26jen said...


Funnygrl16 said...

Death is not a funny thing. My grandmother died a few years ago, and it was so terrible on my family. If Charlotte really died, would it really be okay to make such a mockery of her death?

Even if you have a horrible sense of humor doesn't allow you to make jokes about serious things. It IS serious because you have made such a mess of things. I don't believe that you really thought your actions and words would go unnoticed. Of course it would get attention! That's totally obvious.

I don't have any part of this, but everyone is entitled to their opinion and this is mine.


Anonymous said...

The writer will (hopefully!) understand how seriously sick and twisted her sense of humor is the day death will strike her family and friends in real - because it will one day. It always do.
I hope she will remember how fun she had while writing this - and all the laughters... GROW UP!!!

pnkrkgrl said...

LOL @ Dan, he called servati serviette, a napkin XD!

Blahm3 said...

Thats just sick :(

AbiiBabeh..x said...

This is just Sick!

No-one in particular said...

i saw that on PSG,
that is just wrong & not something that should be joked about /:
god forbid, but what if something were to happen to Charlotte now? o;

Magda said...

Ahhh.... Now the prob is that Charlotte's guestbook is full of haters accusing her of foolin' fellow Stardollians... Next time when someone makes up an idea of doing something extremely stupid, make sure she/he/the moose gets locked up in the basement on time!

Broke Girl said...

aren't we supposed to be crucifying SERVATI not JENNA for posting this topic. JENNA just wanted answers and wants to find out if the rumor is true or just a hoax. It doesn't matter if you're just virtual friends and you haven't met the person in real life, the fact that you talk to that person almost everyday means something, if it doesn't then OBVIOUSLY YOU DON'T HAVE A HEART.

Manolo.DiCicco said...

Debbie is nice.
I love her sense of humor and for me...
The joke was very funny LOL.

Manolo.DiCicco said...

And also...
Debbie can joke how many times she wants...
Then, its up to you if you want to believe it or not.
I dont think people should attack her because of her sense of humor, She can do whatever she wants, and i didnt see that some people got offended, this just involved Charlotte.
And well, it's obvious that what says in the presentation of Debbie seems a joke.
And well, i dont think what she did it was for fame, I know Cassandra very well, and i have talked to Debbie, they are like that, they make jokes alot. Even with me.
So over it!

S▲LT Y D▲N ™ said...

I am in the USA too and it took me 20 seconds to deduce it was a pack of lies.

It was that easy, but hey I guess you needed something to write.

Lea said...

how sick,be strong!

--rihanna---- said...


--rihanna---- said...


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