Monday, August 16, 2010


The official Stardoll blog has released some setails about the upcoming Miss Stardoll World competition. See below: Thanks Iovanca.

  1. Stardolls from any of the following countries will be able to compete. USA, UK, Poland, Ireland, France, Australia, Sweden, Italy, Germany, Brazil, Netherlands, Turkey, Portugal, Finland, Russia, Spain, Greece, Saudi Arabia. 

  2. 18 Stardolls from each of these countries will be hand-picked for the local finals to be held in October. We hear our judges are scouting for finalists already, so make sure your Suite is sweet and your MeDoll is dolled-up!

  3. 1 winner from each country will go through to the Miss Stardoll World Final at the end of the year.

  4. Prizes have not been confirmed, but we’re hearing a 1 Year Superstar Membership for the overall winner, plus tons of SDs and glamorous outfits. Oh, and of course a majestic crown and sash!

    They say the information should be release later this week. What do you think? The prizes sound great, but it sounds like they just pick people and you don't really enter. Idk. If that's the way it might be hard to get noticed.



    ♥ Samantha ♥ Vinnie99 ♥ said...

    Lol, Love The End Jenna!


    katara4 said...

    its a cool idea ... but my country isnt mentioned there... :L

    sd_is_da_best / Sinead said...

    The last line is making me sooooo curious. Any hints, Jenna??

    -zoeyspark said...

    I think they are copying things like BBS etc. But the Stardoll one is offical.
    Can't wait (:

    pRiNcEssCRaZy46/Rana said...

    I think you deserve win Jenna. :] (I'm not a kiss up!)
    But think it about it. You'd be the perfect choice, at least for the USA finalist.

    Good Luck!

    As I said in the other post about this they prob will pick everyone randomly and the fact that people from other countries can't participate isn't fair.

    Teo / Botsy_pink said...

    Nice ideea :( But in my country , i can't

    Anonymous said...

    they are unfair as always

    Mihaela said...

    I`m dissappointed!!
    There are only these countries and what`s with the others?That`s not the WORLD!

    Also,it should probably be like all the other Stardoll Competition!They just pick people randomly :S

    The end cheer me up lool

    Anonymous said...

    I'm so exicted!
    Maybe they have choosen only a part of some countries because it's the first competition, they have to see how and if it works!

    Noralie/BabetteCouture said...

    what a shit`? Why I can't enter, only because I'm from switzerland???? argh!!

    Gabby1822 (Henna) said...

    Umm...hello?! THey are basically copying Gothribbon/Christine's idea of her Miss Stardoll competition. SHe had this idea way before stardoll officially decided to make it. Why don't you post that? Talk about copying ideas...

    chocolatofreak said...

    Hehe, I so wanna win (:
    I've already accomplished a few things on Stardoll and this would be the greatest thing yet for me (:

    Hehe (:

    Prinzessa said...

    Either the way you wrote it or thay pick the people with the most expensive clothing. Wouldn't be surprizing :D

    Anonymous said...

    I love the idea! But, I dunno, like you said, it will be hard to get noticed out of the 70 million members.

    Iovanca said...

    @ colton
    over 60% of those 70 milion members are unused accounts or people that are not interested in these fashion things ;) so you can still have a chance!
    but for me , i have to wait till next year to have a chance because stardoll says in a comment that other countries will be chosen only in the next year
    Good luck everyone!

    Miss M said...

    Love the ending, Jenna! Haha...
    UK's been mentioned...but I don't think they'll visit everyone's I know I won't get picked. It's like Iovanca said...over 60% are probably either unused or business accounts...

    And I don't find it fair some countries have to wait a year before entering...

    @pRiNcEssCRaZy46/Rana: Haha, yeah, I second that. Jenna and Mel should be entered from America! Definitely. If one of them don't make it through, we have proof that Stardoll isn't hand-picking them! (:

    Mathilde said...

    What?!?! It's unfair!!!!! If it's "Miss Stardoll WORLD", you must inculde BELGIUM!!!!!!!! I’m a very active stardoll member since 2006!!!!!

    Miss M said...

    Lol...that's what I said in Filipa's post...SD members are doing a better job than SD itself!

    Anonymous said...

    Whoa Sounds Exciting :3
    And if the prize is SS Membership,thats great!

    Natoustars said...

    Wooow, i'm very excited for this. I hope I will picked but we are too many in stardoll. People who will picked are very very lucky ^^

    Iovanca said...

    @ mathilde
    i am an active member on stardoll since 2006 too but i never won covergirl or sceneries or album so i don't think i'll ever get chosen :|
    and @ sara
    the blogs are making stardoll more interesting so that's why we still play it .
    on blogs we have chances to win even without spending tons of stardollars for broadcasts.
    but i like stardoll. it's my 2nd virtual life :p

    Francisca Paulos said...

    Hey.. I'm the winner of the Hb's Silk Dress Poll... yay i'm the lolipop_girl199

    Jenna, plz, contact-me by stardoll's msg. Kiss.

    Samantha Tyler said...

    Sounds interesting Jenna, can't wait ;)

    Anonymous said...

    lol at that dress.

    Maddy/maddy65 said...

    Wow, I'm going to try to get in. I have a feeling they won't choose me though :/

    ♥Petra/Shakira_Avril said...

    Nice idea but lame on the other side :/

    lacestockings/Mary said...

    I totally agree with Gabby1822 :S

    Can't wait for this thing you are talking at the end of the post to be revealed :P

    Júlia said...

    unfair :( in my country, I can't

    Emorox4eva/Jenna said...


    I hate to say, but it's not Gothribbon's idea. For 1 I did it long before them and so did many others. See Miss Sparkle Pageant on the blog. My aunt did it long before me and also Stardoll has done for certain countries in the past like italy.

    Anonymous said...

    not fair about countries

    andreea_9120 said...

    Well,if it's called "Miss Stardoll World" I think it should be open for all the countries.

    August 16, 2010 9:49 AM

    Katsumy / Mailgirl101 said...

    I hate that contest.. because only few countries are able to join it. :(

    August 16, 2010 10:08 AM

    Ooglefish said...!!! There is no way they will look at every single member's suite from the participating countries! So some really good one's will get missed out cos they'll just randomly pick each 18 regardless of suite/outfits.

    August 16, 2010 10:13 AM

    pRiNcEssCRaZy46/Rana said...

    @PwincessSara/Sara Yeah, also if it's a medoll that has like no presence or little work or it is basically not deserving to be in the compeition, we know that it was picked at random.

    Hopefully Stardoll will change their bad lazy habits? :/

    sd_is_da_best said...

    I love this idea, but it is a bit unfair on some countries,At least they can compete in the style challenges. I'm glad they included Ireland though.

    August 16, 2010 10:17 AM

    katara4 said...

    its a good idea, but i'm one of them, who's country isnt mentioned..
    its a bit dissapointing, because i am a active user since 08, and then my country isnt mentioned and others too... :L

    but its sounds interesting

    August 16, 2010 10:30 AM

    callunlover123 said...

    Sounds good, but how will they be able to check out every member's suite from each participating country?

    Even, so looking forward to it I guess.

    August 16, 2010 11:37 AM

    pRiNcEssCRaZy46/Rana said...

    @ andreea_9120 It's not fair but... If Stardoll does really choose these girls fairly and look at EVERY suite (Which I highly doubt), than it would be good to do different countries each year. Because with 70 million members and more... It's impossible!

    joanne1305 said...

    aw T_T.. not all countries can join? my team mates are from Germany and they use this account too, i hope we can also join ^_^ but its okay if not...good luck to everyone! may the deserving doll win..xx

    Anonymous said...

    Waaaw nice!

    Natalia said...

    This is unfair, I don't belong o any of those nations, so its not Stardoll World is like stardoll limited countries competition

    Diva6723 said...

    Its a fantastic idea! I can't wait to see how it unfolds! I'll absolutely be following it :)

    sasukeandnaruto said...

    Wtf? No Canada? Are you kidding?

    Anonymous said...

    I like the end but mu country isn't mentioned. ]:

    Flavia. said...

    uhh so unfair to other coutries!
    i don't think Romania will be mentioned so fast.

    Princesskeyera/Keyera said...

    I'm entering

    koko.6as said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    koko.6as said...

    why did they don't pick israel .. there are a lot of memmbers from israel...

    Lizzy1414 said...

    It sounds cool... but it confuses me... Lol. But I can't wait to see the competition!!

    princessmayoya said...

    wow , nice idea

    l0nelly said...

    that is so good

    Unknown said...

    OMG that's soooo great. I just can't wait.

    And I can't wait either to see what's going to happen here xD

    pRiNcEssCRaZy46/Rana said...

    @koko.6as UMM, Sorry hun it's called PALESTINE not Israel.

    Evie said...

    But, to be honest, there would be loads different countries involved if they included every country.

    I know it's called 'Miss Stardoll WORLD', but there's 195 countries in the World, so they obviously can't include all of them.

    I suppose it's just the countries with most members or something.

    Athena said...

    love the end Jenna :)

    Anonymous said...

    Lol, i love the end :)
    And my country isn't mentioned there either o:
    Cool idea though!

    friendofyou said...

    OMIGOD! :D Can't wait! I'll try to get in :B

    Anonymous said...

    This smells like a pure racism. If they wanna make miss stardoll world competition they should gather people from (almost) all countries then? It's not fair, and I think stardoll's really mean, I think it's really mean, I think it's really mean!lol

    No-one in particular said...

    Awesome, can't wait :] ♥

    Marie Riverwing/rralucaa1996 said...

    Why not Romania ? Why ? There are many great dolls from this country ! I feel bad ...

    MeRy_3mO_ ♥ said...

    Amazing. I'm sure I won't be one of the Italian finalists, but it sound exciting anyway. *-*

    Anonymous said...

    Whoppss my bad, my country is metioned! O:

    Jessica/Jay.Pattinson said...

    Oh man! That will be really really hard to get noticed. And I wonder how it's done...

    But it will be so interesting! I can't wait to see who will be picked to represent Portugal! :D

    And I think that the US and the UK will be the hardest to choose!

    Hepyo said...

    That really sounds like a great competition and the prizes are so hot! but too bad Egypt in not mentioned i am really sad , i mean why they only chose those countries , other countries want to participate too , at least make another competition for them , to make it fair. *sad face*

    BeautyBxxtch said...

    Wow, that sounds amazing! But I have a feeling that they're just going to randomly choose finalists or choose longtime Superstars without actually really looking at a lot of people :/

    Dloo3t almama said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Dloo3t almama said...

    I'm not surprised .. because always stardoll giving the big care to those countries ... 99% of freebies items only for them .. 99% of campaigns also only for them ..and almost of stardoll members are from those even my country was including with them or not .. I'm not interesting about "MISS STARDOLL WORLD" !!!

    unfair =(

    Sara.Brika said...

    Yay cool but im not there my country isnt there :(

    Anonymous said...

    naybe stardoll will make a little range, for example, they will pick those 18 members from covergirls

    Aly // MizzAly said...

    It's a shame they haven't included all countries. said...

    Awesome idea.............I'm so curious about the end :):):):):)

    Evita.Sweet said...

    No my country, ofcourse, as in all special offers!

    Lea said...

    Cool idea, but my country not in the list.

    Fatooni said...

    I think Stardoll is being selfish! I think everyone in the world can join!
    I`m mad at Stardoll!

    But, I can join.


    RihannyX said...

    I think it's an amazing idea, but i'm sad not all the countries can enter :(
    Anyways, i think this is going to be quite big, and so should be the prize.xD

    And i Can't wait to see what's Jenna hiding in her sleeve ;D

    Hrly said...

    like the idea

    nordwalde said...

    Cool xD

    Rab92 said...

    I Got The Mail Aswell, And I`m Male.
    So Do You Think I`d Be Aloud To Enter, Seeing As I Won`t Exactly Be 'Miss Stardoll World 2010' If I Won.


    RachyFrank said...

    It sounds pretty cool.

    Chrissi said...

    i like it ;)

    Anonymous said...

    Like it ;]

    Anonymous said...

    its a great idea :D

    Sarah Ryan said...

    I logged on stardoll today and I found that 1st that they have chosen the finalists but 2nd that I have a blue diamond over my medoll picture! There is some people the same as me and they are quite curious about it too! Please could u check it out! xx Thanks!


    (My name on stardoll is: SarahRoseRyan)
    Thanks! xxx

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